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    In a Sarlacc
  1. Perhaps you missed the part where I said I liked the STORY aspect of the game? Yes I complained about the Bounty Hunter story, but the Imperial Agent story line is very fun, as is the Sith Inquisitor story line. What I DON'T want to do is level through all of the other quests again because I really only care about the story quests. Hell the leveling towards the end of the game is so painfully slow that it's an ISSUE because I can't just get to the next part of the story, I have to run around like an idiot doing all this useless garbage for people so that when I DO go to the next planet to see the next part of the story I don't get my faced used as a mop.
  2. The space combat in SWTOR is the first time I had encountered anything of the sort. I'm sure if I had experience with space combat from games in the past, I would find it bad as well. As for the light saber thing, that's a bad thing. It's a bad system in the game because it's Bioware penalizing players for making choices based on the game's parameters. The game developers WANTED you to make morality-based decisions, and in fact make it some what of a requirement in a lot of cases, but then because you did exactly that it's going to cost you money to upgrade your equipment? No I'm sorry it shouldn't work like that. Yes it's just "monopoly" money anyway because it's not out of your pocket irl, but to make that money in-game in the first place you have used time which you have paid for in the form of a subscription, so it's inadvertently costing you real life money. I mean what's next? Micro-transactions? A real life money auction house like in Diablo III?
  3. I never played Star Fox when I was a kid (I think you meant on the sNes?) so I wouldn't know, but I have heard it was similar yes.
  4. So I've been playing SWTOR for about a month now, and I am actually pretty bored with it. I mean sure, space combat is pretty baller and I like the personal story lines in it, but it's essentially WoW in space. I leveled a Bounty Hunter to 48 and it is the most generic, uninspired story I have ever seen. It's essentially: I honestly couldn't sit through any more chapters of this storyline, but you get the point, and after getting to 48, which was a good solid 2 or so weeks of straight power leveling/grinding out quests all day every day, I just can't bring myself to WANT to level another character. I mean I've STARTED an Imperial Agent, but I just turn off the game sounds, play some music in windows media player and space bar through every conversation I get because I've seen all of them before (aside from story ones). I mean you can't even have same-sex romances in the game, which is a massive shame because that limits people to playing the gender opposite to their sexual preference. For example, my bounty hunter would have been female if not for this restriction, as I am a big fan of Grey DeLisle (I loved her role as Viconia Devir back in Baldur's Gate II for example. You know, before Bioware started half-assing their games.) but I sure as hell wasn't flirting with Torian or any other male NPC in the game because that's counter-intuitive to my preferences. Even the "romance" scenes are a jipp - the screen just fades to black for a second then the conversation continues. I mean come on Bioware, Mass Effect showed more than that. I mean hell even when you censored Mass Effect 2, Miranda still had t!ts out everywhere during her scene. But okay I can get that you might just think I'm griping over making a bad choice of character here, so let's get more in-depth about the game as a whole. Here's a list of some issues: There's NO customizable UI, and I can only have 4 action bars on screen at once (3 if I want to have my companion's action bar expanded, which I always do). I can't save & load/import & export my chat settings or keybindings because they're stored on the SWTOR server and not on my computer. There are no macro capabilities (which in a hotkey MMO is fking ridiculous) and there's not enough bar space for all of my abilities on just 3 bars (like I said, I like to have my companion's bar expanded at all times). The Galactic Trade Network (Auction House) system is terrible. If I KNOW the name of the item I'm looking for, why do I have to enter in all of this other information about it before I can search the name? Professions just seem like a waste of time and money, because let's face it when you max them out there's pretty much stuff all to do with them (I'm speaking from experience as an Armstech). The game lacks sociability. I've gone through the low level areas a few times over and I've done Black Talon a bunch of times, sure, but I've done Hammer Station once, and haven't done a single flash point afterwards because I just simply can not get a group for them. Regardless of whether or not people are actually around (on Balmorra as Empire, they usually are. I asked both in the Imperial Fleet which had a good 110 people on it and on Balmorra which had about 125 people and not one person wanted to do the flash point). There is a MASSIVE population imbalance between Empire and Republic. I've been wanting to see the republic leveling for a while now and regardless of how many servers I roll on and level a character to 10 with, I can NEVER find a group for The Esseles. There is NO point to being in a guild aside from having people to talk to now and then. WoW put in guild leveling and perks after a while, which was a HUGE success. Rift put this exact feature into the game from day dot and it worked flawlessly. So why is there nothing even RESEMBLING this in SWTOR? Morality points are pointless. I mean sure you get some affection points from your companions when choosing light side/dark side, but who cares? Aside from a few vanity items, there's no benefits to having morality points, and in fact there is a NEGATIVE effect on having them because some items are unusable to certain moralities. For example, I got a very nice blue relic that dropped on a random mob on my bounty hunter but oops it requires Dark Side IV or above to use, and because I went light side to get affection with my companions, that rendered the item useless. Then a member of my guild who plays a Sith Warrior had an orange lightsaber drop, which would have been an upgrade in any other game, except it required him to be LIGHT side when he was tier 5 DARK side, so hey guess who got a useless item? You can re-colour your lightsaber/blaster bolt colours, but there's no armour dying? WHY? People have been asking for armour dying in MMOs since the beginning of time for crying out loud! Blizzard figured it was too difficult to put in because they had already programmed their database, so they added in the ability to have your armour models look however you like, so if you didn't like your new shoulder piece, you could use your old one but still get the stat benefits. Hell Rift, from day one, had both a wardrobe system AND colour dye system! I could go on and on but really what's the point? And yes I'm aware that there are plans to implement a customizable UI and what not in the future, but these are things that should have been in the game from day one. Honestly, not having these things in a newly released hotkey MMO in 2012 is just insulting. I would rather have had Bioware actually take their time with this game and release it when it was ready rather than just take bits and pieces, send it through a garden mulcher with some crazy glue, pick it up on the other side and say "ta-da! finished product!". A payment for 1 month of game play has just come out of my bank account so I'll continue playing for another few weeks until that runs out, but odds are I'll be cancelling my subscription very soon. Hopefully there's enough of a population still in Rift to go back to that game until Guild Wars 2 comes out. Thanks for getting my hopes up Bioware, hopefully Mass Effect 3 won't be a massive let down as well.
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