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Posts posted by mhobin

  1. I like cheesy objective play :D


    At least in 8v8, class imbalance is more forgiving than in 4v4. That means more than 4-5 classes/specs become viable and people won’t necessarily class stack as much for 4v4. Some classes that may not suit 4v4 very well, definitely shine as much or more in some 8v8 maps compared to some 4v4 meta classes.


    Of course there will still be those that are the BiS FOTM’s in 8v8 and you will still get some class stacking. But 4v4 has become stale with only 4 classes mostly played each meta. We need a change that allows more class/spec viability for players who want more competitive Pvp than regs, but don’t want to play arena.


    I loved 8v8 and it was my favorite game mode. But the game is no longer balanced for it. When we were lvl 55 most games were long stalemates. Classes are now too mobile. With two organized groups, there would be no point captures in any maps.


    I loved 8v8 but it would simply not work anymore without a huge ability purge by the devs.

  2. I'm leaning Sniper or Merc. I've played many classes in various MMO's, Sniper is just a very unique class. No doubt they can burst. I do like the mobility of Merc and Electronet is a very valuable tool in PVP. It definitely helps land kills.


    When it comes to Merc I tend to prefer IO. Arsenal's rotation is a little boring for me.


    I'd like to push some rated PVP this season. Difficult decision....


    I appreciate all of the feedback.


    Sniper is a much more difficult class to play at a high level. Mercs can still get away with face tanking because of their defensives.


    A well played Sniper is the strongest spec in the game. However a well played Sniper is the rarest player in the game.

  3. I like SWTOR, I come back to SWTOR every year for a certain amount of time. However, I am realistic about the game. It has been in maintenance mode for several years now. Just accept the game for what it is, and enjoy it. Honestly, the game was screwed before it launched when they picked the engine (framerates on Illum, no xserver etc).


    Will we ever get large investment? No. Can you still enjoy what we have, sure. We got our 6 guys working on the game, support our six!

  4. I'm trying this mission as we speak. The stomp thing is not horrible, but I can get one down, and one to 50% before they kill me. I summon a probe to pup up there and repair. But, both go back to full health. By the time the second one is down, I am at 10% and the remaining sentinel is abour 80%. He kills me, I rezz again, but now the first one has respawned. Can never get all 3 down. This is BEYOND frustrating. I am going to try the "wlker armor bonus" as someone else suggested, but at this point, it feels like a 2 year old bug should be fixed. Maybe the engineers could wake up and resolve this for us.


    I used stomp to get one down, died. Went to the med center and there were only two there. Rinse and repeat. Don’t know if it was a lucky bug for me or not. But going to the mend center got them down.

  5. Please don't try to force such a broard definition which is so wide EVERYTHING is pay to win.


    I have paid for a faster internet connection than you. League of Legends is P2W!

    I have paid for a better PC than you. COD is P2W!

    My glasses are better than yours. Rock, Scissors, paper is P2W!

    I have a gym membership. Arm wressling is P2W!

    My parents were richer than you so I had better nutrition and education than you. Life is P2W!


    It is not a broad definition, it is the definition most gamers use. If I can use real world money to quickly get better items. And another gamer takes an extended period of time to grind those items. I have P2W. I have an distinct advantage during the time it takes you to grind your way to where I am.


    Set bonuses and augments require huge sums of credits. If you don’t have those credits, you can either take the time to grind them, sitting at a gear disadvantage. Or you can buy some items off the CM, sell them and have the gear quicker.

  6. No, that's "Pay To Skip" you're literally paying money to skip a process, not win anything.


    Warframe has a similar set-up where you can earn everything the game has to offer just by playing, or you can spend platinum (the game's premium currency) to buy any of the game's weapons, cosmetics, pets, etc.That isn't pay to win though, that's just giving you the option of not having to grind if you don't want to.


    Once again, you consider the design/mechanic to be a negative thing & you're conflating it with something everyone knows is a negative in order to make the thing you don't like seem worse than it actually is. You're desperately seeking validation.


    Paying to skip gives me an advantage over those who grind naturally for however long it takes to catch up. If we are fighting over a node, and I have paid to skip so I have all my set bonuses, augments and tacticals, and you are still grinding for your 2peice bonus, I will win. That is P2W.


    If you have played for years and are sitting on a big bank account, then your advantage is fair. But if you pay for your advantage it is not.


    I keep using FIFA as an example, because that is what EA base all their systems around. But for those who spend money and can get the best players quickly, they have an advantage over those who don’t spend money and have to grind for the in game currency. That is the same principle they have brought to SWTOR. It is P2W.


    Under your definition almost no game is P2W.

  7. Ranked pvp. The ranked pvp where you fight 4vs4, not solo.


    The ranked pvp you are not obligated to play. The ranked pvp that is not only dependant on gear but on dozens of factors combined to win (even the best geared best players lose when someone disconects or drops or afk or wintrade)


    If by P2W you mean P2W in ranked pvp, yes, gearing is absolutely important, but again, you are not going to kill people with 2 shots even if they wear lvl 10 clothes.


    Solo ranked is the only ranked PvP that pops. But that is beside the point.


    Ask any raiding guild if they will take you without set bonuses.....they won’t. To do the high end content in the game your going to need to spend a great deal of credits for set bonus gear, tacticals and augments.


    Or you can grind and craft everything needed. But you can also pay real money to skip the grinding and crafting. That is P2W.

  8. have you played MMO games in your phone ? when people pay for speedups and you lose to them because they beat you with 100 times your army power and take almost no loses? that's P2W.


    Warzones in this game are bolstered, same with OPS. Gear difference between a fully 306 and a 276 is unexistant due to bolster.


    Even if this game didnt have a bolster, it's not that you can kill someone with 1 or 2 hits like in Asian Mmos, it takes skill and undergeared still have a great chance to win against "geared"


    Set bonuses. Bolster is irrelevant in ranked PVP, if you don’t have set bonuses and the right tactical you are at a severe disadvantage.

  9. Buying CM items to sell for credits.. is by no stretch of the imagination a "P2W" mechanic. You really don't seem to understand what P2W actually is. By your logic, even WoW's Token system is "P2W", and... it's not..


    It's not "skipping the line" otherwise all of us subscribers would be P2W because if there is a login queue, we jump to the front.


    Your logic of "having more credits = P2W" means that by your reasoning, someone who has played non-stop since Day 1..and amassed hundreds of millions of credits.. has Paid 2 win.. because they have more credits than you, or than a returning (or new) player..


    No someone who has grinded the game since day 1 has not P2W, they have grinded. But if I spend 50 bucks and get 100m credits allowing me to buy gear at the same rate as someone who has grinded, I just P2W.


    Also, I have no fear of a login queue in SWTOR.

  10. By your logic any money sink in the game = Pay To Win. For instance, Strongholds are a huge money sink, but obviously they were designed that way so that people would spend real-world money in order to fully unlock & decorate them right?


    Not everything in video game development is the conspiracy theories people like you want them to be.


    It yet again comes down to you conflating a negative element that you know people don't like (Pay To Win) with a process of the game's design that you find annoying. Are you & the TC that hard up for validation that you feel you need to do that?


    Huh? Nobody would complain if microtransactions only resulted in cosmetic upgrades. That is why nobody calls Fortnight or Overwatch P2W.


    Most EA games however are P2W, and this gear system is no different. In FIFA, you buy packs of player (the top end have less the 1% chance to drop), you then sell the trash players converting them to in game currency to buy the best players. It is universally known as a P2W game.


    This gear system is a lot like that. You can grind the credits.....or you can buy CM items and convert them to credits. That is a P2W mechanic. You can grind your credits for years. Or I can pay 50 bucks and make 100m credits. It negates the whole grind.


    P.S I reference FIFA because it is EAs biggest revenue game, and what they use to model all of their multiplayer systems.

  11. This.


    Frankly every time I see a new pay to win whine thread, I roll my eyes because I know exactly what's going to be in it and whatever the person is whining about isn't actually pay the win, rather "I'm lazy and mad the game doesn't play itself for me anymore."


    Every time I see these, your lazy grind the credits arguments I roll my eyes.


    It is not the fact that I can’t earn credits, it is that there is a very easy way to pay real world money that allows me not to earn the credits.


    With the need for a mass amount of credits to gear, many people will reach into their wallet to bypass earning the gear. You don’t think that was a motivating force when designing this gear system?

  12. What you're describing isn't pay to win. It's closer to "pay to skip" than anything. You're not winning anything in what you're describing.


    Pay to win is if you & I were playing a PVP match where I lost the first round, but then I could pay money in order to have a 100% chance at beating you in the second round. That is the literal definition of Pay To Win.


    Often times now people say something they consider to be a negative as "Pay To Win" because they know people view "Pay To Win" as a negative & are hoping that whoever is reading their statement will validate them.


    It's like when someone says "Ruining My Childhood" You can't present tense verb change the past tense. Someone like George Lucas can't ruin an adult's childhood by changing something in Star Wars. All he can do is disappoint their adulthood, but nobody wants to phrase it that way because they come off sound like a giant man baby so instead people latched on to the term "childhood" because a childhood is thought of as being a precious thing. The idea of a childhood being ruined is a terrible thought, but then what people actually end up using that phrase for (media entertainment) isn't actually the case at all.


    In the sense of video games the term “pay to win” describes having an advantage over another by using real world money. In no game can you pay to actually win the game. But you can pay to have the best gear quickly. EA’s biggest money making game is FIFA, nobody would argue that the game is not pay to win. You cant pay to win the game, but you can pay to get enough points to buy all the best players, giving a huge advantage.


    Lots of people in this game have big stacks of credits. But returning players will need at least 30m credits to get all the BiS shells and augments. Considering the easiest way to do that is use credit sellers or Convering CM items to credits, it is a P2W mechanic.

  13. That applies to most classes survival-wise, except for mercs that could just face tank damage. For example, if a sorc wants to survive longer, he has to kite, severely limiting his damage potential, especially as madness. And if you're kiting and self-healing, you're also not doing damage. When you're using barrier and phase walk, it's basically a 3v4, same as when a sin is in stealth. The difference is that the sorc can be controlled, and his movements tracked and anticipated with ease. Stealth is a complete game changer. I think stealth mains take it for granted.




    Silly argument. You can’t compare a sorc stealthing to a sorc kiting. If a sorc is kiting well that means all the attention is on him. If a sin is stealth the al, the focus on a teammate. By your accounting it is a 2v4.


    I have mained a shadow for years. I have not played in the last few, but vanish works 50% of the time, even with the resilience trait picked. Most of the time you stay in combat. Vanish is good but it is not anywhere near as good as any merc dcd.

  14. Returning player here. The playerbase is what it is at this point. Just as the game is what it is at this point. Don’t expect a huge revival. At the same time don’t expect a huge investments into new ops. That ship sailed a long time age.


    I was a hardcore player for years. Everyone I know in game has moved on. Some like me may come back for a month or two. But there is nothing to hold my interest. And people who gave a lot of time to this game years ago, well most of them feel burned by the investment and development in the game. We are still feeling the effects of the poor initial development. The engine was crap at launch, and the engine is crap now. If you wanted to save multiplayer in this game, build a time machine and insert cross server 6 years ago.


    The game started as an MMO, they changed focus to cater to single player story modes, and have gone back to an MMO (just without the content of a major MMO). To say this is a transition period is false. This is what is called maintenance mode.

  15. It's interesting how people need to be reminded that EA and Bioware are companies which require resources to develop new games and pay salaries to their employees, as well as having shareholders who have invested into the company, often at great risk, and who now expects profits.


    There are multiple free to play games built around a non-profit model, swtor, however, is not one of them.


    They are not a charity, if they don’t provide a product worth buying then they don’t deserve their customers money.

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