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Everything posted by Undyinghunter

  1. Yeah, this doesn't seem to happen anymore. I just did the Tython one for the first time with my Agent and she didn't pick up any from that run. The mission log says I'll only receive one after doing both the Tython and Korriban ones for the mission they're a part of.
  2. So there’s a crew mission where you can send a crew member to go visit an abandoned temple that is all that remains of a group called the Peacekeepers that broke away from the Jedi and fully devoted themselves to non-violence (wording is “deserted temple,” so I’m curious as to if that means the Peacekeepers died off or if they just up and vanished somewhere). I’m wondering if we could ever actually go to this temple and learn more about them. Idk about others, but I’ve been playing a full Light Side Jedi Knight Saboteur with the rationale that he’s trying to subvert the Republic’s war effort to get them to sue for peace and finally end the Jedi/Sith conflict with peaceful coexistence (whether that is even possible or just a manifestation of my Jedi’s weariness of the war), and I feel like being able to go to this place would be a pretty cool place to explore in that regard, in addition to just learning about another Force tradition aside from Jedi and Sith.
  3. I saw in the Collections page for Companions, under tab Promotional Items that I could finally get Master Ranos as a companion as it says the Jedi Holocommunicator item can be bought from the Galactic Seasons vendor. However, in spite of Master Ranos being in the background area of the Galactic Seasons area on the Republic Fleet, along with Nico Okarr, Paxton Rall, and Shae Vizla, neither of the vendors here has any of the companion unlocking items. Not Ki’at Thavo, Galactic Seasons - Seasonal Rewards, nor Jaleit Nall - Classic and Non-Seasonal Rewards. Is there a reason for me not seeing the ways to unlock these characters in the inventory of these characters despite the Collections page saying I should be able to? Or is this a bug? Thanks in advance!
  4. Just want to add here that I’m dealing with this issue too.
  5. So since the world of Nathema is an ancient Sith world, as shown in the Revan novel, I’m assuming that those cool statues of humanoid monsters are of ancient Sith in armor. I really like the much more eldritch/scary type of armor concept for the Sith, and I would like to put in the suggestion box the idea of having on the cartel market the chance to have an armor set based off the Nathema Statues you can unlock as decorations from the Nathema Conspiracy flashpoint. (Or rather the armor the statues are based off of, from an in-universe point of view as it were.)
  6. I agree. The PVE stuff is fun enough to do, cause it’s just more grinding. But the PVP stuff is exhausting and it’s such a graphics drain on my laptop (the only computer I have) that I have to lower the graphics setting to Very Low each time I sit down to do something. There should be a toggle for if you want to do PVE/PVP or a mix of both for Galactic Seasons, and the weekly PVE shouldn’t be limited to operations cause not everyone has the time for those or enough people with schedules matching up to do one.
  7. Just want to bump this and throw my support around it. It would be amazing to be able to go back to the Wookiee home world three hundred or so years after KOTOR 1 and see how it’s doing. Not to mention explore more of it thanks to modern graphics and such. Having Kashyyk as a full planet and not a daily or flashpoint would be so epic.
  8. Thanks! I apprcapte the prompt reply. I know things are most likely hectic right after a new update so I appreciate you getting back to me so fast!
  9. So I had started the Secrets of the Enclave flashpoint, cutscenes all went fine. But when I actually got out to play it, Arn was not a companion and the Companions & Contacts page did not have him listed anywhere to summon him from. Instead, that page shows Darth Rivix under the Alliance tab that includes Rass Ordo and Satele Shan. I don’t know if this is because I’m playing a saboteur with this character or if this is just a Republic side bug or what. But I want to be able to have the correct dialogue and interactions on this flashpoint so any help that could be provided would help.
  10. Have some freaking compassion, dude. It wasn’t just a power outage, it was a whole system designed to fail failing right when it was needed most. People have died. Some are now facing damaged homes, are under a boil water provision because they don’t have clean water, and some are still without power. While SWTOR is enjoyable, it’s still just a video game, it’s not more valuable than people’s lives.
  11. Ignore this person’s rudeness, Jackie. Thank you for keeping us updated and I hope you and yours are safe. I lucked out and only had a couple days without power and a boil water provision that lasted just a few days, but I know many others have it worse, especially up in Austin (I’m in Houston). You all on the team just focus on staying safe first and above all. Those of us who love and appreciate the Star Wars experience SWTOR has given us can and will wait, and understand that hiccups like this happen with weather from climate change.
  12. So after the recent update today, I was suffering some major connectivity issues. Eventually I closed the game and tried to get back into it, but ever since I closed it all I’m able to do is log in, go to the loading screen, sometimes hear some of the background character selection screen music, sometimes not, but now I’ve tried 6 times and it is crashing without fail before I even get to character selection. I have tried restarting my computer, but that is not helping. I cannot even get into the game to submit a bug report ticket because of it now crashing without fail. What can I do to fix this or have it be addressed by the support team?
  13. I agree, all Aldaraan House flags should be available as decorations. They're just so cool, plus the main entrance to my Stronghold is basically covered in one of every flag seen in the game. Would love to add more to my collection.
  14. I know we already have the gear of Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, and Karness Muur gear sets in game via the Cartel Market/Cartel crates, but I would like to suggest a full set of Ludo Kressh's armor and his war sword be added in to round off the named Golden Age Sith gear sets, while also suggesting some new unique Golden Age style outfits. Whether they be armor sets designed to be the same style and from the same time period seen in the Tales of the Jedi comics, or a Neo-Golden Age style that arose from the resurgent Sith Empire in SWTOR proper as a way to show that the resurgent Empire was trying to recapture the style of their past, or just a blend of the styles from the games and comics to show how the armor style shifted from what we saw in the comics to what we see in the game. Cause the armor and clothing styles of the game are vastly different to why we see in the comics.
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