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Posts posted by mighty_joe

  1. Oricon would be next in your chronological order.

    Kuat drive yards is a tactical flashpoint, with it's own contained story attached, it has no strict chronological order.


    After you finish oricon you can start the shadow of revan prelude with the forged alliances arc. those are mostly tactical flashpoints, that you can run solo nowadays with a GSI killbot by your side. I strongly advise aginst that, though, since it is the most mind numbing gaming experience, run them via group finder and zerg through with a group, much faster and more fun.


    from there you do shadow of revan and ziost.


    hope that helps. if anyone thinks i got the order wrong, feel free to correct me

  2. i don't get it. everyone registers on the same american account servers to an american company.

    I can set up characters on every server I damn well please, in Europe an NE - but for some reason it is supposed to be a legal thing to transfer characters from one server to another?

    i don't understand, someone please explain ...


    I always assumed that NE - Europe transfers are requested to infrequently to bother setting up the tech.

  3. I have been very disappointed by this since 3.0 came out. I primarily quest with my friends, and it's a huge drag to no longer see our characters in cutscenes together, and to have to do every quest 2-4 times instead of once.


    It's a large step backwards, in my opinion, and truly does hinder my enjoyment of the new content.


    Part of the beauty of this game was having a group of characters and rolling to see who wins the conversation rolls, etc... some of that magic has been lost. We still get social XP boosts in cartel packs, but it seems they've forgotten what the social system was for.


    It's not a solo vs group thing either, because you could do all the old stuff solo from the time the game launched. Now solo is the ONLY way, and that's sad. :(


    this pretty much sums it up. a large, immersion breaking, inconvenient step backwards. and I still don't know what for...what is the benefit of the new system?

  4. It's a story quest. You have NEVER been able to advance more than one persons story at a time in an instanced story quest.


    yes, but you could be a witness to someone else's progress. now, even when grouped you can't join personal phases together. and this I don't understand. it was perfectly fine to only allow one player to progress, since personal class quests involved decisions that had an effect on companions, you don't want anyone messing with that. but having a friend witness your progress and vice versa was really nice and actually added to immersion. there were things going on you don't have a say in. now, wehenever something happens it's just me myself and HK

  5. I am confused. There is an official EA statement that the game is doing well and will continue to do so.


    Then someone posted this YouTube video from that unknown guy who claims that this game is dying and that it is time to leave.


    And to top that, Rita the Grim repeatedly delivers the claim that "hundreds" of players are leaving, the game is rotting and that soon it will be all over.


    I really don't know what to believe now.


    since the first patch to the first mmo people who disliked something have been crying doom. some games actually failed, some didn't. only ask yourself if you are having fun or not. if you do, keep playing the game, if you don't do something else.


    i watched that video you mentioned, that is one unhappy player ... he should definately quit the game if it makes him produce such an unpleasant video. lol. 20minutes of moping and whining. what a waste of time and energy.

  6. the short answer to the OP question is yes. warzone objective based pvp is fun.


    the long answer is a little more complicated and has to take into account that you will have to have a competitive mindset to be good at it. you will need to do some prioritizing and time management if you only have a limited time frame to play. and a couple of other factors. for me it boiled down to :


    yes it is fun, but I like raids and GSF PVP more so my time is better spent there.

    If warzone pvp is the thing for you by all means stick to it and follow the many tipps already provided here and in the stickies in pvp forums.


    and always wear your flame suit! you will need it ;)


    The bug now is a bug, which was not intended. And this bug has got into PVP, which now gives us more of an argument to invalidate all ranked warzone scores this season.


    A bug on a skill has simply ruined PVP. Ranked warzone leaderboards now are 100% invalidated due to a bug, no matter if it broke a class, or made a class overpowered.


    There simply CANNOT be any game breaking bugs and mistakes on Biowares part with ranked warzones.


    all ranked warzone scores are invalid since the patch on tuesday not the whole season.

  8. I have fun by doing different things at different times. Some of the time I play Alts with my girlfriend, leveling new characters. Or we do PvP. Or we do Flashpoints. Or we do Operations.


    You're experiencing burn out. I don't play SWTOR a ton of hours in a given week, but I do play it consistently and enjoy it. But if you like one thing and not another, go play the thing you like. When you get bored of that, go to another thing. There is a lot of stuff to do in SWTOR.


    switching through content is the key

    my guild turned to conquests and i play what yields the highest outcome besides crafting every week. I love FPs, OPs and GSF and I enjoy WZs enough to mainly play them for a week.


    if I have time left (rarely, tight schedule with family and job) I level and try to contribute to conquest with alts or go achievements hunting, credit farming. or idling in fleet, chatting.


    i never get bored.


    I smoke a lot of weed.


    that helps, too :D

  9. The "player" characters I'm referring to aren't running on some kind of automated program, but are gathering credits via chests and slicing nodes.


    It's obvious they aren't typical players because, if you inspect their legacy achievements, there are basically none, except for the currency one (gaining 10 million or more credits).


    What is the best option to report them for BW? I don't see a selection specifically available, and "report spam" doesn't seem to fit the situation.


    I know many are skeptical any action will be taken, but, for the sake of trying to report some of the source of all the credit selling spam we see...


    please tell me what the appropriate way to play the game is oh mighty gamemaster. i have been a bad sentinel and looted chests, sliced nodes and killed many thousands of mobs with the sole purpose of making credits.

  10. I myself play only GSF in this game. As for the effect on your character you get some Xp, credits and a few fleet coms that are spent on things for the space missions. I'm pretty sure that's all though.


    You can use the fleet coms for Stronghold Decorations and Titles as well, if you are into that.

  11. I play on red eclipse as well. during the times i play, i could not notice anything different concerning queue times for daily FPs, pvp or GSF which would be my indicator for changing server population. so if only the fleet is emptier it might be as suggested before due to strongholds and rakghul event.


    that being said, a minor drop in acitvity is to be expected to happen prior to a big update. even more so if the level cap is about to be raised. nothing to worry about, population is going to increase significantly again with the release.

  12. They could make it so that every time you self-destruct back-to-back, you double your re-entry time.




    S-D(self destruct) twice: 2mins

    S-D 3 times: 4mins

    S-D 4 times: 8mins


    And so on and so forth.


    Has to be in a row though, you know, for the people that legitly self-destruct.


    would still punish new people that dont know what they're doing and try to figure things out. i self destructed a lot in my firstm atches, had this been in place I would have been bored and frustrated by 10th match and be gone for good from gsf now.

  13. Well done guys!


    Any plans to make it publicly listed so we can come be nosy?


    sure there are...but i guess we can't right now because our ship bugged out right after we finished it.

    it must still be somewhere in orbit around voss, because we receive orbital support, so it did not SMEF.

    but somehow we lost the coordinates and can't access it anymore .... lets hope after the reset on tuesday we get it back.

  14. Remove the repeatable conquest dailly from PvP.


    Solo PUG PvP was bad enough before conquest with everyone playing the Damage hero. Now it's beyond a joke.

    These people join PvP and really don't care for the outcome at all, they just want to mess about because they know they are going to be rewarded regardless of the outcome.

    I am by no means an elitist, but I can pull my own weight in PvP. It's physically impossible to carry a whole team unless the enemy team are all single digit IQ.


    Please. Add a weekly or something, not a infinitely repeatable objective for PvE players to abuse.


    generalizing other people's behavior, assuming to know their motives and blaming them for lost games sounds a lot like elitism.

  15. Thank you, you actually just proved my point. If enough people are saying it's imbalanced, then it's clearly a problem.


    this might be a misconception. it just means that many people have problems, not necessarily a balance issue.

    it could also mean that many players' expectations of what a GSF should look and feel like is disappointed time and again. which is a problem in itself, granted, but has nothing to do with the imbalance of a certain ship.

  16. Risking to repeat what others said before...STO space combat and GSF are two completely different things.. I played STO for a long time until the overall experience got unbearable. speaking of which, space pvp in STO has been a giant p2w fest last time I chekced. citing STO as a good example for mmo space pvp in the same paragraph as calling GSf p2w is just hilarious....


    the definition of p2w has been clarified before, so i'll just repeat that GSF has none of it. there is no extra powerful ships with compeltely unbalanced equipment in the cartel store, is there? you can only make progression faster, or by cosmetic stuff which really is OK.

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