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Everything posted by Kaarina

  1. no doubt, I can not even train my skills up I think some people found a *way* to make alot and are now crying to make credits harder to get so they can stay super rich and have the best of the best while the rest struggle If you have all that you rushed through the game and are now bored, I say TOOOOOOO bad you made your bed now lay in it
  2. Good Question everything I have read and seen says they are very rare and BW should be looking into it I say : Dream on
  3. Great to see new stuff but what about fixing the stuff we have first?
  4. Sadly this is not on their posted priority fix which is sad as it is soo annoying and I am sure not that hard to fix Wish they would assign a team to fix the ANNOYING ME TO DEATH things in the game. Like not being able to have a skill in slot 1 or not being able to move my bag window around so I can have it and char window opened (or AH) at same time
  5. If he had not posted it you would have no where to troll. Trolls are like mesquites need to be swatted and forced back into their slimy worlds He paid he has the right to post, you may or may not agree but then none will care if you do or do not.
  6. You may not care and honestly none care if you do or not. but those who put their money and sweat into this game do care. Players have every right to post just as you have ever right to be a troll
  7. I think alot of the gear is confusing, they should put either AC on them or make it clearer. I know I see my stats but it may or may not be for me. I know I am not smart never claimed to be but it should not take 20 mins of searching a long list to see which ones are for my char. PS the usable thing does not seem to work
  8. Same, I thought it was me and my craziness doing the right click attack. Thank you all for posting so I know I am not alone. I finally made the 1st spot empty but sorta sucks, maybe they will fix it soonish
  9. I do not get the bashing of countries or people, BIOWARE is the one failing here no matter where they call home Ease up on the attacks of other Countries, every country has issues and problems, we are here to get away from those..let's stay focused on who we are really frustrated at here
  10. lol Thanks mate, I am so discouraged and downhearted right now over the big long long long hype and wait, the reality is so far way short, a laugh really helps sometimes
  11. Well they say they want to be a global company then be one. Hire EU staffing to help us when we need help via phone. Do you know what international calls cost? not to mention being up in the wee hours of the morning to be able to call USA times? You can have your cake and eat it too but you have to pay for it. no free rides. We pay you, you respect us and give us equal care as you to US players I am an American but living in EU (for 7 years now), and I never saw how poorly EU players were treated till I moved here. Our Euros are good but that seems to be as far as they will go with respecting us back
  12. I think the dev who posted that is doing alot of assuming and guessing. The time is not a good one to have servers down at all at least not for EU players, it is great for NA players I am sure I would not care if they took 9 hour -10 hours per fix if I was sleeping but Oh wait. I am GMT +2 I am wanting to play at that time
  13. If I resub will be up to bioware and how they fix, adjust, correct things in the next month
  14. I think that they will ignore the EU players till we show we are serious. Having the game down every week during the day (and apparently night too ) is not OK Post let them hear your voice
  15. This is my thoughts: I read where our 30 days that came with the game would not start counting till we activated our accounts via Subbing. However I had 27 days left it said when I subbed Yesterday the game was down from 12pm my time till almost 9 pm....no compension of time lost again. (adding that the the que to sub, so I could play my free time, I am already down another day) If they really listen and fix the basics all at one time. I am afraid the maintenance will be longer than my remaining game time I will owe them money for fixing it
  16. How can you tell when the game is still new and I find it hard to believe that 10 am GMT is a slow time in EU unless ofc you are speaking mainly for the NA servers? And considering all the Crap that has hit the fan in the first 5 days of launch I would think you are not SURE of anything yet
  17. I would like this to be added to Settings set per account perhaps or at least server wide. IS there some /save /load command I could use? Need someone smarter than me to help me please
  18. I would just like the game to offer more ease of play for the player, I do not mind grinding, running and jumping through hoops but I would like to do it without a headache Travel system is great but overly complicated and often very confusing as how do I get from point a to point d (b and c you are suppose to magically know?) UI is a hot mess. Try to sell something in ah that is on outside line of your bags. can not move either to get to it so you have to shut it down and reopen in the opposite order or move all items you want to sell to the middle. I will not go into the long drawn out ways to locate things...Nightmares are less scarey The Fast patch also known as OMG 10 hours maintenance, did not even fix that annoying 1 that pops up in your Ah auctions LFG I do not like having to spam the channels. Makes people put you in ignore which is not conducive to me finding groups later I am not asking to make the game easier just the mechanics Please. I come here to relax not stress over, now how to do I get back to my ship? Thank you PST if you go to community and then forums you get a page that says site is down..Small things matter and this is another example where someone over looked the obvious Come on please
  19. How on earth, I have like 3k credits
  20. I am concerned as my companion is not earning the Affection points that are indicated in the dialogues. She is only getting them from Quest completions. I would have done a search to see if others are having this issue but for the life of me I can not find the search option. Any real help is appreciated Thank you I have checked her Affection, then turned in done dialogues and checked it again and despite is showing +40 affection, hers had not changed
  21. No matter how many times you repost go back to wow or rift it will not change my opinion or thoughts on the pvp situation here. I have tried to just post how I feel and remain calm and polite to all who post opposite opinions. I still feel the break down is not good in pvp, nor do I think it should remain as it is. There are a few systems which seem to be rushed it get it out, while other things in the game are just Awsome and such fresh ideas I know games grow, change and alter some as time goes on to better fit the needs and wants of the players, so I will stick around and watch to see what comes down the Dev pike. Thank you PS: I welcome those who dissagree to post, but please no need to attack or be rude to others who do not agree with you PSS: it is not just level 25 they are grouped from 10-49 that I have seen. now how many more skills and such does a 49 have than a 10?
  22. Ok how about this? when you enter PVP, the lowest level player say is 15 so everyone is reduced to level 15 stats and Skills they have learned that are beyond that are dropped (just for pvp) then it is equal and a skill issue Easy for those who got to level 30-40 to say it is fair if they have more skills way better armor and weapons to easy kill level 10 ...ofc that is fair and equal
  23. hello, I would really like across account at least server wide Settings. I think it would be a big help to players to be able to change toons or create a new one without having to reset every detail over. And where I can hear the story still if I leave the game screen to perhaps look something up
  24. Thank you for your input and infact all the players are new here even those who got to be in the Early Access. Please no need to toss insults. MY opinion is not the same as yours I can accept you see things differently however that does not make me wrong or you right I still think there is more to it than giving basic points in raw stats. But to each their own, I shall refrain from pvping and pass along the info as I see it regarding the pvp situation in this game
  25. Well nice to see so many replies at least. I may not agree with everyone as I do not understand how just boosting stats makes it more viable.. But I did notice most who are very high level are not upset ofc when they started everyone was their level. I got late invite to Pre launch so I am behind plus I can not play 24/7 but it's all good. The pvp here is not for me so I accept that, disappointed but accepted. And PS boosting stats is great but does it mean the new skills I would have or the new level of the existing skills are also boosted? or am I seeing just boost in actual raw stats? NM does not matter really, I was mislead and obviously now I know for my self..back to pve for a while
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