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Posts posted by Kontagious

  1. I must be part of a increasingly small base of people who enjoyed all 6 movies. Even the changes made to the original three don't bother me.


    Yes I watched them in 4-5-6 / 1-2-3 Back when I was little. I also grew up with the end of the original Trek and with TNG/DS9.


    Don't worry. Your not alone on this. I enjoy all 6 of the movies and I find it funny how the people who say that true fans act like the prequels never existed. :rolleyes:


    Does that mean I think the prequels are better than the original trilogy? Of course not, doesn't mean I don't enjoy all 6 movies.


    In relation to this thread, I went in with average expectations and was impressed and hope to be impressed in the future.

  2. biowares vision for ilum was 2 big groups standing in one place next to eachother with everyone getting 5 FPS and all you can see is red names?


    edit: forgot to mention the random loading screens in the middle of combat.


    Welcome to open world pvp.

  3. Thanks for ruining the game for me.... Hotbar is bass ackwards in design.. Shows in full color while in cooldown, instead of "greyed out" with a stupid line moving in it before its ready.... As a warrior who has been trained to see color, this game is now unplayable. In PvP, constantly we monitor the hotbar for color so I know its ready, only to cast nothing because it is not.... Do the people changing this **** even play games?


    I have now logged off and simply can't return until fixed back to normal or the way it was... Its a game breaker and one that can't be trained around.


    Its a 100% game breaker for me.. Hopefully, I can cancel my subscription in time because I simply can't play at all like this.. Not trying to whine like a nine year old.. I am simply stating the fact, that this is so incredibly bad and mentally unplayable.. I simply am forced to quit...


    Is this a bug? Please tell me its a bug


    I believe it is a bug. I'm experiencing it too. Despite this, I don't know how it makes the game unplayable. It would be nice to have it fixed, but I adjusted to it in a matter of minutes. The little bar still goes down the icon so that's what I follow.

  4. Now you are just being silly - what droids? The ones built and programmed for security? Did they also come equipped with paint canisters, and paint removal materials? Oh and it is very much like the empire to take a military resource and have it paint the floor......


    At this point he just doesn't want to admit his complaint is complete fail.

  5. Nice excuse for laziness. I guess they should have just left all the Republic banners up also then huh?


    No, laziness is when you didn't do the tiny bit of research required to learn that the planet was Republic controlled and then Imps invaded.

  6. Just got kicked and getting error 1003 when I try to reconnent, looks like maintenance isn't supposed to be for another hour and a half right?


    Got kicked too. It's the only server down....? I was in the middle of killing a champion. Had him at 10% health. Probably going to log into a dead character now. -.-

  7. With the exception of Female 4 being way too overweight; the Female Bodies are fine


    Males... on the other hand...


    1 looks underdeveloped; not because he's skinny, but because he's half as tall as the rest, and his head is disproportionately large


    2 looks normal, without endgame gear; but ridiculous in endgame gear


    3 looks ridiculous without endgame gear, but normal in endgame gear


    4 looks awful, and should not be in the game, period


    The obvious solution is to add a 2.5 that looks normal in endgame gear, and out


    I agree on you very much here. I think 3 looks great once you get geared up, it's just when you see them without gear they look awkward.

  8. What appeals to you more storywise? A neutral mercenary who is his own boss and does as he pleases, or a courageous, loyal soldier of the republic. They have very different stories.


    You could also take into consideration if you would rather use flame throwers and jetpacks, or ion cannons and grenades. Troopers use bigger weaponry while Bounty Hunters have more gadgets at their disposal.

  9. I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet. I read through somewhat quickly. Anyways the 9600 is notorious for the TLB bug and that tends to cause a lot of performance issues. See this toms hardware thread for some info.




    Here is also an old post related the the issue with some links to fixes.




    The best option honestly is to upgrade your CPU. Hope those help some.


    This was the problem! I just applied this, and now I'm getting 50-60 fps. I think my processor is definitely in due for a upgrade but, this fixed it from the 15- 20 fps I was getting. Thank you so much!

  10. It's very probable it's not the graphics card, as I am running a ATI Radeon HD 5670 (I have a tiny pc, it was the most powerful, small gpu I could get) which is not a gaming card and my lowest FPS is ~30, in very crowded areas.


    (Phenom II X4 965, 8 gb RAM)


    I've had to set the shadows down, but I've not turned them off.


    My CPU is seeing the highest strain during playing, so keep an eye on fan speed and temp. If your CPU has to run on highest fan speed and have dangerously high temp. (over 90) then something is wrong, either it can't handle the game, or it might need a clean.

    Most motherboard manufacturer have their own monitoring programs, or you can search google for "CPU temp monitor", you should check your GPU temp while you're at it.


    My CPU hasn't pushed 54 degrees celsius when running the games and that's with it Overclocked. If there is one thing I have done correctly it is keep my PC cool, it's like an icebox in there.

  11. If you haven't already, set the priority for both SWTOR threads (click 'show for all users') to High. This apparently has helped some people a lot.


    Also, I STRONGLY suspect that this is actually a CPU issue. SWTOR has some funny CPU issues, as evidenced by the fact alone that increasing priority has been reported to help significantly. That should be the starting point for searching, since obviously GPU ain't it.


    How do I do this, someone else told me to do this, but I don't understand what you mean.

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