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Everything posted by AmorphousCro

  1. if Inheritance items scaled like WoW's heirloom gear, they would be absolutely amazing.
  2. what kinda baffled me is that it is made for specific classes and it is bind to legacy. that's only useful if you decide to level the same class a second time. hey, i can buy a legacy assault cannon so that i can give it to a second commando? huh?
  3. a month ago people weren't whining about no credit sinks, they were still complaining about repair costs being too high, and that fact was mentioned in the first guild summit. parsed data also showed that a majority of the playerbase can't afford most of the legacy upgrades. the idea is that over the course of a 5 year subscription we'll eventually have all these legacy upgrades. it isn't intended that we go out and buy all this stuff right now. i'm sure the upgrades are intended to slowly tap extra cash out of the economy to keep prices in balance. that being said, working long towards some of these upgrades is kinda laughable. the really expensive upgrades are minor convenience. if i decide that this game is worth playing for a year, maybe if i have 5 million laying around and i don't feel like buying another useless mount, i'll buy some useless ship upgrade instead. don't think about these upgrades as must haves. they're not. why buy the neutral GTN upgrade when only 20 people per server can afford it right now?
  4. i think people need to learn to interrupt.
  5. X per fight is kinda pointless, it already has a cooldown. Why does it have a cooldown if it is gonna be one per "in combat" instance? 3 per fight is doable, that's probably more than enough. Healing throughput is getting nerfed for BH/T. Healing cast speed is nerfed for Sage and Sorc. Truth is, now people will sit at 20% HP praying for a heal and getting themselves killed because they don't want to use a medpack. As a DPS, do you stare at the HP bars of all raid members? If you're sitting at 15% holding off on using your medpack, do you stop and consider that the tank is also getting channel healed because of a particularly rough series of boss moves which will kill them without focused heals? How many times have you heard on voice chat during raids that some DPS needs a heal bad, but you simply cant throw one to them because of some other thing going on across the arena on the tank? Healers have to consider the situation on the ground at all times. Keeping the other healer alive and the tank takes priority. Honestly, players, especially DPS, will be saving that medpack for when the healer is dead, and trusting that they'll be healed when in fact, too much is going on to make that happen. It adds a randomness to encounters that fall outside of the realm of skill. I don't really care that i get my free instant heal via medpack on CD. What i really care about is that people will not use them when they need to, leading to wipes on encounters that involve traps and knockbacks, and not meeting an enrage timer because one DPS was unlucky.
  6. It probably would have been better to implement the change in NMOps only. That way the hardcores get what they want, and the middle isn't effected by the change. I play with people i like playing with, some great, some decent, some just adequate. The point is, they're people i like playing with, and i'd hate to see them halted completely because the content is just too difficult for them as a group. Weak links will break the chain. Minor changes designed around PvP imbalances effect PvE, and then further changes double dip against PvE for the not so elite players. The majority wont learn to play better, they'll just quit. It's about having fun. Hardcore is the direction WoW tried to take in Cata, and it netted them one million unsubs very quickly. I think SWTOR would be better off catering to 8 million carebears than to 450k hardcores. As long as hard content is a real challenge for amazing players, everyone wins, including BioWare.
  7. but why would you want a cyborg jedi? it's just a human with mechanical face parts that try to escape in cutscenes.
  8. That's the answer right there, only bring self-healing classes like commandos or sages. Problem solved.
  9. Using a medpack is part of resource management for healers. As a sage i generally keep myself alive with Rejuv, standing in my salvation, and using force armor. If i get Below 30% i will use my medpack because it is instant, and doesn't use force. I can go back to keeping the tank alive. Couple this with the double cast time of my big heal, and i think i will need a medpack more often than before. I'll get caught in stray gunfire more often while trying to heal. I really don't want to hear a marauder or sentinel say that it is a "proper change" when they really don't understand what it takes to keep them alive while they bathe AoE like a warm shower. Saying it'll be a healer's job to keep you alive is irresponsible and ignorant. If you use that medpack your single time per fight right before being hit by a massive crit heal, you and the healer just wasted their resources. There are several mechanics in this game that lockdown a random player for a certain amount of time, and quite often, it's that healer. That's when you'll need your medpack up a second time in a single fight. I cant heal other players when a massive rakghoul has a giant paw on my chest, or when I am soloing Soa inside a mind trap. This change wasn't needed. Content is tuned for the liberal usage of medpacks. Medpacks already have a long cooldown just for that reason.
  10. So um, Eternity Vault platforming anyone? Fail.
  11. It's perception. DCUO maps feel massive when you are a speedster or acrobat. but when you have supersonic flight, and can ascend far above them, they feel much smaller. WoW has flying mounts now in all of old Azeroth making them also seem smaller. As the level cap and modes of transport evolve in SWTOR, this will be a non issue.
  12. Right click your vent shortcut. Hit properties. Run as administrator.
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