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    San Diego
  1. /signed I miss my audio to know when my proc is up.
  2. It's definitely impacting how I played my healing scoundrel. Now with no way to use him to get mobs away from me, I'll have to go to dps. Thanks bioware for driving another healer to dps in pve.
  3. /signed Please let me keep my giggle. It's the one feature that makes me feel like there is a personality to my scoundrel and keeps me invested in her. All the other changes I'll be able to muddle through, those are mechanics, but my giggle... it's my toons heart.
  4. I play a healer and I only group with guildies who are cool with me rolling for an item for my companion if it is an upgrade. I know others may not be cool with it, so I only heal for friends. As a sith sorc healer, I am severely gimped solo without a decently geared Khem Val. Sometimes, Khem is our tank so it works out to everyones advantage when I have him geared well. I spend alot of time artificing, checking the kiosk and farming commendations to get him geared appropriate to my level. If an item pops that is better than I have on him to upgrade, ya I"ll roll need but it's rare. Now that being said, I only use Khem and I'm level 48. Khem and I are essentially siamese twins, which is... sorta creepy but it's the way it is. I don't on items that aren't his class, or items to gear other companions to strip down. So, yes I will roll need on an item that is not of my player class, in specific circumstances. I won't roll if I know it's a great upgrade for one of my friends.
  5. I'm a 46 year old female playing from San Diego on Jekk Jekk. And yes, you very likely have been fragged by someone old enough to be your mom.
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