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Posts posted by Penguinman

  1. I also love how gigantic the raid markers can be, depending on mobs. As "the big red flame marker can appear to be 30 meters across" big


    Marked target scaling with distance can be turned off, but I find it kinda funny seeing the marker take up half the screen in an op.


    Anyways, I haven't had any problems healing using the ops ui. I can understand if you're trying to actually click on a person out in the field and having problems, but I can't imagine why a healer would ever do that. DPS/tanks obviously have it a bit harder with the slightly wonky tab targeting, but it doesn't seem to me to be drastically hindering progress.

  2. Just use round robin, only have the raid leader click the boss, and make sure his auto loot on right click is turned off.


    This will allow him/her to initiate rolls on loot one piece at a time and tell that person who's getting it to need and everyone else pass. You'll get all your crafting stuff and still have more than enough control over who gets what.*


    *assuming the people in your raid aren't ***** and click need when they aren't supposed to.

  3. Quite honestly the only reason you're fully geared in such a short time is that it was given to you because everybody else who could use it already has it (or you're the only one in the group of that class). That and the RNG gods love you.


    The two warriors and agent in my group are all geared out because that's ALL that dropped this entire time. Our Inqs and BH might have 1 piece of rakata gear each. It's just the way the dice rolled on the loot table.

  4. We have completed the pylon boss for 8man/16man on all difficulties and we have found if you do NSSN,in the least amount of clicks, AND before the two champions spawn you win. We are 8/8 for this strategy. Sithwarrior has the solution to the puzzle. We have notice that normal mode(8/16) that you can just click like an animal and you are fine. Nightmare requires all three of the previous mention mechanics to work. Good luck


    We had two of those aklays or whatever spawn on us last night and it didn't prevent us from completing the puzzle. Although that only happened after the north side locked the fourth set. Don't know if that makes any difference or not.

  5. How can someone write this and believe in what they're typing.


    WoW is an amazingly expansive MMO with so many different possibilities and magic at every corner. It's a ground-breaking game that will go down in history as the most successful game of all-time, at least until they release Titan.


    How can you possibly say TOR is better than WoW? How? Explain your feelings. Honest question. Is it the choppy, laggy gameplay? The lack of ANY MMO features? The phasing?


    Are you REALLY that into cut-scenes and choosing dialogue which has literally ZERO impact on your gameplay experience?


    It's so baffling to me. Baffling.



    I don't really see why you're getting upset over what I find to be more entertaining, especially when it doesn't have any impact on you in the slightest.


    I have yet to experience any choppiness or any form of severe lag (there was one case of lag but I fixed that myself). I grouped up constantly for heroics and flashpoints with friends and guildies...basically doing everything that WoW has, but enjoying it more.


    RPGs have always been my favorite genre of games. So yes, the story, cut scenes, superb voice acting and dialogue options are something I like. WoW has none of that, or very very very little.

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