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10 Good
  1. ( im a terrible speller , lol grammer no ) to be honest bioware should never of made an mmo they should of continued by making kotor 3 and wrapped it all up with that. to be quite honest this game is decent but not amazing i think by just giving into greed and making an mmo just disgraced all the hard core kotor 1 and 2 fans. the should just dissmiss this game as bantha like they did to galaxies and start over. Im sure how ever that this wont be the last of revan there probably just going to screw up more by ruining him even more .... as far as im concerd im still just waiting in the dark for a real ending to such an epic charicter
  2. vader was extremley bad *** and the first we had ever seen . but revan was sith and jedi in the end he drew his strength from both sides of the force (i dont really recall any one else doing so ) this gave him an unparlell advantage and all though lucas is the creator he of course is going to say vader would win simply because he created vader and he couldnt obviously come up with some one as amazing as revan ... also to his resilence against the lightning he was more machine then man he could obviously take the pain more and he died right after the suit gave him limitations along as some strengths. if they were to have a light saber fight id have to give it to revan for his skill in every form and his agile if it came down to the force im sorry but vader doesnt have a chance revan was a master of both sides and in the end he drew strength from both vader like so many others that had bin on both sides of the track only used one aspect of the force. also vader was more tied down he couldnt bring himself to kill his son wich it has bin stated could of wiped the floor with him. also for every one that said the emporer dominated revans mind and view that as some big defeat you have to remember the second time around he couldnt get dominate his mind revan was able to fight back and make a last stand. but for vader the emporer twisted and minipulated him because he was too stupid to see the truth and at the end the all so mighty palpatine was thrown over the edge like a litle rag doll if he was so powerful he could of sensed something coming but he was to entangled in his blood lust killing luke ... - To all the revan haters ... i dont care this is my opinion if you dont like it you dont have to read it simple as that (there will never be any way to no who would win because its how we think of it some say revan some say vader )
  3. vader was a ***** he needed the death star to blow up a planet mean wile with revan and exile they went up and faught ppl who could wipe out a planets population with a simple thought vadar is nothing palpatine is a little school girl compared to this emporer
  4. vadar wouldnt even stand a chance in my opinion revan makes every one his ***** ( idc i think if scourge didnt betray them the emporer would of got poopd on ) jedi and sith of this time periode and earlier are in a completly diffrent league of there own no one from vaders time periode could compete with revan or malak for that matter. what id like to hear is revan vs bane
  5. ( apologizing in advanced terrible speller ) If Revan really did die like this thats just a dissapointment it would of bin cool if they had him fight along side you in future raids or dungeons like they did in wow with thrall and friends w/e. i mean the book was a bit pathetic i think the exile should of died at the least in a fair fight . Revan is my absolute favorite charicter out of everything ive ever played so on so fourth if the foundry was truly his end well that breaks my heart i mean yea it might be time for him to take a bow and another hero to step in but at least kill him off epically or make him a part of a class story line more then a mention here and there his story was mostly the reason i even picked this game up just because it always left people wandering and wanting more.
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