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Everything posted by JasterX

  1. He was and he was not. What he says is reality and he shows this by using a concept of expression thats called irony, a cynical form of humor used in satire.
  2. Im trolling mate, i have alts too and i was upset as i realized i cant go further then my level. Actualy i was trolling the first responder to the op as the op never mentioned he is below lvl 50. I am also recognized that the op him self was trolling.
  3. Im pretty sure you can be higher rank then your level. I am level 50 and am rank 61, maybe its a wierd bug but i am certain as far as my counting goes 61 is a bigger number then 50. What the OP says is right so far you get no credit for winning a match, espacialy if you take wait time between bg´s into account. But if you one of thos grinding valor to get to rank 60 why care for warzones anyway, while you just afk farm ilum 50 to 60 in 3 Days. I for my part like winning espacialy against my own faction, what i dont like is running in circles smashing buttons for no reason or standing in a 200 men croud pressing 0 for buff every 6 sec while checking facebook.
  4. Thanks. My speaking, all of your points!
  5. Im with you guy espacialy because im 25.11. and if you dont get in with the first wave i wont make it today
  6. Translation from native speaker (me): When its over, we will anounce its over, now its time to monitoring the servers. More info is coming if we get them.
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