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Posts posted by alink

  1. This does not reflect a population decrease necessarily. As the game loses "newness" some people will not play as often. Most of us can't play the same amount of time we did in the first couple of weeks after release when we set aside time for playing the game because it was a recent release and the new factor was still there. Same thing that happens in 90% of relationships when you live with your sig. other you take them for granted because they are always there the relationship is not new. So it could all just be a fact that people are not loggin in as much, meaning on average there are less people playing at a time but the subscriptions aren't necessarily dropping.
  2. 100% retard post.


    End-game is what make people stay or quit when they hit 50, it's a fact.


    I like how you dismiss his post with no real explanation, statistics, facts to back it up. I like many people will never have time to raid, and many others like me can't afford to sit down at a game for 3 hours straight when we have other far more important matters to attend to in real life. We are the majority you (lvl 40 and up players already) are the minority. If you don't believe look at the populations on the servers you won't see more of you then us (39 and below.)

  3. Are you level 50?


    Have you done a lot of PvP? Are you above valor rank 30?


    Have you tried any heroic flashpoints, or operations?


    Please explain.


    How can the above questions prove you are part of the majority? If you have the time to be lvl 50 already you are by far the minority which is in line with his statement. Even with the headstart you people that are already 50 I kind of feel sad for. :(

  4. I've already subbed (Well set up from the Sub to come out) for 6 months something i've only ever done once - once on purpose that is and another time because i'm a mong and didn't cancel my sub - before on WoW.


    I'm keeping it varied at the moment keep jumping between my two 'mains' my Jedi Knight and my Bounty Hunter (Though my Jedi Knight is my overall main).


    Anyway these are the things I would 'like' to see maybe introduced in the next 'YEAR' (for all those who demand change yesterday)


    More Space Missions and larger variety: I to be honest really enjoy the Space missions but was a bit disappointed when I got my Bounty Hunter a ship and noticed that the first 3 missions are EXACTLY the same as the Republic just with Capital ships/fighters exchanged. I would like to be involved in more underhand missions as a Imperial, like raiding supply fleets etc. Not attacking the exact same station with the exact same fight flight paths (Yes I've done the Space Missions that much to know this is true) Also I wouldn't mind more Crew Member dialogue in Space Missions. Kira's "Ok you've convinced me lets demolish that thing" line in Archenar (sp?) Interception when you make a second pass on the Star Destroyer I thought was quite well fitting.


    Free Flight Space missions: This is obvious and as I class myself as been quite decent at the Space Missions so would love the extra challenge this would bring.


    More Life on Planets: Yea it looks cool when you first get somewhere and notice soldiers firing at each other but when they never/hardly hit and just continue firing it gets a touch old (Not enough to ruin the game for me but still) I'd love like men dying and reinforcements coming (Something like the Battle of the Barrens in pre-cata WoW, that was quite cool) Also movement from NPCs. Please. Not anything major but still.


    More flashpoints like the Esseles/Black Talon: These were Epic and when I first did the Esseles on my Jedi Guardian I was awed. I thought to myself, This is basically SWTOR's Deadmines and it is fu*king so many magnitudes more awesome! I got to the rest and I understand that VA'ing is expensive I really do but they seriously lacked. The Operations in End game could be a lot better and this would be great but i'm yet to see them.


    At least two brackets of PvP: Yea I understand why they did it. To keep queues down, Yes I experienced the pain of trying to PvP lvl 40-49 in Vanilla WoW. But even if it was just a level 10-30 & lvl 31-50 it would make fighting alot better on everyone involved. 50s wouldn't be whining about their team been full of level 10s and level 10s could still pvp with a decent sized bracket. Failing that just make a level 50 bracket and everyone else in another one to keep numbers up in the lower bracket in a few months.


    More Variety in Force User armour: Granted i'm only level 35 on my Jedi Guardian but i'm getting sick of cloth trousers now lol I want the plated armour that I saw at Charactor creation that made me think "Damn I want a Jedi!" or at least less epic looking versions, anything other than more bloody cloth trousers. (this is a really minor thing though :D)


    I've mentioned these and they are the only things that stick out at me. I'm totally loving the game (Though I think i'll do less space missions on any other charactors unless they add more variety) I keep wanting to put down my Jedi Guardian because tanks are so easy to come by in this game - Dedicated Healers on the other hand :eek: - but i'm loving the story (and the nerd in me finds Kira's voice sexy. Yea I admit it). Overall i've done very little over the last week other than play SWTOR, with the odd smattering of Fiance time and New Years Eve drinking.


    All of this ^ Not just battles on planets though ambiance, conversations, make it feel alive. Extending space battles making it more then it currently is should be one of the priorities.


    I mean space could be really awesome in this game and that would give an excellent value to guilds by doing space battles with guild ships and fighter ships, possibly even pvp? They could make a whole add-on to this game with space battles it has HUGE potential. (As a sidenote space could have its own xp and leveling system they could add ships etc. They could steal players from STO and eve online if they did this right.)


    Also on top of all this more world pvp, huttball and all that is great but world pvp is the pvp I came for.

  5. I'm sick of reading all the "game will die, I'm unsubbing" threads covering this forum so I decided to make a thread of the opposite opinion and I'll try to do it without creating a wall of text.


    It's fun from level 1:


    The game is ACTUALLY INTERESTING as soon as you create your character, whether or not you decide to give a hoot about the people on your starting planet you'll surely give a damn about your character's personal story. Whether or not you just had your ship stolen, you're trying to join the great hunt or there's a dark jedi trying to crush the jedi order it's a thousand times better than clicking Accept on instant-text quests and killing 10 wolves.


    You actually want to play alternate classes/characters:


    Maybe this doesn't apply to everyone, but a long time ago in World of Warcraft I played a Warrior and that was the only class I liked and I didn't care at all about trying anything else...


    In SW:TOR however, each class's story is unique and impactful & as soon as I was done leveling my Knight I decided to create and level a smuggler and a bounty hunter; as opposed to the same boring to tears grind I would have to endure in any other game.


    Also I believe there's 8 character slots on one server so people can have one of everything (go figure).



    PvP is fun and enjoyable for a few reasons besides the design such as huttball (greatest battleground in any game IMO).


    Getting into a match is FAST, why is it so fast?

    - The bolster system, currently we're all in the same bracket so there's no LENGTHY wait times just to play a match to play with folk within the same 9 levels of you (soon there will be a 50 only).

    - To queue for a match, you queue for everything. This gets rid of most players selecting the one most popular warzone and not playing the others and instead has people play everything quite fairly.




    I haven't done any flashpoint beyond maelstrom prison or any operations so as far as I've experienced they're a charming distraction and finding a group is not difficult at all.


    When you're leveling a character they're very brilliantly introduced on each planet you go to and there's a hint of urgency involved and the story aspect (regardless if you want loot or not), the chances are that you'll do every FP at least once to experience it.


    Opposed to...

    - Level a character 1-85 in WoW; you will skip most dungeons since they're entirely pointless and forgotten.




    End-game in general:


    Not enough operations? PvP still needs work?


    If these are your complaints about the game, cry me a river. The game LAUNCHED two weeks ago, an MMO is a living breathing thing with many patches to come full of content and possible expansions.


    I agree with most of this game is excellent. PVP needs more world pvp which is why I love pvp servers, and the game needs to add some ambiance to the worlds, and a little more player interaction. BUT it is an awesome game with HUGE potential. Imagine the space battle areas potential right now its not so great but imagine what they could do with just one expansion.

  6. I don't understand how people say Guardian's can't 1v1. Currently I'm lvl 38 spec'd deep into tanking and have never had a problem 1v1 even 1v2 against classes that people call "OP". It's all about knowing how to work your abilities and stuns, we might not do a lot of damage but we can Force Stasis, Force Push, Force Kick, Freezing Force, Hilt Strike, even Force Leap stuns. On top of all that you have defensive abilities. I admit, I've never gone in depth with many other classes but the only time I've felt underpowered is when reading the comments on this forum, i barely read the forums anymore because it's all trash and hysteria



  7. You might think this is your garden variety QQ the game sucks thread, no, I love the game and enjoy it alot, I've been a TOR fanboi since October 2008 and still am in a way.


    The thing is it just feels a tad unfinished, I want to save my enjoyment to when more features are in and more of the bugs are ironed out.


    Specifically here's a list of things that annoy me, some might be "working as intended" if so then so be it, I can deal with it but the sum of it all makes it a tad much for me;


    - No auto stack in inventory or storage

    - I can't romance Ashara since I made the mistake of rolling a female

    - Mail to alts bugged

    - Can't mail to other faction alts

    - GTN horrible interface

    + Disappears if open any other window

    + Bad filtering options

    + Can't search by name alone

    + Only 2 days listing time


    - Abilities too expensive except for slicing "exploiters", especially if you craft

    - Cant change legacy name

    - Not good enough LFG tool

    - Too many items can be bought for tokens, makes crafting almost useless

    - UI is lacking

    - No relics for gray side, gray get left out

    - Can't change AC


    So that's what bugs me the most, I'm sure I'll be back when I see things getting in place





    *Common question 1*

    "Why bother with QQing?? Just leave instead!!"

    I like to give feedback before I go so the devs can improve if they find my feedback useful


    *Common question 2*

    "Give me your stuff!!"

    I would need my stuff for when I come back when things have settled ;)


    *Common question 3*

    "It's only been a few days geez dood"

    Yes, and I'm not satisfied, hence my leave of absence


    Why do people think we care why they are leaving? Instead of all these threads where people claim they are leaving the game (most of which you will see on the forums the next month complaining saying they are leaving) how about starting a non-rage quit thread on bugs you are asking Bioware to fix, things you wanted implemented. Instead of I didn't get what I want/my way I quit here is why, waa waa waa garabage.

  8. You heard it here first :)

    I've started to skip every conversation at lvl 22 and pick my answers at random now, only paying attention to good / light side points.

    Everything you say will be pointless after the conversation ends. Everything! I have yet to see a consequence that adds more than more voiceover and in the rarest cases killing one insignificant dude. The stories of the sidequests have the quality of a c-movie at best.

    And this is where the major part of the budget went? Sorry, but this makes me laugh.

    Will the decisions change your quests? Nope.

    Will the decisions change the world or parts of the map? Nope.

    Will the decisions change following decisions? Nope.

    All they do is adding more pointless, boring textlines.

    Will parts of your gear change based on a soulless number counting how "good" or "evil" your decisions were? Well yes, I have to give that point to Bioware.

    I'm finished with this boring, pointless abomination called a story.

    I really hope the gameplay gets better, but honestly I don't have much hope.


    This is an MMO, let us write our OWN stories! Not follow a pointless path some underpaid or just plain bad writer sucked out of his fingers.

    If I want a story, I'll go watch a movie or read a book. Gameplay is what counts in a game.


    Speak for yourself.

  9. It's a pity people throw around the same old cliches.


    I've a wife, daughter and job. As well as visiting family at Christmas. All of which have received attention since the game was released.


    I have been doing PvP, Datacrons, Flashpoints, crafting, world bosses. I've done all the quests without once spacing through dialogue. I've thoroughly enjoyed the game so far, it's fantastic and I'm savouring every moment.


    I'm not flaunting that I'm 50, I'm not rubbing it people's faces as an achievement, and neither are my guildmates.


    You obviously have different ideas of spending time with daughter, wife, family. Because on top of these things even more so around Christmas if you have time to level to 50 you are either lying, or paid someone else to do it.

  10. First let me say I LOVE this game. It is an excellent game and not unexpected as Bioware made it and I love Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Baldurs Gate, etc.


    I just wanted to make a request to Bioware (no I will not quit if I don't get it, still love the game) please add ambiance to this game and ways for more player interaction. By ambiance I mean the cities don't really feel alive, maybe make it so there is more side conversations, I can hear passing by or people working that I can really tell they are working. The cities kind of seem like the people in the background in sports games they are just there. My second wish is a way for more interaction maybe it gets deepers as I go up in levels (only 16 atm) but I don't see alot of other players and I have yet to see the opposing side, which is dissapointing because imo world pvp is the best pvp. If anyone else agrees I would love to hear it.

  11. The game is great, and it's a WONDERFUL experience.


    However what's up with this elitist, i'm better than you, if you're not in my small group of friends then you're just someone who needs to go back to wow kind of attitude this community is oozing every second???


    They're also WAY overly sensitive. With these people, they're so trigger-happy with the ignore button feature, it's almost like they WANT this to be a single player game, and other players are just getting in their way.


    Hmm trigger happy with the ignore button? I don't know what exactly happened but if I were to guess you were probably being a JA and someone ignored you. I mean really why else would you care if they put you on ignore? Personally if someone ignores me I am better off not playing/questing with that person.

  12. Let me start by saying this: instanced, organized, and structured PVP can be fun at times. It is great to see where you and/or your team stand with regards to skill level. That being said, that is NOT what an MMO is about. An MMO is not about arenas or battlegrounds. WOW has corrupted the designer mentality with regards to this.


    An MMO is about immersion. The greater the immersion level, the better the MMO. Instances degrade from this. Instances should only be used to allow all players to see the content of an MMO: for example, an instance should be used for a dungeon so that instead of boss X dying after the first person on the server kills him/her, the next person can also experience this and can also kill boss X. If the instance needs a reset timer, so be it. Leave that to designer choice. But instances should NOT be a main focus of any game.


    The instanced PVP in this game is ********. It completely degrades from the immersion of the game. If you would like to leave SOME instanced PVP in the game, sure, go for it, but DO NOT center PVP around instances. This is what ruined WOW.


    PVP should be epic. It should mean something. It should show who the most powerful people on the server are. With open world PVP, the possibilities are endless. The player base dictates where PVP will go, how the game will be experienced, and what the end game will be like. There is less need for new content when a "sand box" feel is implemented.


    I will never forget my experiences with world PVP in WOW. If WOW had just stuck to world PVP, I doubt any game could ever compare. I will never forget my first Crossroads raid. I will never forget when another guild attempted to kill a world boss (non-instanced raid boss) out of turn (the guild politics of our server dictated who could kill the world boss), and my guild ran in and completely destroyed them without a single death, and then proceeded to take the boss kill. I will never forget when my guild opened the gates of Ahn'Quiraj and the entire server, every guild, every player, was there to watch, and how everyone watched peacefully, horde and alliance, as we opened the gate, because although the opportunity was there for us to kill each other, guild politics dictated who could kill who without being corpse camped.


    So, I ask you this. Do NOT make gear solely for PVP. Do NOT make gear solely for PVE. Everything a player does should improve his character's viability in PVP, whether it be PVE, PVP, crafting, gathering items, goods, money, whatever. Everything should go towards the larger goal of owning everyone else in world PVP. People like to progress their characters in an MMO so that they can show everyone else how much better they are than them. People progress their characters to have in-game power. What better way to do this than in PVP? With this, the possibilities are endless. Guild towns? Cities? Fleets? Starships?


    Let the invisible hand work its magic.


    You get the idea. I'm tired and don't want to think anymore. But yeah, don't eff up.




    ^ This


    Instanced pvp is BORING. I will play COD/Battlefield 3 if that is what I want.

  13. This has to be the worse way to launch a MMO, or any game, launch ever. It is almost worse than long queues to enter the game!


    Bioware is so ... overly cautious that it has denied its service to the people who want to play... only a select few get in each wave. While the rest of us... have to look and wonder why we are not the chosen ones.


    Why am I being punished for purchasing a Collector's Edition at Gamestop and did not get a pre-order code until Dec 7th? I have copies and pictures of me with the receipt and pictures of the receipt that shows the purchase was made in July!


    So why am I being denied access?


    Because I did not rush to the EA website and purchase it on an official EA website!


    I repent. I repent. Please, let me in. I am willing to use the Origin website on all future EA purchases! I bought it in September and yet I am not in... and there are people who bought lesser copies of the game... and who bought it AFTER me... who are leveling...


    worse yet, when I hit the PvP zones... people will be max level... picking on me... because I am not playing yet. THANKS EA


    Worse Launch ever?


    It is almost better to be in a long queue and the servers go down... from time to time!!!


    Actually I have played MMO's for years (since EQ original) and this is definately one of teh better "launches" so far. Bioware even opened it up two days ealier then planned because they wanted to "feed the masses." However alot of whiners like YOU only know how to complain so here is my hope you quit the game. On another note the game dosen't even launch tech. until the 20th so your post is doubly wrong.

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