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10 Good
  1. Sorcerer Suggestions by Takisha: 1) Increase the visibility of buffs/debuffs - they are very small and difficult to assess 2) Include Pet health windows in UI - unable to quickly target without mouse 3) Refresh health rate on UI windows in PVP ** Let me clarify here - I have been in numerous battles where my UI frames will show all the players around me being full health when infact they are dying. I have to target them with my mouse and not rely on UI frames for health updates. 4) Make pets smarter: They continue to beat on the first target selected which is often the crowd control - they should know better! /shock - Their AOE dmg should not break CC either. 5) I have so many spells and cannot use SHIFT + Number to cycle through them - so my UI looks a mess please add more spellbars that are keyboard friendly and not so much mouse clicky 6) Target of Target included in UI options: If we are to CC and Heal I need to see both the target and the target of target instead I'm forced to toggle with the mouse :x As more suggestions arise I will continue to update - Any other sorcerers have solutions to this problem?? -Takisha (Death Wind Corridor)
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