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Posts posted by ModaanOfTarq

  1. [saw another thread similiar, thought I'd reply here. ]


    I'm totally for housing, 100%. I played StarWars Galaxies for eight years and a giant portion of that time, I was in my homes. For me, having my own shop where I could sell wares (crafted & looted) to everyone, was my end-game. I realize this isn't for everyone, so I'm speaking for myself.


    With previous said game, you could place items basically anywhere inside. Ontop of another, rotating some items into a completely new object/etc. We had Galactic showcases, where players could get nominated for "Best Decorated House on "x" Galaxy". A lot of people would spend every online moment they had trying to get their home "just right" in hopes of being nominated ( or winning). If StarWars The Old Republic implemented either instanced housing or outright seperate planets where we could actually live "...in a galaxy, far, far away...", just think of how attractive the game would become. How much longer would a player stay in our universe if they had a home to call their own?


    Again, these are my own thoughts and opinions. I feel if housing wasn't "forced" (pun intended) on people, it would be a great thing.


    It would make a lot of players happy and BioWare would most likely gain a lot more long-term income.

  2. I don't remember the quest name but the questgiver was a doctor on the planet Corellia. It may have been a Class storyline. Most of us know the "May the force be with you" line. Well, this doctor must've been taking some medication because he said the following:


    "May the FLOOR be with you." I kid you not. I was laughing so hard I filed a ticket because I knew somebody missed something. Wish I had taken a screen shot. :(


    (edit for bold type)

  3. In my opinion the restriction shouldn't be changed. I feel darksiders shouldn't be able to use a blue colored saber and vic versa.


    Call me whatever. I don't think it should be altered. Regarding bikes and costs, if the "low end" ones are going to be less and the highest ones are going to be even more credits...then the highest ones should have a more noticable speed difference then the 10% that's between rank 2 and 3.


    I'm not sure I care for the removal of things that a "casual gamer" like myself was working towards. I shouldn't be penalized for working for a living and not being able to get online to "grind like mad" before items "go poof". I don't mind working for something but I don't feel it's fair to make the requirements what they are...and then removing them soon and not have them purchaseable.


    In my opinion.

  4. you can use a credit card or go to like gamestop and buy the gamecards for sw for 60 days its $30




    With Pre-Order CE or Deluxe the info stated "Free 30 day Game time" when it was purchased.


    I'm also wondering about this. I just opened my CE box and there isn't any game card inside.


    Are we missing something?



  5. I'm posting here to voice my opinions. I speak for myself, no one else, in the following. I want Bioware to know how their customer (me) is concerned.



    I work A LOT of hours at work, my game time changes due to the nature of my job. I need to get on, when I'm at home and have the time. I play the time I'm allowed and I logoff.



    If I log in and am put in a 45min que, before I can even PLAY the game I've payed for, this isn't going to be the game for me. (Tonight I can't play because 45mins of the hour I have left tonight would go towards waiting in line)



    With that said, I'll give BW some "wiggle room" because I'm on "early access" and the game hasn't went live yet. I'll give BW some time to correct the obvious errors the game has. Those errors are the following:



    Server sizes are waay too small.


    Server wait times are clearly waay too long


    If a player gets booted, which I did 4 times early this morning (6AM CST), they should not be put back into a 45 minute que.


    Again, I'm going to give you (Bioware) the opportunity the to correct these issues. I believe a month is enough time to correct things. After a months time if I'm still waiting for long ques to get in, getting booted out, then put back into the waiting line, I"ll be cancelling my subscription and writting off online games all together. I'm not going to risk spending my income, if I'm not going to get what I payed for.

  6. That's pretty lame if they don't allow offline players to be friend added.


    I can help with the latter. On the 'who' list, put VADR in the search box up top. It works, I've used it.



    I tried to add a RL friend that is Republic, when I was logged in an Imp, which you cannot do. You also cannot /tell to opposite faction. I logged in Roshi (Rep) and was able to add no prob.



    Might be why I couldn't add Gillies (sp?), dunno. /shrug


    Looks like I used the search right (i put in VADR ), just wasn't anyone on! :)


    MAY be on tonight, most likely will tmrw morn. Works been kickin my ***** lately.


    Thanks fer the help!

  7. Hey, good to see you.


    Look up VADR Imperial side. Just to a who search.


    Rebel side, you've got a couple of good options, IFN, and Trill's guild come to mind offhand. If there are others feel free to post'em other Tarq peoples.



    Greetings! :)


    Hmm. It's probably something my noob-self did but I tried to add "Gillies" as a friend and it said "Not a valid player". It's 5:30am, so that might be why I can't do somethin. lol.


    I'm also unsure how to look up guilds. :)

  8. Greetings my fellow SWG'rs! This is Modaan! :)


    I was able to get logged in and make some toons. When I get back on again tomorrow morning, I'll be on one of the following toons:



    Ussani (Imp)


    Modaan (Imp)


    Roshi (Rep)



    All on Canderous Ordo server. How might I get a guild invite? Assuming there's room for me, and you like me. :)


    I also have a RL friend, that started with me in (SWG) Beta, that's looking to join as well. His in game names are: Sidro/Ordus



    Looking forward to seeing you all in game, soon!

  9. I got in and am idly reading the forums. But I have to go get surgery on my hand. Haven't had anything to eat or drink since last night and now I can't play TOR for 3 hours...]



    Good luck with your surgery! :)

  10. I pre-ordered and like many others, are waiting to try to get in! I would be thrilled beyond thrilled if I were able to get in today. I'm "not normal" and don't have a M-F job, I have Mon/Tues off.


    "Luke, you're are only hope!"



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