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  1. to the OP: I understand. It's hard knowing other people are playing and you can't yet. Feeling frustrated is understandable, it just means you want to get in a play! IF ever I posted something to the effect of "you guys should stop whining", which I"m sure I have, it's not because I was in playing the game. (I just got in this morning) It's because I firmly believe the whining, the ************, the knee-jerk reactions of people actually saying they're goign to play for 30 days then quit is all pure, unadulterated ********. And you know it is. It's just another form of trolling, because we all know the whining and ************ gets the most responses, and certain ones LIVE to see people respond to their flame-posts. I'm not kidding! They live for it! And sure, that's kinda sad and pathetic. But hell, if that makes their day, then I'll help them out and post a response to the *****y whining posts. Makes me feel good to make someone else feel better, right? Like good karma and all that. So no, when we post that "shut up and stop ************" its not because we actually believe you should be happy and content while you wait the play the game you're DYING to play. It's because, my friend, there's not a damn thing you or I can do about it, and once its over? Once your wait is done and your inside shooting lightening bolts out of your freakin fingers, this will all be forgotten. It's all moot. Your fellow gamer, -Quitcha*****in
  2. wow what server are you on? When i first logged on there was 237 people just on Korriban alone. And they were literally everywhere. I talked to a ton of people. I grouped with 2 other guys to do the heroics and we blitzed the rest of our quests together. On my server, there's a hell of a lot of MMO going on!
  3. Your thinking is off, as if it doesn't have any sand-box features it must be shallow then. that's a biased opinion from someone who obviously would rather play a sandbox game. This is NOT a sandbox game. Get over it. It IS however the most in-depth theme-park MMO you could play right now.
  4. I remember the que times for Rift and Aion when they first came out, they were horrible, but after about a full week, suddenly there were 0 que's. So we might just need to bear thru it right now.
  5. free advice: always make sure your legs are not under a desk or table when you knee-jerk like that.
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