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Posts posted by Punkre

  1. Actually I agree to a minor point in that it feels like actions do not have consequences, but I am speaking for dark as well as light actions.


    It feels like regardless of your actions the same outcome will come from any given action, even on a short term issue it never felt like disobeying direct orders (be it light or dark options) gave any real negatives to my character, at the least I should be docked my pay if I choose to not do the mission to original specs.


    That said, I do feel like the Sith empire feels like a real dictatorship, based heavily on a class system that boarders on being a caste system (slaves give birth to slaves, its near impossible to get out of being a Sith if your born force sensitive.) and over all the way characters will treat you very differently if your a Bounty Hunter compared to a Sith Warrior, or certain Sith treat you just based on either being born a slave (SI) is really well done.


    Sure some of the storylines feel trite, or just lacking polish, but the Empire as being discussed here feels genuine.


    Your right OP it isn't the Horde, the Horde were basically the actual good guys of WoW, but then again WoW didn't really have politics. I mean both sides were dictators that either used a monarchy or a tribal based system to determine leadership.

    But WoW's story was pretty pathetic for the longest time, and still is completely lacking.


    The main character in WoW is Thrall, not you, you just follow him around bringing buddies to kill things he hates. Swtor is a 1000x the game WoW is if were just talking about story, and your carebear attitude towards the Sith Empire is completely forgetting that our world has areas that exist EXACTLY like the Sith Empire.



    Sith Empire = insert any dictator regime that committed genocide. (hint their is a lot of them.)

    Yes, we should make the Sith much less evil just because its in a scifi setting of a video game. Teens can and should be able to handle all aspects of Swtor, or their parents are bad at teaching them what the world is really like.

  2. Bounty Hunter 8.0

    Gets good marks on companions, definitely the best number of companions in one class. loses points due to the 3rd chapter and ending.

    Imperial Agent 9.0

    Best story so far, loses a little due to a lack of an epic ending and the fact that more than a few of the companions feel lacking.

    Sith Inquisitor 3.0

    SI was insanely boring, and this whole wait till the middle of the 3rd chapter to get ok idea is bull. Worst companions of any class so far. Worst story so far.


    Will vote on the Sith Warrior when I get the chance to finish it, but so far its better than the BH, and on par with the IA.

  3. Its probably not gonna be told in the game for a few reasons:


    You have to remember that these characters were playing have a story, that means they would be long and dead when all these events happened. It would be like operatives that never got to see the soviet union fall apart, sure we know now that it happens but back then no one knew what was going to happen.


    The "cold war" era we are in lasts generations, meaning the only thing we will get is alluded to info unless the people at Bioware at some point decide it wouldn't eff up the story too much to have a book come out that shows what happens in 500 years.


    I mean, unless they eventually have it that your Sith character gains immortality (at least in aging.) during the storyline, it shouldn't matter too much.

  4. The SI is so far the worst story.


    I have played the BH to almost the end (I got to corellia.)

    and I found it to be a little dull of a chapter as the main antagonist was reveled in chapter 2 and rarely came in to conflict till the very end. Revenge is a good motivation, which it seems is the running theme of the Bounty Hunter, but the thing about revenge is that it needs to be a constant motivator behind everything and by the time you kill the 2 guys they demand you kill first it gets out of focus.



    I am starting my Sith Warrior just recently, so I can't say too much on it, except that I feel cheated that I already got to manipulate 100% more times than I have on my SI.


    The Imperial Agent was really fun, so far it is the best.

    It does get a little slow in chapter 1 at times, but chapter 2 more than makes up for it. The 3rd chapter hurts more due to pacing and a lack of a cohesive meta plot, and its ending is a little lack luster as it feels more like a "too be continued..." type of ending rather than some dramatic ultimate ending like the SI or SW has.



    The SI just feels like it has the worst companions, the worst romance arcs, and the lack of doing anything cool.

    Its like in the Bounty Hunter missions: I got to beat up nobles, carbon freeze enemies, and make deals over peoples lives. As the SW I got to manipulate people, kill people which I thought in other storylines were unkillable, and shift my weight around towards "lesser" classes. As an Agent I got to defy Sith Lords, turn on my own people, seduce half of the galaxy.



    As a SI:

    I got to force shock some people... I don't get to manipulate, I never get to throw my Lord title around, and I get a villain who is really only after me because it is how things work with Sith's. Heck I don't even know my character's motivation except that I apparently want to get rid of the slave system of the empire and possibly become a ship captain.


  5. Some classes feel better than others, and it is clear that the random missions and many planet missions were done with the mindset of a specific class and even sometimes gender in mind.


    Whats worse is that many times when you choose the middle of the road or "not completely dark / light choice" it feels like the story punishes you by not giving you a better ending.

    A good example of this is the ending of the Imperial agent act 1.


    Certain classes feel real crappy (Sith Inquisitor.) Others just seem to have really bland chapters (most of the time it feels like chapter 2 of each story is very generic. except for the Agent.) But at least with most of the bland chapters you have interesting character dynamics going on, with memorable parts.


    I have also mentioned that at times I feel bad that this game lets me do things like switch companions out because they don't like certain actions I take, (makes me feel like I am treating Ensign Temple like a Mafia wife.) especially when I sleep around with random npcs during missions and get 0 flak from it afterwords.


    Of coarse I can only speak from empire side, as I am holding off of playing republic till I finish my SW.

  6. Its not that they are supposed to be "Bi", but that they are supposed to be neutral till you push them towards a certain interest.


    A certain class companion is a good example of what I am talking about:


    Jaesa is a prime example of this, she is not really a grey character, she is either a dark or a light character depending on your actions.



    And as said before for all the homophobes: "no character is going to hit on you unless you choose the dialogue options marked as [Flirt]" Which is currently how the OGRA's currently work. And if you don't even want to see ANY even possible [flirt] options with OGRA, well too bad and grow up.


    I believe it was stated that they want to only make the new companions and characters SGRA acceptable as the problem with making past characters acceptable to romance options would be too much work to add in. Plus many would feel like they might be forced into rerolling just to obtain such options as they have already gone through the majority of the conversations in game.

  7. Like the above poster stated, if you want a good act 2 play Imperial agent, you might end up with a bit of a lack of a "epic" ending though as the trade off.


    SI act 2 was really boring, heck half of act 1 for SI sucked as well, Balmora was an aweful story, with very little characters and not much of a point. Alderaan was equally worthless. And only Nar Shadaa ends up having any point latter on in the story.


    The pacing is really bad in some of the stories, and personally I find that act 3 for the SI really doesn't get much better till much latter, basically while its ending.

  8. Yea, I completely agree. I redid my romance conversations like 100x with Kaliyo and Temple. I still regret going with Temple, and my kinda hate that my character ended up getting married with her so early.


    I mean it just doesn't feel right to give us this option so early, I mean I know the characters couldn't make it "official" but still, it just felt off... All I am saying is their is a reason most shows have characters get married only after they have pretty much done everything possible that they can with the relationship, break up, get back together, cheat on each other, kill for each other, pine over a love they think they can't get back... etc.


    Personally I feel like with my bounty hunter they at least made me wait till the end of chapter 2 to get with Mako, and I am not so sure I want to get married with the character if the romantic relationship took this long just to get started.


    That's what I like about him. This little bit of comraddery he has with his companions. With the SW, all his companions are forced to work for him, weather they like or not. Exeptions are maybe Broonmark and Jaesa, but if you're dark side, Jaesa following you doesn't make any sense. Quinn and Pierce can't leave once they started, because it's their job now, Vette is a slave. SW doesn't feel connected to his companions, plus, they hate each other.


    At least your companions have a reason for being with the SW, the SI companions just completely and randomly follow the SI. They all have a lack of a character besides Ashara and Khem, who are really the only 2 that contribute ANYTHING to the story.


    Ashara's romance is so effin bad it makes any other romance arc in the game look amazing.


    Its also about the little things, during your missions your choices are a joke, at no point did I look at a choice and laugh at my ability to manipulate, or in general feel anything for anything I did. I think one of the main Bioware guys said it best when he said the ability to gain an emotional connection to a video game is what they have always strive for, and in the SI case they have completely failed.


    Except for possibly anger, all I have is anger for the SI wasting my time when I could have been playing a good class.

  10. Their are a few choices that have some ramifications latter on:


    The Agent one:

    is Watcher X btw, and Kaliyo states several times "how important it is that she wants you to kill him."



    As for the SI: I played up to 38, got really bored and can't stand the storyline. Not sure if it had any big change options in the plot.

    I have heard that you cult comes into play latter on, but not sure what degree, or if any of your choices had an effect.



    So I think the planet,

    Nar Shadaa

    , might be the planet where all characters make a some what serious choice that has an effect latter on.

  11. The marriage thing, felt a bit lack luster.


    First of all, too soon: why are we getting hitched so soon in the romance between our companions? Ok I get that the Jedi have a big deal about this because they only want strong committed relationships which means eventually marriage.


    But at this point you have written the characters into a corner, there is a reason shows don't have characters get married in the first season. They need time to build up the relationship between the 2 characters, and while getting married way to early can be an enjoyable story having EVERYONE going through this would cheapen any type of growth.


    I understand that the course of the first three chapters could be more than a year in the storyline, but the romance between the characters does not feel like a year's worth of romance. I mean I married Temple on my IA pretty much after 3 dates, and while I am sure the "on the job time" is good for characters to interact with each other, its not getting to know each other, but getting to know how that person works.


    Whats really screwed up was that everytime I had a light/dark side choice I sent temple away and pulled out Kaliyo, like a mob wife, temple has no idea how really freaking evil my Agent is.

  12. This.

    I play a female warrior sith and want to romance jaenessa but obviously I can't due to the lack of same gender relationships.

    I'm going to be so bummed if they don't retroactively allow us to romance past companions.


    I dig jaenessa but it seems like maybe I made a mistake by picking what I think is a cooler looking female character.


    Serious question, does anyone know if we will retroactively be able to romance current companions when same sex is added or only new ones?


    I'm going to be so bummed if it isn't retroactive....


    You should already be bummed then, they only want to add it in for NEW companions, rather than trying to retcon all the current companions.


    I am personally refusing to romance on my female SI till they add in a female I can seduce, cus Pirate and Archaeology guy are fail romance options. Then again they should probably just let us go after Ashara as a forgiveness for the crappy storyline of the SI, but thats a different topic.

  13. Yea, at this point all they can do is build on top of the crap. SO hopefully those that stuck it out and played through chapter 3 will get a nice chapter 4+.


    I keep hearing people try to defend this class, like Zash is supposedly such and AMAZING character that she alone makes up for a total lack of characters, Or the ****** companions.


    Oh yea my favorite: "all mmo quests are fetching quests..." Yea, but the main storyline shouldn't be compared to the everyday grind quests as being equal in storytelling.


    I just wanted to scream at them "Zash is going to try and kill you, then Thanaton is going to try and kill you, then you get sick... the end, I just saved you 20+ ****-less hours of boring storyline where your character "wants to be a starship captain."


    I think some Harlequin romance authors would laugh at the SI romance Dialogue.

  14. I am sure others have said it but a few things:


    1. all playable races need to be able to speak basic, because listening to "MURAGGGRUU YUUAAR NGGHHH" for 50 levels will get annoying and bioware avoided this intentionally.


    2. all races need to be able to romance their companions, so races with weird/no mouths are out. SO no Keldor, no Jawa. And races you would find disturbing to think about romancing a human (ish) male/female are out.


    I am still hoping for Cathar, Voss, and a few other potential races that Bioware has already put in the game. And for those that can't get over this, this is Bioware, the story comes before your want/need to play a different race.

  15. Another Issue seems to be with the companions of the class, other than Ashara, they all feel random:


    Pirate guy, *** ever.

    Archeology guy: Uh, why are you coming along again?


    Maybe I am just gripping on these two characters because they are love interests to the female character. But really, when it comes down to it none of the companions are that great as Khem Val just wants to eat things and break free, and people have already commented on how poor of a job Ashara romance is, not to mention your complete and utter lack of ability to corrupt her if you so push her.


    It would have been cool if she had the same option as Jaesa to become a Dark Side character, or to push her to try and find balance between light and dark (which would be the light side choice) This seems like an even better idea since the SI only gets one female companion.

  16. Ok, I am going to start off by admitting that I havnt fully played through the SI storyline, but mainly because its so boring...


    I have some how managed to get to the 3rd chapter, the end of the 2nd chapter was quite the let down as it felt like it was just a intro to the next "go collect more items" quest.


    I think the main problem with the SI story is the lack of characters, that have a strong influence on the story.


    My agent has Watcher 3, watcher 2, the Keeper,Kaliyo, 2 Sith lords on the Dark Council, Watcher X, and more I cant even remember off the top of my head.


    My Bounty Hunter has Mako, The girl who gives me the list of the bounties(can't remember her name atm,) Tarro Blood, Mako's "little brother" and I am not even past Nar Shadaa.


    The SI, however, has Zash(Khem to a much lesser degree)... Tharaton... Ashara (sorta)

    Probably one of the best parts in the game is when you get your mini cult going, and that ends before it really begins. Plus none of those characters really continue for the rest of the story.

    The rest of your companions are random people you happen to pick up along the way, during your little meetings Pirate dude has so little to offer its pathetic. I heard about stuff once... Great, why are you even on this ship again? O good a archaeologist... who is really plain and boring.


    Who ever wrote the SI storyline should be fired: Its a formulated plot, that has no depth what so ever. I was hoping the story would pick up after chapter 2, but since Thanaton got away and now I have to find a cure, I could really care less what happens to the character since they didn't do a good job exploring my character at all or my motivations beyond survival. I don't even care about Thanaton, since he just wants to kill me practically out of principle, and has no real invested interest in killing me.

  17. I think they always had an idea to add in more companions from the start, and while the SGRA thing was skipped initially (un/intentional is another debate in of its self.) they don't want to have to go into every line and rework the current characters to make sure that it feels right.


    Just giving all the (flirt) options open to all sexes might be a good idea for most characters, their are a few pronoun usages during flirt options that could lead to problems, plus if you want to do SGRA romance options any justice you will write them fresh, because its going to be a different type of romance.


    While this sucks, because certain companions already give off a feel that they are more likely to swing both ways (Kaliyo) its the best answer to this crappy situation.

  18. Listen, its not about the different classes, I can accept that the smuggler or IA has more flirt options than a Jedi.


    The original concept of this thread was more about Male>Female IA, and Male>Female Smuggler when it comes down to flirting.


    Its not about your conversation choices either, as most Flirt options come up as one of the flirt actions you have when interacting with the character, or are given later in to the conversation no matter how much of a jerk you originally are to the character (not including your companions.)


    Apparently Female IA just don't consider seduction as part of their skill lists for getting a job done.

  19. Ok, first of all you shouldn't compare flirt option of a male smuggler, with a female Jedi (of any kind.) because they are taught to NOT flirt, from a very early age.


    Next, you keep using the concept that only 20% of the player basis is female, and while that might be true, not only women play female characters, or would want to have flirt options on female characters.

  20. The Agent is by far the best storyline that I have played with so far.


    From chapter 1 to chapter 3 it keeps a good strong story going, chapter 3 is a little weaker in story till you get to Voss, but then it has some cool moments where your really interested in playing the character. But, you should play a male IA, cus Kaliyo>any other female companion in the game.


    Unfortunately I have only really played the Si as my other character, though I did get her to almost the end of the 2nd chapter, I found it soo dull I was more interested in my companion and world story arcs than my own class storyline. Seriously, some one needed to get fired for writing this class.


    I am probably going to either roll a BH or Smuggler next, some how I doubt the Jedi classes look that great for storyline, although the JK female companion might tempt me to try that out.

  21. The races have to have a few things to even qualify for this game:


    1. They needed to be able to speak basic, sorry Wookie fans, but they didn't want people to listen to MUUURGGGGGHHHH! for 29 hours of Voice over.


    2. They needed to be humanoid enough to be acceptable as a romance character. This means no Ithorians, and Keldors.


    That doesn't mean I like the races that they currently have in the game:


    1. Miraluka were actually a pretty cool race, but they gave them only to republic, gave no additional storyline to them as opposed to a normal human, and gave us the crappiest eye covers to work with.




    3. Sith Pure Blood: Have you seen the Original Sith? They are soo much cooler than these pathetic things. They are like Red Orcs that mated with Hairless Gorillas, and would have been the perfect "big race" for the game.


    My biggest problem with the game is actually the lack of size races. The thing that makes other MMO's so varied is the ability to have the biggest of the big races next to the smallest race, instead they gave us a size option with fat guys as a choice...

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