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10 Good
  1. Get 50 as both classes and then come talk it out. Marauders own face at 50.... My bh merc, I switched to heal spec just cause well its hard to dps verse well made teams that know what to do. Bh dont have much escape just a aoe knockback, single target stun, and a single target mini knockback if your spec for it. Oh and unload snares. Marauders are very useful at 50, they have leap/root, force choke, heal debuff, vanish (escape), snare, and the reduce all dmg taken (escape).
  2. I said within the cc, meaning that before the cc is done or if im unlucky I die around them time I break it. This is against good players though.
  3. So like I said pop all my cds if they are up just to survive one operative. Awesome class bro...... oh and then run to my team, which ill be trying to do anyways. Btw heavy armor isnt what its cracked up to be.
  4. I dont know about you guys, but im looking forward to the nerf. Im a merc healer, battlemaster, full champion gear. Unless I have my break cc up im either dead or being chased for the kill. Thats me blowing all my cds. Even then most any good operative plus any other dps can usually kill me within the cc.
  5. Im not in yet... but I really think its a good idea. Even with all you guys going rage mode, bioware is doing well. I like the idea that a good amount of people may have moved on by the time I get to play which will rock!
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