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Everything posted by InsaneJohn

  1. Anyone else get so tired of reading the same post over and over and over? Dude CHILL OUT. If you actually want to do something constructive quit your complaining and bring something construcvite to the table. If you think your such a perfect snowflake then make your own MMO and try to make millions of people happy all at the same time.
  2. TheRealMesk- Seriously if your going to post something please A. make it have value to the topic. and B. make sure your comments dont make you look like such a tool. Your group of 3-4 does not "carry" the other 5-4 people playing. You may think this and you may combat with me that this is not the case, but your special club decoder rings do not make you better at pvp. --------------------------------------------------------- Now to the real topic. I will have to agree as far as the progression of gear goes in pvp it is some what flawed. Most people just go straight for champ bags for their gear. This is a FAIR SYSTEM random is as fair as you can possibly get and by denying that your just lying to yourself. Or you just dont want to comprehend this fact. I will agree i do not like random. I like to min/max my gear based on what i have. Example: i have an amazing set of gloves and a bad helm. I would rather get champ helm then gloves at this point in time. Random makes it to where i have no choice of that kind of gear i get. I strongly encourage the system to go by something other then valor. A system im sure with rated warzones they will bring. Valor is a over all system. Its not by skill or anything like that its time. We need a rating system and have a progression of points towards gear. Just my thought. Again RANDOM IS FAIR, but i also do not like a random gear system.
  3. im not mad. like i said im not trolling it i just was curios as to a potential plan to resolve the issue.
  4. any idea what will be done about server population? 3 days from its actual launch and most play times all servers are heavy-full. My worry is come launch its going to be even worse. Not trolling and i love the game so far, but i like being able to log in and play not log in wait 30min in a q and then play.
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