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  1. Hey there Bioware and the rest of you. Did a Voidstar ( actually did many ) but coulnd't find out why you changed the game to be " how many doors " you can open , for a win.. when people cant join the fight due to the fact they are stuck on the other side of the switches.. ergo we cant defend that, ( espeicially in the last room ) so the score is 3 - 3.. we are on the defending side.. but when we die we end up in a room.. waiting to get out.. and we wait there for agres just find out we cant defend, because we are stuck on the other side of a barrier.. FIX this please.. and lower the timers on the doors by 5 sec.. also on the set the bomb.. so odd you need like an eternity to place it and just dismantle it with a snap of your fingers... so stupid.. make it balanced. And where the heck is the lvl 30ish gear for pvp.. Did you really want us to run around in lvl 20ish gear for 20 lvls ?? COME ON..
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