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Everything posted by Jaynm

  1. People complain about anything,u can never satisfy anybody i guess its human nature or we just spoiled *** people.If there isn't enough people pvping on the the planet ..hello then umm maybe its not enough 50s on the server...hello..wow people..next time don't rush to 50...i'am not...damn the game only been released..what three weeks..wow....so many babys that cry to much for stupid arugments...that wouldn't hold up to a glass of water.I wow for 6yrs it was buggie as hell but they fixed it.And they still fixing it..so quit crying..bioware is aware of the problems and they are working on it..i for one enjoy the game..i think it great..and i had the game crash on me a couple of times and when I'am in Taral V..but..it still didn't take away from my enjoyment of the game.because i know the game just came out..it more annoying than anything else.....bioware is aware of the problems and they fixes are coming and content and if anybody knows anything about mmos.....u know it takes time..u can't just throw content together and slap on the the servers...my god people..give it a break...plz.....I just want to say bioware i love the game and keep up the good work..and oh yea....some advice...(plz when you listen to some of these babies cry..plz take some precaution ..because some of these same babies that are crying now..did that in wow and you see what they did to wow...it got soft because blizz listened to much and ruined the game......ok........keep up the good work bioware and don't listen to all the naysayers.....its a great game.
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