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Everything posted by SirMannii

  1. Whatever you feel satisfying to tell yourself. As long as you don't wake up again without a friend in the world, we are happy for you.
  2. I quit the game in the middle of Season 5. (I got my mount giggle) I'm a subscriber still but I'm not going to play anything this summer or at all before next expansion. See you all this winter. P.S: you don't have too message me anymore. Like it says in the OP go whisper I'gor or someone in MVPs if you want to know more.
  3. I would like 1 change that is quite obvious: - Roll breaks and purge all movement impairing effects.
  4. SirMannii


    2 years ago people asked, "When will Pre-season end?" Now we ask, "When will pre-season start?"
  5. (edit) I just linked something, but it didn't work. It was a music video about "I don't need your good luck"
  6. Anyone who wants to know more about MVPs should either ask I'gor or just whisper anyone online for more information. I have made a thread with I'gors statement inside on the Tomb of Freedon Nadd forums: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8277564#post8277564 If you want to wine about too many MVPs-players in solo ranked queue you can still do that in this thread, but that will not lead to your character getting a higher rating, it just means you might not be good enough to played ranked. Anyone can choose to queue Solo Ranked. I personally do it on Imperial side mostly because I have my main there. MVPs is a republic guild, though. You will need to do a try-out/trial before getting accepted to the guild. We DO NOT take anyone into the guild.
  7. Hello all, I am Mannii, and have been a part of this server community since the great galactic servermerge (rp lolz) . For some time now people have been recognising us because of the flamewar going on about players from our guild intentionally making other players lose rating in solo ranked. I am not aware of how this is done or how we can be that awesome. I just know, for a fact, that we are one of the oldest PvP guilds (I would say the oldest) left on our beloved Tomb of Freedon Nadd. I remember Tomb of Freedon Nadd as the biggest and strongest server in the world, but this has changed drastically after the removal of 8v8 ranked warzones. I miss the days when I actually thought QQ was a good PvP guild (yeh, I guess i was delusional), or when White Noise and Coral were still around. MVPs also changed, but never died due to open arms against a lot of players and other guilds which whithout MVPs would have died or went into some sort of diaspora across the game servers or casual/social guilds. I will quote I'gor, the Guildmaster of MVPs with a recruitment message: We love Star Wars: The Old Republic. And we love PvP. Normal Warzones, Solo queue, group queue and the ranked aspect of the game. We would love to see BioWare developing and show the community THEIR interest to make PvP even bigger, better and more fun every day. But until they do, MVPs are here, working on their own and making PvP in this game better, more challenging and fun for everyone. Join us, and be a part of a good, and skilled player base. Maybe the only guild on the server who can provide just that. Whisper anyone in MVPs for more information or I'gor for a try-out to join our ranks, if you think you're good enough. I am, Mannii <MVPs>
  8. I think the only server with ranked pops still going on is Tomb of Freedon Nadd. Other PvP servers in the game are very low in population according to numbers. ToFN is the ONLY PvP-server which is bigger than any other type of server (PvE or RP). You can check the biggest to smallest server on Torstatus, link below. http://www.torstatus.net/
  9. Please all, not everyone is intentionally sync queueing in MVPs. Stop be mad, and enjoy the game! <-- Click it!
  10. Why you mad at MVPs? Be mad on the certain players instead. MVPs has a lot of players and I don't think majority is even playing like you are saying.
  11. I give up, no reason replying. You're bad. You have 720 rating and tries to blame sync queuers. I play imperial mostly. Now move along the nab line.
  12. No I didn't. I haven't been playing Republic since long before they announced rewards. And if I did, so what? I play what I want, I queue when I want. You still have 720 rating and tries to put blame on sync queuers. Get real and stop crying.
  13. It's all about you being bad. I don't care what MVPs are doing. I am mostly on Imperial side, and you my friend has 720 rating, as an fotm Assassin.
  14. You have no clue what you're talking about. 50-50 win/loss is noth as bad as 720 rating. And sometimes focus Jugg is the best thing to do, it's all situational and depends on claass setups. You're bad, just deal with it. One day, season 16 or something, you might have learned a lot. Stop acting like a douchebag now when you can't play yourself.
  15. I can duel you for free, I'm online right now. /w Maniiz The sad part though is you ask a non-assassin/operative for a duel AS an Assassin yourself. And you don't even understand why it is sad.
  16. You have 720 rating I don't even...that is either troll or wintrader.
  17. You just called me a baddie, when you are derping fotm Assassin and the fact you are 720 rating.... And the fact that I'm playing Sniper on the same faction as you.
  18. Yes, it's so easy. BioWare are just completely retarded in this matter. What is it now, 2 years of pre-season and 5 seasons? And they havent figured it out yet.
  19. People are so mad. "Oh my god I am better than all MVPs-players people, dont look at rating, they all cheating...cry...cry...I'm playing solo ranked because I wanna show everyone I'm good...more cry...I'M BEST SOLO RANKED PLAYER TOFN EU...cry...cry..MVPs destroying my skill...cry..." Anyone wants popcorn? I confess, I have tried to sync queue a lot of times, I end up with people or against them, quite cool actually. I'm playing Imperial, and Sniper. Anyone want to queue sync with me, I'm online!? Just whisper in game or text me here. We can sit Team Speak and count down 3...2...1...Queue! And we might end up on same team!! Such an awesome thing to do. Then maybe people start hate us as well!
  20. People are playing a dead game when queuing on one of the factions are the same as synq queue. Best part of this is that people complain because they don't want to play republic queue themselves for some reason. No wonder republic queue is dead when everyone just go Imperial PvP. *grabs popcorn and listens to the people who rage because they lose -8 rating against synq queue*
  21. I want more frames per second, if an updated engine or an new one would fix that I would be more than glad. Someone make a Kickstarter for new engine!
  22. It's Top 3 character on the Solo Ranked Leaderboard of each Advanced Class and the top 3 characters on Team Ranked Leaderboard of each Advanced Class. So it's 24 players on the Solo Ranked Leaderboard and 24 players on the Team Ranked Leaderboard for EACH faction. 48 players in the world of EACH faction = Top 96 players in the world. Where did "... which would be only 24 people in the whole game ..." come from?
  23. I vote The Fatman and Tomb of Freedon Nadd because I'm nostalgic.
  24. Good choice by Bioware. I am playing Sniper and will get everything except the Top 3 Title due to my server probably being harder than those PvE/RP-trash who don't even play 100 wins with their character. I have been over 1600 three times but never managed to maintain or get above 1700, not even close to it. My highest earned rating on Tomb of Freedon Nadd is 1647 and I would say it's not impossible at all. If you're wining then you're not playing enough to try and get the rating. I see people wining about 1600 to high, but I can't see them even play enough matches during the season. Let's face it, no one deserves any rewards by only playing 20 wins (which some people have done on the leaderboard) because you get a ratingboost your first 20 games (some games you get +25 which is retarded), and the first 10 is likely around +35'ish and -35'ish if not more. If i decided I would remove the ratingboost you have the first 20 games, and also make it that you are not eligible for any rewards at all if you have played less than 150 solo ranked or team ranked matches. This would make sense and make the population and Ranked queue pops faster, because rewards is what people wants, it is what makes people queue. Items that works as a show-off is what people find motivating. 1600 rating is, by the way, very low. Anyone saying that it is too high might need to step up their game and stop complaining about trolls in your team, wintraders etc. You always forget about the matchmaking lottery, sometimes it's against you, sometimes even YOU get carried. I've done so many bad matches and still been winning, but I forget these quite easy. I remember the feeling about having bad players, trolls or disconnects though. 1600 rating, I think BioWare are very generous. Thanks for this season lads, see you around. And remember to transfer to Tomb of Freedon Nadd - the only challenging PvP-server left in the game. Maniiz the Sniper goes under cover for a while
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