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  1. Naa it aint about EA:s current wealth im talking. just because they drop 15% now dosent meen that they instantly lose 15% of thier treasury im aware of that ofc. Im talking EA as a brand. The brand is getting damaged when loosing precentage in this pace and a healthy way to stop the bleeding is to whitdraw future expenses for a product that the market feels is failing. that is why i suspect that they will cut of fundings. its not damaging to loose 15% as long as a company is aware of what the problem is and know how to prevent it from diving. In this case its obviously Swtor. I know that we are thinking in the same way but currently i lack of way to express myself and making typos all over since ive been up way to long and my head feels hammerd. I atlest understand exactly what you are typing and i agree fully with the above. Im of to bed this instant and sry of my clumsy way of typing offended you. it was never my purpose .
  2. 15% is a enormus loss for a Company like EA that got so many project up and running and i sence that they are gonna drop down even more, i dont have a clue about to what level they will drop to but they will go down. Ofc not a ender for EA but it might very well be a ender for the fundings of this game. In the bigger picture of the stockmarket it sure is noticed by the crowd but companies has gone bankrupt in a day so sure. there are much worse cases.
  3. Nowdays it seems like nothing for the poor stockholders in general but for EA that is currently worth $ 5,813,194,500 im sure those 900$ felt like a kick in the groin...and adding 300$ more for the game development surely ads som intense feeling of pain. You win some, you lose some
  4. To contribute with something to compare with i pulled this out of my sleave. Its a graph on Funcoms development before and after the relese of Age Of Conan. http://trader.di.se/di/site/stock/stock_info.page;jsessionid=qryigi7ynmqx?magic=(cc%20(detail%20(navigation%20pd)%20(search%20)%20(compare_to%20null)%20(tsid%20178000)%20(period%205*year)%20(type_graph%20standard)%20(ta_enable%20null)%20(pick_date%202007-01-20)%20(from_date%20åååå-mm-dd)%20(to_date%20åååå-mm-dd)%20(top_window%20false))) Those who says that stockmarket got nothing to do with how well a game is working are cluless. Ea have droped about 15% during one months time Funcom took a dive and they did it only a few weeks after release. Aoc is still alive and so are Funcom. The same goes for Ea. there is however a big diffrence between AoC and Swtor. And that diffrens was that bugs in AoC appeard frequently very early in the game and in Swtor its starts to be really enoying first when you reach 50. Dont think that analysts aint aware of this. Ea still got a little time left to pull some magic out of thier sleevs as many many players hasent seen what this game is like beyond 50 yet and EA arent as much depending on this game as funcom were therefore there hasent been a dive like in AoC. 15% is nevertheless a horrificly big number for a company like EA and i can only estimate and play with numbers but by just touching them with my mind it is clear to me that this game is catastrophic failure for EA economicly. Im not sure but ive seen numbers like 300 milj$ invested in this game. but 15% loss on stock market is worth three times that and maybe more in company wealth. if i were a company that wanted to earn money i wouldent blink a second to stop a project like that. I would advise anyone thinking about investing in EA in the near future to hold thier horses if you aint got money to gamble with. Concering Swtor it shows that it is NOT well recived in the big picture. But if you enjoy the game and like to play then for god sake dont stop. Keep enjoying what you are doing but dont slap this in anyones face saying Swtor is a great succes because it aint. And by looking at these numbers it wont be either. This game is gonna loose, if not all then atlest most of thier funding because it aint just bringing in the money and for as long as they are pushing $ into this game the market will recive it negativly and continue to slice of market value of EA:s shares.
  5. Im sure this tiny broker made EA drop 3% today on a stockexchange that preformed green numbers today. Im not saying its a critical downfall but as i have been dealing in shares for some time now i do have a feeling about how numbers work. And that a - sign on a positive day meens that something is happening.
  6. EA’s shares have taken a knock of 3% after analyst Brean Murray Carret & Co cut his price on EA stock from to $22 from $28. The drop comes as concerns are being raised over the sales performance of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Analyst Todd Mitchell has written to clients citing converns over EA’s MMO release adding “Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions,” It is still early to pass any assumptions over the game’s performance, the game was released during a quiet holiday period and many gamers will have been waiting to read reviews and see how the launch went before commiting to to the game. We’ll have to wait until the first free month is over to see how many gamers stay in the game to really see how it is performing. Source: MarketWatch | Tagged As: Star Wars: The Old Republic Categories: Star Wars: The Old Republic Date 19 Jan.
  7. So, Ive decided to end my subscription for Swtor. I had high expectations for this mmo which now however feels more like a single player game then a solid mmorpg. Things that have been bugging me the most is ui bugs and pvp combat. I get the feeling that this game is very unbalanced when it comes to pvp, if you aint playing sorcerer or scrapper you´r already a step behind. This combined with a crappy targeting system, ability delays and fps dives among other things makes this game far from enjoyable in that aspect. Ofc im aware that this is a new product, but its also a extremly well funded product and not beeing able to produce a better game then this for all that mony and for all that development time beeing put into it is a shame. With a little luck and alot of hard work swtor might be a great game in time. I might cheek it out in a few months again to have a look but my stomache feeling tells me that this game is going downhill from here and that there are gonna be alot och pepole ending there subscriptions before then. Qestion is, what the hell im gonna do know, i had planed sticking with this untill spring but as that aint gonna happen i need to find a new game. I aint going back to wow. played that game on and off from 2004-2010. Any suggestions?
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