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Everything posted by killerelmo

  1. so instead of farming lowbys, were sittinga around w8ting for ques. no. making people wait longer is just gonna piss people off and then people switch server and 5 servers are extereamly overpopulated. maybe if the 50 bracket came in like 3 months or so and if warzones could be played across servers. this would be ok. waiting in ques is not fun. nub
  2. if arenas came too early the game becomes a race to lvl 50 so you cant enjoy the story. so what if people have a lot of characters. Arena should give no rewards to stop hackers and people selling rank one and paid services that get you rank 1 or x rating for certain gear. make pvp 1 bracket only, no rewards, gear, or titels so no1 cheats. and make arenas flat. face it, every1 has a knockback; just leaderboards and a rating.
  3. Immobilize, stun (8sec), slow (12 sec), knockback (constant). kicked from WZ (if alt+tab)
  4. Can somebody tell me where i fan find the entrance the the Hammer Station flashpoint?
  5. Hi, i was reading a thread saying that we marauders have mortal strike. i am level 15. what is the ability called and what level do i get it at? Thanks. it would really help out !
  6. no, what im asking is that are there any options to change server like wow?
  7. fed up on 50min queues. any1 know how to change server?
  8. But when i log into the client it says there is no subscription. when i click on the link it says i need to redeem my product code. i have already done this weeks ago and it says i need to do it. when i tried it, it said it had already been used. ***!!!
  9. Hi, i was wondering if anybody got the early access email. i preorderd the game and haven't yet recived an email about early access. i redeemed my code a few weeks ago. it said on the SWTOR website that we would recive an e-mail today. no email. why is this?
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