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Posts posted by Manweth

  1. They seriously need to put "THIS CLASS'S DPS SPEC. IS ONLY VIABLE AFTER LVL 30." in the description of the advanced class selection screen.


    Lvl 50 Vigilance GRD owner here = Can't be happier. I slaughter mobs like a Terminator, and with Doc at your side, you never have to stop to regen.


    Stick with it till lvl30 and overhead slash/costfree sweep.


    Plus, saber throw and push comes in and the fun starts :D


    Mark my words, walking slaughter machine.


    EDIT: There is no "rotation", there is only the priority young Padawan.


    GRD /sent./ Juggernaut / MRD can't have a rotation due to their extremely action and proc oriented talents and damage dealing mechanics. Plus, animation times makes rotations useless since as a melee class, it is guaranteed you will be CCed at some point.


    Rotation is a lie, there is only the PROC.

  2. Does anyone realize how ridiculous these keybinds started to seem like.


    And I've got one just like it too! Much as I enjoy playing Vig. DPS build much, it is taxing on both nerves and hands and eyes.


    Now the tanking as far as I've seen is single-target oriented. Funny thing is, it's also has to do with the skill of the player.


    One friend of mine is fully tank specced and another is hybrid DPS, hybrid DPS holds aggro ten times better in FP/heroics.

  3. didnt go full vigilance cause plasma brand or whatever doesnt seem an improvement over anything? as far as I can see overhead with his talents is enough, zealous leap etc is gold


    Truth b told, I thought the same thing, but Overhead SLash is vastly different from plasma brand which actually does more damage on the DoT side.


    If you want PvP as a priority, DoT is not prevalent but in a PvE/raiding environment, it's simply better.


    The thing is, both overhead and plasma can reset master strike with a full vigilance spec, and they don't share CDs which is a big plus. Again, PvE build.


    If you want PvP, it'd be good to go 7/32/2. For PvE, 2/36 /3 seems better.


    On a seperate note; we all began obsessing like hyper-efficiency freaks again. This IS NOT a good thing imho.... Next we will be discussing a rotation that has to include all the 15+ skills of GRD class( Which is INSANE.)


    Maybe it's best to just say "Play like you want, choose what you feel is best."

    I'm like jolee bindo in this, I'm big on letting people figure things out for themselves.

  4. Am I the only one that went nearly fully Vigilance spec?


    It's tough at PvP, I'll admit, but even now I can do fairly reasonable work in PvP.


    In PvE however, my GRD evolved into a beast. A single target-DPS nightmare that downs mobs in record time. I think Sentinels are a little bit faster than I am, but in the end, they don't have the armor rating to go with.


    I nearly have all the vig. skills maxed out with sundering strike improvement from defense side and force-attack crit. from focus side.


    I really don't understand the hype with hybrid builds.


    Most of the really powerful skills are always at the top or near the top of the trees.

  5. I have hit 36 with my Vigilance GRD and I gotta say, it really is growing into a hellish beast. Monstrous DPS bursts combined with interrupts and ofc, PUSH is just insane. Add to that the newly trained Saber Throw......


    Thing with GRD is that it requires almost insane visual acuity. You need to be a fast keyboard jockey and a man(woman) with the visual acuity of a fencer (incidentally, I'm fencer). There are so many skill procs and CDs it's a bother while getting used to your keyboard setup around lvl 20-28ish.


    After you get used to it, class becomes a blast.


    PRoblem is, or a blessing from a certain point of view, not everyone can pull off these criteria.


    I'm beginning to suspect that this is the reason why I've seen so many Troopers lately.


    Funny thing is, Sentinels are even worse off. Least we got panic buttons that actually save our behinds.


    Oh and nerdraging? SO not cool man, so not cool.

  6. I dunno I'm digging the SWTOR tracks...of course I still say the best thing to come out of Cataclysm was the music....mainly because they Gave David Arkenstone so many tracks to do



    ARE you two SERIOUS? Holy hell, this game has one of the BEST soundtracks in an MMO that I've ever heard. Just go to youtube page and listen! It's epic in sound form. It's orchestrated, it's well composed and it fits the game.

  7. The interesting fact is that Blizzard, in cold panic and sweat, offered 2 weeks of free play to nearly anyone in their database..


    I laughed to that offer of course.


    On another note; WoW has been dying before TOR came out. The deal with china already dropped them near to 4.8M subs, and people leave it still.


    WoW is OLD. For people saying that if TOR doesn't innovate they'd go back...


    Well, you may not find a game worth going back. Just move on already it has been 9 years, it's lifespan is done.


    Edit: as another interesting fact, Bioware said that only 500k subs were enough for them but seriously, who expects this? I think it'll stabilize around 2M subs in a year and it even may grow, but even if it didn't, they still make a KILLING.

  8. Let me tell you just this one thing.


    How different you could play WoW? Only 2 ways, Horde or Alliance.


    How different you can play this game..... Let me see:


    3 different story outcomes with every class. 8 different class. 24(!!) initial different storylines.


    Add to that the fact that nearly every other quest comes with a choice, this is an RPG gamers ******IC DREAM.


    I for myself will not stop playing till I finish all classes and some of them at least twice with different alignments...


    That should take about at least 3 years.

  9. I was seven years old when my father became giddy like a child and started talking about this awesome thing called star wars. So when mastered old movies came out, he took me to them.


    It was AWESOME.


    Later, two years later to be precise, he and I went to Phantom Disaster. Mind you, he was extremely cross about the movie but since I was a 9 year old, I was extremely happy. (I hated Jar Jar at that age, no probs.)


    Edit: You guys are OLD. :D

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