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Everything posted by JargoFett

  1. Just add my voice to the group of naysayers but why should anyone bother? Pubs since launch have been the undergdogs most of the time. Why is that? Well, Bioware decided to give Sages a lame customization in that they gave the Sages/Shadow (Two popular classes on the Imperial side) rock throwing instead of something cool like force lightning. I don't know about you but I personally find electrocuting someone much more satisfying than throwing a huge chunk of rock at them. As for skill discrepancies, pub side has some good players too. They can win some games sometimes but for the most part, I just watch pubs get stomped every match or when they do make an attempt, they do so to purely focus on deathmatch to validate their 3-cap loss. So I ask you again, why should anyone bother? Why play on a faction where a vast majority of the good players don't even bother logging in their toons? Why not just have everyone play imp all the time where you have a better chance of getting carried by a good PvP team than you do of just getting stuck with a bunch of "pub pugs"? I mean if you can get some of these conquest-focused PvE guilds to swap pubside and stop que'ing up impside so we can stop carrying them all the time, that'd be great but otherwise, I don't think the majority of impside PvP guilds or PvP'ers are interested in having to carry more than they already are on imp side.
  2. For some of us, it isn't always... I sometimes have only time for one more pull because my guild needs me hence why I leave after a wipe cause I don't have time to run through another. The reasons why I even raid (pug) if I know I'm going to be close in time to my guild raid time is cause I'm not actually. I usually give myself 2 hours or so before raid to do a gf or something else but sometimes, due to various reasons, we run over the time allotted and I end up only having one more pull left before I really need to get the group I was scheduled/asked to run with. For some however, I'm sure it is a lie and is about as convincing as the lie that the gas line on your washer broke..
  3. I'm sure that someone will miss you here but I have no idea who you are. I've been playing on The Harbinger and PvP'ing here for a while now and I've also asked some other PvP'ers I know that have also been playing here a while and I still have no idea who you are. Are you Bantle with another rename or something?
  4. I've noticed I have much more luck winning in mids on my Pub than I do my imp but for some reason, that skill doesn't seem to translate to their 65s cause I played 10+ matches last night and pubs lost every single one to my imp side group.
  5. I've been playing on the Harbinger in PVP consistently almost daily for 2 years now and during that time, I've only seen one person using a speed hack in those years so your statement about "a lot of people" using them seems like you either don't know how speed buffs work on characters or you just saw one person doing it and so you decided to say "a lot" and to use it as a way to bash The Harbinger server.. which seems to be all you do in "a lot" of your posts.
  6. Harbinger (or Garbinger) wasn't so bad until a bunch of these trash people like this "Kytera, smh" and others transferred here from some other server.. so thanks for those people guys as if the Harbinger's community wasn't toxic enough. Recently, I've taken to just putting general and PvP chat in a different chat tab all together because I just don't care any more. The level of toxicity, stupidity and overall troll-like attitude of the people in those channels just makes me wonder as to how this server's community isn't voting on which server to run away to. But I would like to point out another thing, a majority of these "toxic" people you see in these channels are usually "solo ranked champs". In other words, they play solo ranked and decided that they're gods and everyone else who does worse than they do in solo ranked are trash and should unsub and they thus proceed to bring their toxic trash talk into the channels mentioned above so all that to say, I believe (and hope) that most people on this server aren't that way... I've met plenty of people on this server who are not that way and just looking to play the game and have some laughs and aren't looking to become the "rising star of solo ranked" or something along those lines. I say all this in hope of giving some hope to those who have transferred here recently or at all so that you can gain hope in realizing that not everyone on this server is a complete and total douche. On the topic of the thread however, this server is one, if not the highest, popping servers for ranked in general. Obviously, since Overwatch and others games were released. Group ranked has been practically dead here for the longest time. We may have a few teams who play every once in a while but there's no regularity to it but I believe this to be the same with most servers. As for solo ranked, I've only met a more toxic community in LoL. They'll bash you for everything you possibly could've done wrong and I can guarantee you that it'll never be their fault so whilst the pop may be high on this server, the chances of you enjoying yourself in there are so slim that you might as well be eating slim jims while you play. If anyone has any further questions than feel free to shoot me a PM or replying here. As I said in another thread, I've been knocking out DvL event stuff so I haven't been as active in the PvP community but I can give you a rough impression of how I believe things are.
  7. Why swap to a faction that loses to BBaB? even most pugs on the impside can beat BBaB so don't know why any guild would want to swap to another faction where you know every match you'll be carrying the other 4 members of your team against even easy guilds like BBaB...
  8. ^ This. I haven't seen much of these guys since as I mentioned I haven't been playing much PvP lately but before I stopped, I saw these guys a few times and they do well in PvP.
  9. There's not really many truly PvP-focused guilds left on The Harbinger (or really, this game in general). Most of the "PvP-group guilds" either last for a week and disband then rejoin into another guild or they swapped to Overwatch/whatever other game. There is a couple guilds that do a majority of PvP and have some cool/good players. Like A Beautiful Death, The Imp Hand, Fight Club, and PvP Gods are the only big ones I can think of at the moment.. the rest are usually pretty small and only have pre-made sized groups for their entire guild. The rest of the guilds you'll see in PvP are really PvP-conquest focused guilds if you know what I mean. (A couple of those guilds that are quite large and you'll see quite often are Blood bath and Beyond, Vice, and Kai'Sithari). They have some OK players but their reputation as an entirety is terrible and their playerbase as well. So while they may have a few good ones, I can safely assure you that the vast majority of the players in a PvP-conquest guild will make you want to leave. As for pub side, you got pretty much just Fight and Reactor that's worth even mentioning.. the rest of the pub guilds are just doing it for conquest and might have some decent players but overall, they're farm material. If anyone knows differently than what I've said then feel free to mention so. I've been playing a lot of DvL event so haven't been paying too much attention to the PvP scene but I felt this was pretty straightforward.
  10. I play mostly on the Harbinger so I don't know how any other servers are but I know the queues at least recently (since the DvL event) the queues have been considerably lower. It used to be about 5-9 minutes before a queue pop but now it's about 10 - 12 minutes but obviously, if I swap to my midbie/lowbie toon, then I get queue pops that take only 2-5 minutes so it seems that with this event that a majority of the population is participating so I wouldn't worry too much about "PvP dying on the Harbinger". You'll just have to suffer through higher queue times until people hit 65 and start que'ing with their undergeared toons that they will have no skill on. Definitely going to hate the upcoming weeks/months in PvP.
  11. Dude, you're seriously complaining about the fact that a group of guilds with the same name and same leadership (so thus same rules, which if you actually knew someone in BBB, they would tell you is to get personal conquest each week)?! I mean obviously, along with the fact they're obviously pushing the boundaries on the 1000 members cap, it's never been any surprise that they win every week. I feel like you made this post just because your guild (which I assume is of smaller size) was defeated. Which in that case, it's not an exploit. You just don't like the fact that because they are constantly recruiting that they obviously fill their ranks with semi-active/active players and thus reach super high conquest each week. Now do they do other things that may boost their conquest points even higher? Most likely, since it seems almost everyone who does this pointless add-on. I'm really just surprised people are complaining about how BBB wins conquest on 3 planets but not about how absolutely terrible all their members are in PvP...
  12. alt-tabbed mercenary warzone killing blows - 30 http://imgur.com/mO8pe98
  13. If we have to suffer through this event then why can't he as well? 'nuff said.
  14. So will level 50 legacy people be able to do this event or will we need to swap servers and unlock another legacy so that we don't have have any of the achievements? I noticed someone said below that they would most likely add a new achievement tab so we don't have to create a whole new legacy and I also got that impression from the "Unlock HK-51 from your legacy tab" but I'm just wanting to make sure so I can properly plan ahead and begin my preparation for the grindfest that'll be this event.
  15. Lol @ people saying Fight can actually win games or is in any way good at PvP
  16. and I have no problem with that but when you phrase your beginning post with "Look at this new exploit stealth classes have!" it makes you seem like all you're attempting to do is get someone to start an argument with you over why it isn't, which you successfully did with some people it would seem. I don't mind it being fixed back to be more difficult but as multiple people have mentioned within this thread, this game just can't support something like that cause if I recall correctly, the reason they did away with that way back was because people were unable to get behind snipers without practically being on top of them if they sat in a corner or back to a node/cliff. It was ridiculous and made it darn near impossible to get off a sap cap or opener. In other words, a case of Bioware's obvious hand holding. Another instance of why It's not an "exploit" and just Bioware hand holding noobs is what they did for the Sorc class, which is buff their abilities to the point where it's easy mode to play them. Sorcs madness, they turned into ez-mode by making DoT spec practically tab target and DoT and watch the numbers roll but also be a more survivable and viable DPS than me on my merc or Operative. They also made Sorc healing into something so easy that my 12 year old cousin can log on and after 5 minutes of me showing him how to hit the necessary buttons that he can do 2+ million heals. So once again, this "stealth class 180 not really 180 exploit" is not an exploit. This is just another example of Bioware's hand holding of those who can't be bothered to learn how to play. The reason I originally replied harshly to your original post is because I was astounded that anyone would complain about Operatives instead of about how stupid easy sorc is compared to how it was in the past. but I guess I shouldn't be too surprised because #NerfOperatives, right?
  17. Once again, this is just another troll bait thread which has obviously already gotten some people to bite. There's no reason to start another thread with such an argumentative statement in the beginning unless you're just trying to start a flame war in the posts about pre-made vs solo queue, which is an already on-going conversation in another thread and I believe has been one for the past couple of years so there's no excuse of "i didn't see the other thread l0l". At the end of the day, there's no reason to take this guy seriously, there's no reason to reply to this guy and when you do either of those all you are doing is feeding this obnoxious troll.
  18. Just to drop my 2 cents in but I personally wouldn't even bother replying to this oldRepublicRevan guy. His posts on the PvP forums have been obviously redundant and huge troll bait. I mean everyone knows Operatives and Assassins have had this ability since 3.0 at least. The only reason to start a thread about this now is cause either A.) this guy is a moron and thinks everyone should have to attack when opening from behind strictly from behind when they play a stealth class or B.) he just wanted to make some troll bait post and see how it went. I mean hey, it's whatever you want to do as far as replying to this guy and his stupid argument, I personally just don't see any point in feeding this moron.
  19. pub side has some life but not as much as imp side so while it may take you 10 - 30 minutes to get a group together on the imp side, it'll take you an hour or so on the imp side as far as GF goes. PvP is about the same with longer queue times I believe than imp side.
  20. Operative's Teleport doesn't work either as I found out abruptly last night but I don't know about Shadow/Sins
  21. A Beautiful Death would be more than happy to have you and we run both PvP and PvE. Just shoot any of us that you see online for an invite and just tell them Sam sent you.
  22. I apologize but I need to correct you on a few things. BBB is exactly what this guy is trying to avoid which is a "PvP/PvE guild that really only PvPs for conquest." BBB is that guild. I've only ever seen them during a PvP conquest and I always leave when I'm with them because they're incredibly bad for supposedly such a great "PvE/PvP guild." As for the rest, Ghost Infantry (as far as I know) has mostly left the game or taken a break due to Bioware's bolster bug. Clickers is a good guild and their GM is a pretty cool guy but I personally haven't been in their guild so don't know what their members are like. I personally also haven't Blue Octagon/Red Octagon in a while except for AugustX... A couple other guilds that are more PvP-focused than PvE are my own guild "A Beautiful Death" and a few others such as; "Fight Club", "maad cuz bad", "girl with a broken mic", "Kai'Sithari". These are a few guilds I know do well in PvP and are definitely worth a look into but really, I just recommend to the @OP that he avoid BBB (Blood Bath and Beyond).
  23. With bolster being broken as it is, are you still accepting records or are you closing down shop until they fix it?
  24. Have you tried doing it a couple times? Supposedly if you do it 20+ times it works. That error is more or less because the address is and it's unable to find the seed server that hosts the downloadable. If you continue to re-try then eventually will pick up the seed server with the correct downloadable. Hence why some people are continuing to work after 20+ tries. The reason they didn't put the entire process of that in their logs is because it'd be too long and nobody would bother reading it so they just put a default "can't retrieve patch data. check your internet connection". That's at least what I was told and think as well
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