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Everything posted by Klaleara

  1. SOTA or whatever is an odd game. There are some neat aspects, and some really...not neat. Tabula Rasa was going to be amazing, and it just came out unfinished. Partly due I'm sure to the fact that they completely revamped the game from fantasy/tech super colors crazy fantasy MMO, to sci-fi grim dark. They left a lot of potential though. Focus'd on being a normal MMO, when tehy should have done what SWG did. Added a lot of non-combat professions. Doctors, entertainers, pilots to drop off troops. There was SO MUCH potential there, that they just didn't take advantage of.
  2. Wasn't it the Golden Age or whatever the reason SWG started to drop? Because it tried going more mainstream. I looooved how they incorporated force users, super awesome system. That and bringing people into Taverns was also neat.
  3. Honestly I was kind of hoping for something along this line with the xpac. Maybe not so grandiose as what you're saying. But NPCs actually attacking each others bases, possibly capturing them if players don't intervene, etcetc. A lot of games are adding these to their MMO's as of late too (A lot being really only TR and GW2 that I know of).
  4. I know, I miss that. Also RIP Tabula Rasa.
  5. One thing I love is a raging battle around me. And some of the intro levels have some of firefights breaking out. But the moment I step in, all the allies stop firing, and the enemy focus's me. Does this get better later, even the xpacs? Or am I stuck with mediocre feelings of being at a war?
  6. oh....that sucks.... Do any decisions carry over, or just "You completed these, hurray you!"
  7. I just got to level 60, and have done only done the False Emperor chain. Curious if there are any others that I really should do before entering "The Hunt"? Like the Revan chain, or Dread War, etcetc. I can always go back and do them, I'm just curious if there is anything story related that I should do before entering the expansion.
  8. I believe I solved it. Needed to get some influence, and get some of the Follower quests out of the way. That or just time was needed.
  9. I'm at the Ilum security token vendor, and I'm unable to buy either of Xalek's customizations. When I attempt to buy it, it just says "The Item is Unavailable". Detailed, I know. I have a security token I have already purchased several items, including follower customizations. Xalek is the only one with issues. I do currently have Xalek. I have tried him with me, and without. I have the money to purchase it. Any ideas?
  10. I'm looking for one of the Thrones. My server has one on GTN, but it is the only one I really don't care about (Shadow). So curious if the crates come back, so I can get a shot at getting the Throne. Or will I forced to ride in a regular vehicle like all the other peasants? Please note, I am aware of the Grand Chance cubes, and the Omega level rare chance that the Throne might drop from it.
  11. I'm playing a Sith Operative, and I'd like to think my character is very loyal to the Empire, and will do what it takes to not be noticed as an Operative. With that, I run immediately into the issue where half the choices I want to make are Dark (Being loyal to the empire), and some being Light (Not outright killing everyone I see). So, do I really have to pick a side? Or can I just play my character without much consequence?
  12. A followup on this. When should I look at ANY of the expansions? I just subsribed, and thats it. So unsure when I should be looking at anything else.
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