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Everything posted by ivanhedgehog

  1. I am writing a book exposing your evil cabal and the Canadian midget ninja illuminati.
  2. so it isnt exploiting you dont like..just specific exploits. they will never eliminate people using exploits to supply gold sellers. Some of the suggestions in this thread would hurt legit players much more than gold sellers. it isnt a level 7 getting a chest that is the probllem. If they fix the hacks and ban people using actual exploits it will fix more than just a temporary economic spike. if a level 12 can somehow manage to get to ilum and click a box, that isnt a problem. if he uses cheats...deal with that instead..dont just make him use his cheats somewhere else, prevent them from working anywhere.
  3. you sure of that? do you think the chinese gold farmers didnt preorder in june just for that reason?
  4. the act of selling credits harms nothing. Its when these guys get huge lump sums to throw like water thats the problem. Farming chests is just the current easy way. The gold farmers will find another way to rake in the credits 10 min after the devs nerf the chests. You are trying to nerf the symptom, not the disease.
  5. I brought a guildy on a level 9 toon to ilum just to disprove this. he stayed 10 min, in the starter area and exploited nothing. Nothing has been done to the level 50 exploiters that used empty battlegrounds to get levels quick in the first 2 days. what should be done to those people?
  6. Gold farmers do NOT create credits out of whole cloth. They farm it within the game. There is absolutely no difference between a gold farmer and a guy sitting at work farming the same thing over and over and accumulating a huge sum of credits. I've seen it in other games. I have a friend in City of Heroes that has 67 BILLION influence. If you sold his accumulation of gear he would easily be over 200 billion. He bought zero..nothing. it is all farmed. When he wants gear..he easily overbids anyone. The devs in this game built inflation into the game. The whole game is full of money sinks. That will have a bigger effect than junior using dads credit card and buying 5 mill credits. Think about when the first expansion comes out and everything inflates....they should have devalued the credit and had earnings and expenses at 10% of what they are now. Games dont have real economies. stop trying to act like there really is supply and demand in a game.
  7. it is intended to be looted everytime it is clicked. thats the way its programmed. if they wanted a lower frequency, it would have a longer respawn.
  8. No, I just dont think you have any ownership interest in that chest. It belongs to the first guy to get it. It doesnt matter what level the guy is, it injects the same amount of credits into the economy either way. If someone is using an exploit, ban them. but the guys wanting a level limit arent interested in that. Because we all know level 50's cant us bots or exploits. BTW: I have never been on Ilum. so accusing me of botting is stupid. I plan on getting a level 30 and going to look at ilum today, the planets in this game have some cool artwork.
  9. It does not ruin any economy. That chest will be looted, by him or by you or by someone else. The same money is put in the economy either way. Seems like you want the chest for yourself.
  10. Why dont they stop level 7's from getting stuff on Ilum, and stop lvl 50's from getting stuff on Balmorra or Alderaan. seems fair since the levels 50's obviously own everything on Ilum.
  11. because getting your gear by killing level 20's with a 50 was sooo hard.
  12. the point is, NOTHING you can do in a game makes you hard core. nothing. there is no real danger. Becoming a navy seal or army spec forces is hard core. completing a Triathalon in the top 5 makes you hard core. I find it funny that game geeks feel having a game waste your time makes you a tough guy. Yes, a game needs death, including some negative penalty. SWTOR isnt really bad that way. But dont act like playing it a certain way makes you tougher. If you end up in prison, tell them you played EVE, see if that helps. City of heroes gives you a short period of xp debt, but also gives you inspirations to rez on the spot. You can easily combat rez. Hardcore there is based on how many enemies at + levels to you can be defeated at the same time. Different standards for different games.
  13. death in a game is meaningless. it is a game. frustration in a game has meaning. and not in a good way. There is already a repair cost, that is all the incentive they need. They need to fix some of the bugs that get you killed like evading mobs before they add any "meaning" to death.
  14. If you want increased difficulty, it isnt hard to get it. Play without your companion. play without stims or heal packs. There are easy ways of making the game tougher for your self. Of course, if you want to make the game tougher for other people, you wont have much luck.
  15. why exactly should it be restricted? why cant I bring my lvl 23 BH and harvest it? I saw a lvl 44 on balmorra yesterday, why not restrict him too? The economy was messed up when they let people on 2 days before the majority and let them use the pvp exploit to level too quickly. If some one is using a bot, ban them. but a low level that figures out how to cut in on your cushy credit harvest isnt using an exploit. If the chest is being harvested, it doesnt matter whether you click it, I click it or Joseph Stalin clicks it, the same cash is being introduced to the economy.
  16. of course he could just have a slow load time on the cut scene and cant hit spacebar till it actually loads.........but that doesnt matter to the rush to the point of stupidity generation.
  17. WOW will die in a panda apocalypse...with minor explosions of pokemon wannabes.
  18. Riiight. I have had a jerk call me out for doing little damage. he wanted me kicked...until someone pointed out I was on a priest doing the healing. I just stopped healing him after that. There are always people trying to use this kind of data to foster a sense of superiority....in a game.
  19. We arent in competition. Pvp should not be the reason for stunting the rest of the game. I have seen games with great customization and macros that were not hurt in the least bit.
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