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Posts posted by wepeel

  1. 50 minutes ago, VegaMist said:

    Disagree. In order to get better, you need stronger opponents. Even in PVE, you won't learn much from doing Heroics, but doing an Eternal Championship may provide a challenge necessary to improve your skills.

    In general terms you're correct, but within the limits of swtor pvp I don't agree. You need a roughly even game, or one side being just a little bit stronger, so you're relatively free to take initiatives on the map, make an actual difference, maybe end up in some 1v1 situations, and so on. But as it is, with so many games being one-sided where you can usually predict the winner within the first 30-60 seconds, the learning suffers.

    As one side dominates the other, the losing team will spend a lot of time locked out respawning and its players will be constantly outnumbered everywhere on the field. No matter how skilled you are, under circumstances like that you don't get much of a chance to be a good player, not to mention actually develop your skills. The same goes for the winning side, it's easy to *feel* like you're doing well and kicking ass when the opposition just melts away before you, but just like story mode pve, it doesn't really help you improve.

  2. 1 hour ago, Darkestmonty said:

    I say "try not to stand on the pylon when guarding as a jugger/merc/etc, you will be CCd by a stealth and they will cap, break, vanish and CC you again then capture."

    In the years I've said this less than 5 took what I said as advice and the rest either ignored it while most became enraged I dare I "tell THEM HOW TO PLAY"

    No matter how non aggressive I try to sound most people take anything said as an attack.

    Yeah, I'm not out to point any individuals out obviously; I'm sure most people caring enough to post in here will also tend to be civil in advice and criticism to other players. But even so I'd also think you know not everyone puts it like that.

    1 hour ago, VegaMist said:

    You don't need to talk in order to learn - watch what others are doing, analyze it, and apply to yourself. Yes, it may speed up things if someone "takes a rookies under their wing", but it's not a requirement to learn. Just being in the environment forces one to adapt and evolve.

    Ok, fair enough on that. But then, such an environment isn't really dependant on "really good" pvp players being present, and I would argue most of the learning in actual playing (as opposed to reading and watching videos) isn't about watching how someone else does things, as there isn't a whole lot of time for that in pvp, but rather getting to play relatively even matches. When one side  more or less farms the other there's usually not a lot of room for developing your skills whether you're on the winning or losing team. At least that's been true for me.

    1 hour ago, VegaMist said:

    When you get feedback in there, it will be in the most direct quick-typed manner. I'm not talking about AFK-ing trolls who don't participate and just type (while being equally annoying to veterans or newbies) - I'm talking about regular PVP players who may say something in short pauses between battles. Learn to separate fair criticism from insults - use the first to learn from, and ignore the second.

    There is a quote by Brigham Young: "He who takes offense when offense was not intended is a fool, yet he who takes offense when offense is intended is an even greater fool for he has succumbed to the will of his adversary." If someone tries to troll you, either ignore them or troll them back, and, most of all, laugh about it - I do and it works very well.

    I agree with all you're saying here, but again, I'm not talking about you or me personally. Fact still is a lot of players refuse to engage in pvp, partially because of toxicity and very likely partially because they don't like getting killed/ganked without really knowing what to do.

  3. 15 hours ago, VegaMist said:

    That's not how it works. You need experienced players around for the new ones to learn from. The fastest way to learn is to surround yourself by those who are better at whatever it is you're learning and making yourself to catch up. Same as any work place has seniors and juniors (as well as everyone in between) in order to succeed.

    That's also not how it works though. What you say may well be true in an actual office or a sports team, yes, but certainly not in swtor. In my experience a majority of games are played in relative or absolute silence -- it's not like you see a lot of experienced players eager to take rookies under their wing and bring them up to speed. If anything there's a greater risk of being chewed out about it, which contributes to the problem.

    15 hours ago, VegaMist said:

    When someone tells you your gear is too low, it's not toxicity - they're just saying out loud what everyone else is thinking (by the way, I very rarely see anyone voicing it out in WZs). If anything, you're the one being impolite by showing up under-geared on top of being inexperienced. It's like you came to learn how to ride a bike, but brought a skateboard with you instead - not cool.

    Not saying it's toxicity per se, but you probably know as well as I do that it's not always stated in a reasonable manner. Anyway, my point wasn't the toxicity, but again trying to point out that alienating new players and making them reluctant to queue again isn't going to help pvp -- and like I said I personally think this is a bigger overall loss than having the top-tier people quit.

  4. 9 hours ago, AocaVII said:

    Okay so how does that help the current situation?

    You want all the players to be awful so this way the awful players can have a better time at playing. 

    So I should just unbind all my key binds undo everything I did to become better use bad gear and then do war zones. Tell me how that makes any sense at all?

    @AocaVII @Luciferior My point was in regard to the part of your post that I quoted -- I don't have any personal issue with skilled players and you can keep your keybinds -- but I disagree with the notion that the "really good" players quitting would mean the end of pvp. I rather feel the pvp player pool is losing out on the other end, i.e. having a hard time getting new players interested. And that's not even taking into account various degrees of toxicity in asking people not to queue unless they're already experienced and fully geared.

  5. 28 minutes ago, AocaVII said:

    Right now there are some really good players who are quitting the game and some players also that are very good that just aren't playing as much anymore so it's just going to get worse and worse until there's no PVP.

    Not sure about the last part; it's not like skilled pvp players are making pvp more enjoyable in general for the average/not-so-skilled queuer. If you magically reset all the pvp skill and experience in swtor, the people who ended up playing would likely have a better time as they felt more on equal footing -- and would then want to queue again.

  6. On 4/15/2024 at 1:16 PM, Wulfurkin said:

    Lowbies are nonexistent even on Darth Malgus. Midbies pop only during primetime and its usually just veterans who havent subbed in years and are stuck at a level 70 cap. There is barely a pvp population anywhere, expecting a pop on the new server is a lost cause.

    This is overstating it a bit imo, the pops aren't back to back, but you rarely have to wait more than 15-20 minutes during afternoon and evening times. The last character I leveled the past couple of weeks was around valor 60 when hitting level 80, and got most of the 70->80 experience through pvp. It's not exactly a lot of amateurs who "just want to have fun" though, but fairly competitive -- a lot of players are in the 75+ range with maxed gear and augments. Which I guess makes sense, pvp isn't fun when you lose.

  7. 5 hours ago, RACATW said:

    He's probably talking about when he has a skill advantage vs the players, on a map with tons of pillars.

    It's quite tricky fighting good ranged 1v1 in the open. In fact, I think the best ranged class to kill jugg may be a truly good merc.

    I'd say sniper -- a merc has a much harder time keeping the jugg off him, whereas given ideal conditions, like someone posted above a sniper can keep a jugg at a distance and/or slowed for a very long time. That's only 1v1 and with enough room though. If anyone else joins in the sniper's a sitting duck.

  8. Well, I've tried out a madness sorc for a few days now, and yeah.. so far in warzones it's a tremendous difference, you can 1v1 pretty much anyone (assassins have been the trickiest, not all sure there) even without being particularly used to the ins and outs of the spec, and if you don't get bothered by a second enemy (or face a sin) you often don't even have to use dcds, just like my experience that prompted this thread to begin with. You can also thrive in the relative disorder of warzones, e.g. spread your dots around, and relatively easy get away from less focused pressure situations and often survive and recoup even when someone tries to follow you to get the kill.

    In arenas the difference is smaller compared to a merc. You can't stand up to the direct focus of multiple players as well, and lose a lot of effectiveness in those situations -- so it's not all that uncommon that you get chosen as the first target. This is also the only real weakness I've spotted so far. 1v1, there really isn't any obvious one.

  9. On 4/11/2024 at 4:02 PM, Wulfurkin said:

    Its best if the penalties stay because of reasons mentioned already about matches being terminated due to mass quitters. There is however an alternative and its been mentioned a few times already as well, which is the possibility for a team to collectively decide to call it a loss. This is the best answer to premades stomping pugs

    I don't know, it seems to put the onus on the people getting farmed to give up collectively, and doesn't seem better than the individual being allowed (with relatively small repercussions) to leave. I'd consider at least the following three alternatives to be better:

    1. Prevent the forming of premades altogether, i.e. you can only solo queue. This would seem like the most direct way of addressing the problem, even if pvp matchups will still be uneven.

    2. Premades not prevented but if you do queue with 2+ people you can only get matched vs other configurations with 2+ people queued, and you will have to wait in the queue until that happens. This allows for premades to exist but might lead to the waiting time becoming longer both for them and solo players.

    3. Allow players to preview participants and queue status of the warzone/arena before accepting to join, including an indicator showing if some players queued together. That way, if you don't want to play vs a premade you can simply opt out; no penalty needed since you never joined to begin with.

    • Thanks 1
  10. I think the current penalties are ok. Relatively lenient and keep you from instantly requeuing but get worse if you repeat the behaviour, though also not so rough that you feel forced into staying put to get farmed.

    • Like 1
  11. 17 hours ago, septru said:

    If you want to get into specifics, I recommend recording your gameplay and uploading it here. That way we can actually help. Just going through a list of scenarios that could happen is extremely speculative, and rather unproductive. 

    As you already stated, the best way to learn how to beat other classes in 1v1s is to play those classes yourself. If you're struggling with madness sorc, play against it to learn its weaknesses. As you've come to realize, madness v arsenal is always going to be a hard matchup for the arsenal merc. But that doesn't mean you need to always lose to them. Oftentimes skill trumps class, especially in reg warzones were the average player is extremely bad.  With enough skill and experience you can beat maddness on arsenal merc. 

    Yeah, I realize I may have asked a question that doesn't really have any kind of specific, concise answer. Since posting I've come to that very conclusion, going to do some pvp as a madness sorc and see what kind of problems I run into. Also I can see not losing to them 100% of the time, certainly if there's a big skill difference -- but just like what prompted me to post in the first place, that feeling that someone just facerolled you without having to resort to any of the tactics normally associated with pvp in general or the class in particular is a bit hard to digest. So the question remains, assuming the madness sorc knows what he's doing and doesn't make any obvious mistakes, is there a way through that or does the answer end up being more along the lines of just not engaging 1v1?


    17 hours ago, septru said:

    Lastly, I wouldn't put a lot of value in lowbie pvp. Lowbie PvP used to be a great place to learn, now it's a waste of time. The skill level in lowbies is very low, many players don't have their full range of abilities, and the type of gameplay is significantly different from lvl 80. 

    I don't know about this one. I hear you on the skill level, but in my own experience, that part is often balanced by lowbie/sub-80 pvp not being one-sided ordeals just as frequently. At level 80 premades are common and in many cases you can accurately predict how a match is going to end within 30 seconds after starting. And in a one-sided match, whether you're on the winning or losing side, there aren't a lot of opportunities for developing your skills.

  12. 11 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    Chaff flare is one of the best DCD's in the game. It absorbs TWO force and tech attacks no matter how much DMG they would do. Doesn't matter if its an engi nuke or a force leach, it'll gets absorbed. Add on top of this it increases your defense chance and its something you should be popping when you are about to get hit with big burst. That said you need to pop chaff flare properly and know when to pop it, for madness Sorc I pop chaff flare when they are casting force leach or demolish those are two of their heavy hitters. But ideally you want to pop chaff flare when you see them cast force leach. 

    Thanks for the detailed reply -- to start off, yeah, I could probably have used this better, didn't really watch and wait for any particular cast.

    11 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    Did you also use Tech override and concussive round to knock them out for a bit? I use that and its extremely effective at well...everyone (Except specs that have CC immunity periods). Did you use interupt when they were doing really well anything? Use it during force leach or force lightning.

    I've used the power surge + concussion missile as a neat trick now and then, but not in this fight. I can't really see what I'd gain from stunning the sorc, especially if I'm already dotted up. Also he might as well just use his stun breaker, it's not like I can follow it up with a hard stun. The interrupt is a good point though, like flare I could probably have used it better.

    11 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    Also I don't suggest standing in one spot, Mercs are a bit more mobile with thrill of the hunt being given mainline now. Using tracer missile sure you are locked into one spot, but the rest of the time if possible be moving, Id also suggest putting something between you  and the sorc (like a wall) so that you can get a reprieve, that sorc can't do anything if he can't line of sight you.

    Again I'm not sure I see the strategy here, as in what will running away get me? Against several other classes I can understand it, but here my health will keep going down if I'm dotted, he'll heal from them, my damage will go to zero without los and he has access to more self heals than I do. Even if he just waits and lets me stand behind a wall, odds are that when I go back out I'll likely be at more of a disadvantage than when I went in.

    11 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    The other thing I'm going to ask is are you running the right skill tree setup for Arsenal?

    Almost but not quite the same as you. I usually run the hunter killer droid instead of power barrier, and jet escape instead of energy rebounder. I guess it makes me a little less geared for pure 1v1, but they come in handy in warzones.

    11 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    Are you also using your supercharged gas? It's where most of your high DMG comes from. You ALWAYS want to be building stacks of supercharge. I Spam Kolto shot 24/7 when i am running to the next fight to prebuild my stacks

    Yeah, pretty much the same, usually use my regen when I can and then pop kolto shot to keep it at 10 stacks until needed.

    11 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    I also hope that you were not popping them all at once. That is the fastest way to down yourself. It's kind of hard to explain, I recommend watching this old vid by biggs here,

    Haha, yeah, no I realize they work in different ways and use them one after another like I said. Very much like explained in that video, though I sometimes combine energy shield with the warzone adrenal to stack DR. I'm not sure how well responsive safeguards works vs dots though.

    11 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    IO does better sustained DPS and is my go to because its more mobile and has less casting compared to Arsenal. I also just find it more engaging to play. However IO is more strict in its rotation and it can punish you by botching your heat. I highly recommend that anyone learning Merc/Commando stick with Arsenal/Gunnery until you get the hang of how the spec plays. Arsenal is far more forgiving compared to IO. 

    Hmm, yeah at least with IO it might make it more reasonable to play for time. I'll try it out at some point.

    11 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    Electro net should be used against them if they are running around like speedy Gonzales or if you are securing a kill on them. Fun way to annoy people is to CC round them, than if they break throw net on them. They can't break it and have to endure our DPS. 

    Yeah, in many situations it's a great ability, I guess that added to my frustration here: like with so many other of the things I could do it felt like there was just no real effect/didn't change the outcome in any way.


    Edit: going further with this, the general feeling was that it seemed like such an uneven encounter that even if I'd played it perfectly, the outcome would still have been the same. Maybe the sorc would have been forced to heal actively or use some los, but still not be in any real danger of losing. It's a bit like the feeling of fighting an operative -- if they know what they're doing, there's not really anything you can do to beat them 1v1 -- even if you make the optimal choice in every situation, the best you can hope for is to play for time. The difference is that at least an op or a sin have to be able to take their sweet time to kill you, dip out of combat, open again from stealth and so on, something you don't always get the time and space to do -- they can't just run up and facetank you without worrying about their own healthbar.

  13. I'm pvping as a merc to learn the class better and have so far been able to hold my own in most situations, be it group or 1v1 I could at least feel I was contributing and when I lost to someone at least I gave them a good run for their money. When I faced a madness sorc alone though, it was like running into a brick wall.

    I play arsenal, we were both around level 78, I'm fully geared out in 306 gear and tactical. I went through all my dcds one after the other (could probably have used flare better, but can't see it making a big difference), and the sorc just stood there. Didn't have to pop bubble or actively heal, didn't phase walk, didn't even try to los. Literally just stood there and face tanked all my damage, and when I went down he was still around 40% health.

    I'm relatively new at merc so is there anything I'm missing here? Any way through their dps+self heal I'm not seeing? Does IO fare better than arsenal? It seems like if you try to run and recover, you'll still take damage from the dots while the sorc heals up.. and it's not like you can outrun them. Even electro net doesn't do much against an opponent who doesn't have to move or pop any escape.

    • Haha 1
  14. On 11/6/2023 at 7:52 PM, Crazykidddd said:

    as snipers can quite literally be untouchable for the most part if played right.

    They can when facing a single melee opponent, e.g. they handle juggs and marauders well, and PTs better than some classes. Put 2+ opponents on them though, or even one ranged, and their ability to keep themselves alive drops very quickly. Under any kind of serious focus they really struggle to do more than slightly delay their demise. On top of that, since they need to be stationary for such a big part of their damage output they're very vulnerable to being los:ed.

  15. On 12/29/2023 at 1:56 AM, TrixxieTriss said:

    This would be the easiest & most logical fix. Then any class that is still OP or UP would be easier to balance around. But we know they won’t do this because they’d have to admit they made a mistake to start with. Which is something they are incapable of doing or they would have already wound back the stupid 8 man premade idea.

    Maybe the most simple, but probably more logical like OP implies to change how premades work, e.g. if you queue as a group you'll only be matched against other groups and if you solo queue you'll only be matched against other solos. Most "skilled premade" players aren't all that hard to overcome when you place them with randoms. Don't really have to do much more.

  16. On 3/8/2024 at 6:09 AM, SentinalMasterWW said:

    Operatives/Scoundrels lack survivability imo and to be honest their DMG output is meh. The spec relies on roll for main mobility and getting rooted especially by snipers is just a death sentence for this spec, Snipers are this classes kryptonite.

    What. There's pretty much no way a sniper can handle an op 1v1 given similar skill. There's no way for the sniper to keep the op in combat, or counteract self heal as long as there's something to los behind. Keep in mind the dps and survivability of a sniper both drop drastically if they're forced to leave cover and run around. They also have a fair bit less mobility than an op any way you look at it, and nowadays no self heal save for the passive regen while in cover, so it's easy for both ops and sins to chip them down.

    • Like 1
  17. No mention of deception assassins and operatives? They're both pretty much impossible for any other class to handle 1v1 given similar skill levels, and even with the game being as old as it is there's no effective counter for stealth and/or the ability to dip in and out of combat at will, which leads to a lot of consequences in what those classes are capable of doing. If any classes are in need of a rebalancing for PvP, those are the ones.

  18. With conquest no longer rewarding Solid Resource Matrix, credits, renown, XP, and taking 100k instead of 50k... Whether it be 3 characters or 20 characters you're all just arguing for scraps instead of looking at the big picture.


    We shouldn't be arguing about the 3 characters limit, when there's almost no rewards for it other than commendations that are used to upgrade gear that'll mostly be outclassed anyway.


    I don't know, conquest has been nearly essential for amassing encryptions if you run solo guilds and still want to expand your flagships. That has always been the main draw for me, at least. Every other reward has either been pretty easy to get through other means or never really needed in significant quantities. With this change, unlocking a full flagship (nevermind one for each faction) for people who are just now starting up solo guilds will seemingly be a fair bit more challenging.

  19. It wouldn't really make any sense lorewise. If it were a serious battleground it would mean the Empire had managed to launch and sustain a continued assault on the Republic capital world and as such were close to finishing the war. If it were a testing/training facility kind of like OPG it would mean the Republic had decided to invite various sith lords and dark council members to come practice on Coruscant, which would seem stranger still.
  20. A poncho. A bit like the base tempest warden one, but without the backpack and imperial pauldron. A good role model would be the classical gunslinger one worn by the man with no name in the Dollar trilogy. Ideally this would come in two versions for the chestpiece; one worn regularly and one with the front flap thrown back over one shoulder to expose the sidearm.


    The rest of the set other than the chestpiece is of less importance, similarly themed with cowboy boots (preferably with spurs) and thin/half-finger, discrete gloves would be good.

  21. Before I start I have to get it out of the way. Yes I play merc, no I do not main merc. I am an operative main.


    Honest, but also not surprising. Mercs obviously tend towards feeling net is fine, and operatives (aside from being the singlemost overpowered pvp class for a very long time) have a decent chance compared to certain other classes to survive a net. Heck, against an operative it can almost be considered a fair counter.

  22. Simplifying it, is forgetting that without them, were dead meat.

    I dont have your dps, or your burst, so what would you suggest?

    Pretending to not see that, also doesnt help.


    Well, first off an arsenal merc has very respectable burst and dps. Perhaps not as good as some specs, but not bad. On the other hand, they're also more capable than many other classes in getting their burst/damage off. Unlike a lightning sorc where you can shut down their biggest damage ability by staying on them, an arsenal merc leads with only instant casts.


    Secondly, I 'pretend not to see it' because it's a much smaller problem: it's not like you see a lot of players coming on here to complain that a PT or lightning sorc killed someone 5% faster than they did; the complaints follow very similar patterns of people either getting locked down a lot or feeling that certain classes or specs are extremely hard to pin down or kill in spite of getting focused. Concealment ops obviously top this list, but mercs justifiably have a place on it, and that is what I meant by pretending to see in my case: even though this point is very well known, some people react with almost surprise or outrage that it keeps getting brought up.

  23. It kind of depends. In much of PVE the challenge level isn't greater than that you can play whichever way you enjoy the most. Still, my considerations:


    Skillful tier: ballistic dampers (especially) and imperial efficiency are good choices, great for almost all situations. Snap shot is the weakest of the three and doesn't really provide a dps increase since with instant snipe you still have to wait for the global cooldown. I'd consider taking vital regulators (significant amount of self healing is useful in a lot of situations) or calculated pursuit (provides a fair bit of mobility without a great dps loss) instead.


    Masterful tier: hold your ground is a good choice, the other two are pretty mediocre. I'd recommend seek cover and reestablish range instead for snare breakers and increased mobility.


    Heroic tier: siege bunker is great, almost a must-have for pve above story mode. Defensive safeguards is also a strong choice, with deployed shields being a decent alternative to it depending on if you expect opponents to be close to you. As a third option to these two, tactical retreat is a good choice too, providing a decent self heal and more use from what is already a solid defensive cooldown. Executioner on the other hand is next to useless in comparison, minimal dps increase that can be hard to fit into your rotation. I'd recommend switching it out for pillbox sniper considering the strength of entrench, synergy with siege bunker, seek cover and the established foothold set bonus.

    So in short: siege bunker, pillbox sniper and one of defensive safeguards, deployed shields and tactical retreat.

  24. Agree that this would be useful. It's not even about gearing or leveling up again as both of those processes are currently very quick; even raising crew influence isn't too much of a hassle. It's things like grinding valor, getting certain titles and mounts back and rediscovering all codex entries that are the real time/effort sinks.


    What I do after a hiatus when this feeling hits, as others have pointed out, is usually to start a new character and imagine it as my main character reminiscing and reliving their adventures. That way I can play the new character without obsessing about having to unlock everything on them (since they're essentially just a memory). Then when they've completed or reached far enough through their story, I just store or delete them, and switch back to my main. It's not exactly the same, but works fairly well.

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