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Everything posted by sofiebear

  1. Revamping the old recruitment thread a bit! Recruitment is closed at the moment. Thank you for your consideration. We are an Imperial guild that is heavily focused on end-game content. We strive to be the best at anything we attempt. As of current we have two raid teams farming current Hard mode content ideally in preparation for the release of the Nim versions of the Dread Operations! Our current guild Progression of the new content is: 5/5 HM Dread Fortress 5/5 HM Dread Palace 5/5 NIM Terror From Beyond (Plus- the "From Beyond" title!) 7/7 NIM Scum and Villany High raid awareness Maintain a mature attitude Willingness to learn and apply knowledge in a raid environment quickly Take criticism well Remain drama free Remain reliable and consistent with availability Most of all- Have fun and be able to joke around!!! If you are interested, please fill an application out at propervillains.enjin.com or message any of the following names for more information! Wisteria / Snobunny / Emisha Tasmen / Taslin / Tazmen Sev'ak
  2. <Proper Villains> is 4/5 SM Dread Palace.
  3. <Proper Villains> is 1/5 HM Dread Palace!! Server first maybe? You've missed these chairs
  4. I'm not a huge fan of allowing mirror guilds into the list. I just get the impression that people are just decking their mains out in legacy gear and smuggling to the mirrored faction. Obviously its not always the case, but it just doesn't sit right with me.
  5. If the thread will no longer be maintained, I have a bit of time I could reserve to that if need be. This thread is just such a wonderful asset for the PVE community. It'd be a shame for it to disappear.
  6. 60%. Learn to number better Az. :3 Edit: Has a decision on the change of formatting for the thread been made? With 2.4 coming on Tues, it would probably be smart to figure something out asap.
  7. Has anyone heard news on if we're gonna be able to RE 75s come the new patch?
  8. Guild: Proper Villains Guildmaster: Wisteria Faction: Empire Purpose: Progression PvE Guild website: propervillains.enjin.com
  9. We're currently only missing 1 tank and possible 1-3 solid dps for a second group in preparation of 2.4's new content! Feel free to drop a line to myself (Wisteria/Emisha/Snobunny) or Tasmen (Tasmen, Taslin, Tazmen) for some more info or just feel free to leave an application at our website!!
  10. If we do use a Shadowlands-esque formatting... can we just use prettier colors?
  11. I would love to see either a Harbinger style or a "prettier" version like they do on Shadowlands. I feel until the titles become farm status, there's no reason to take them off the list. The NIM ops are still an accomplishment to strive for on our little server and we should give recognition to anyone who plans on going for it! But new content should always take priority for the top of the list. Perhaps to de-clutter the list if we were to switch the formatting, make a "pre-2.0" section within a spoiler so the first post isn't too long when you're scrolling down? Putting things like KP, EV, EC, 10 stack Dread Tooth, Golden Fury, etc in it? Edit: It would definitely eliminate that type of issue with a simple reformatting. Though people can claim one to be harder than the other, both are still an accomplishment. I feel they shouldn't be compared in that way. It opens up too much rooms for future frustrations and arguments.
  12. Send me mats and I'll start crafting things up for you. We can talk specifics if you catch me in game or feel free to send an in game mail if you have any questions to my pub, Rosale. I check her about once a day. Also: Rosale / Emisha can now craft Advanced Volition Enhancement 31, Advanced Adept Enhancement 31 and Advanced Battle Enhancement 31.
  13. Also: Emisha / Rosale can now craft Underworld Field Tech's MK-V Package. 400k+mats. 172 Endurance 159 Cunning 79 Accuracy Rating 110 Power
  14. Please remove Singapura/Riskywhiskers from the list as he has left the server. (Sadly! </3)
  15. I'm still crafting! Accidently forgot to check my pub toon's mail as excessively this past week. Its a whole lot easier to catch me on Emisha. Sorry if I haven't gotten back to you!
  16. I don't doubt with a few more solid pulls we will down it. Just until then I'll qq my heart out. LOL <3
  17. Welcome to all our new members! Always looking for people on Imperial side motivated and interested in progressing through nightmare content! We have a particular interest in skilled tanks!
  18. Glad to see a bunch of you guys back in the PVE scene!
  19. Hello! Feel free to check out <Proper Villains>! We're a late night PVE guild that currently farms all hardmode content and are currently 1/5 NIM TFB. If you'd like to know any more feel free to send me a tell in game on my toons Wisteria or Emisha. I'd love to chat if you're interested!
  20. There'll be a decent market for them. I know a few people who have asked me for them. I'll definitely refer them over to you!
  21. Damn! Was just gonna try another tomorrow! Congrats!
  22. I'm so glad I could help sweetie!! That was such a great parse!!
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