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Posts posted by Blurps

  1. If it's about class balance, just respec the Shadow to Infiltration and I'm frankly shocked that this thread went to page 2 without mentioning this simple fix. One of the strongest specs in both PvE and PvP and as a bonus you have the option to switch to the argueably best tank spec atm, Kinetic Combat, if you ever feel the need or desire to.


    As for the story content, I agree with the previous posters that not using the lvl 65 token is preferable, but nothing is keeping you from creating a lvl 1 shadow.

  2. Got frustrated with Jugtanking in PVP not too long ago (No one would try to hit me, I would try to get someone to pay attention to me sometime :( ) so I went Vengeance spec minus Shien form and related perks, mixed mostly DPS gear with a shield generator and tank implants and earpieces. Result, people see Soresu form as a "Ignore this guy, can't do squat" in warzones, until I start chaining Ravages on them :DD. Then they hit me, and find I am relatively hard to kill as well.


    This exact thing just got nerfed for Vanguard/PT, so enjoy it while it lasts ;)

  3. This fp is basically BW's attempt at what Guild Wars 2 did with PvE. Doing away with the trinity sounds nice on paper but it comes with its own set of problems. Lots of trash coupled with a few bosses with easy to learn methods to avoid most of the damage ( or heal a lot by using scenery, like the kolto stations here ) will lead to one thing only:


    People stacking as much dps as they possibly can and heavily discriminating against everything that's not full on dps.


    Gw2 dungeon PvE is by far the worst aspect of the game because of that and I don't think it's a good idea for BW to go down the same road.

  4. You are getting some gains in the form of AoE. I know alot of people complain about threat; i myself dont PvE and wouldn't know.


    Problem is that many people have been adamantly refusing to adjust to this game's PvE mechanics. Encounters have been designed differently than in most other themepark MMOs, basically the tanks are supposed to keep only the major opponents busy while the rest of the team/raid drops the trash quickly. Hence single target aggro is what matters on live and all three tank classes do just fine in that department.


    The complaints have been mostly about not being able to run into the room and facetank everything while the dps are on autopilot watching TV. Looks like BW will cave in and change game mechanics, for the current content the boosts to AoE threat in 1.3 just pretty much won't do anything.

  5. They use the soresu stance because either they are tank/hybrid spec, carrying the ball, guarding a healer or are under heavy focus fire and want extra protection. If you are full vigilance and only use the soresu stance, you're gimping your dps.


    Yup. A Shien form based Vig build will have substantially more Focus, resulting in better damage and more margin for error regarding resource management. The Soresu based hybrid builds gain survivability at the expense of some dps and having to think a lot harder when and on what to spend Focus.


    Two perfectly viable choices.

  6. Really depends on what tree we are talking about here. Focus is in a lot of respects the weakest spec Guardians have - we all love big floating numbers but if you add up damage + survivability + utility it will rank quite low amoung all the possible builds in SWTOR. Vigilance otoh is very flexible and , at least in PvP, probably the most underrated tree in the game.
  7. Changes are tailored towards massively increased AoE threat, maybe indicating a forthcoming change in encounter design ? Looks like a buff to PvE tanks for future content, right now AoE tanking just isn't that relevant.


    Huge nerf to PvP tanks though, burst was bad enough with the old Rocket Punch. All these little AoE hits will probably boost accumulated damage showing up on the scoreboard significantly, but actually killing anyone will be nigh impossible.


    Another case of theorycrafting by the devs and insufficient playtesting ?

  8. Its a common phenomenon that happens in the exact same manner with Guardian/Juggs as well. However, you don't necessarily have to restrict the gear itself, IMO.


    There is a solution, and a very straightforward one.


    At the heart of the problem is the fact that defensive stats on gear (shield/defense rating) provide only miniscule effects into self preservation for PvP, and therefore, the actual contribution to self-preservation from such stats are much lower than armour rating(passive, direct mitigation) and endurance(HP buff).


    In other words, among the three main components of self-preservation; (1) Defense Rating, (2) Shield Rating, (3) Armour, (1) and (2) are much worthless, and as a result (3) becomes much too important. That means as long as a Guardian/Jugg or Shadow/Sin can wield the basic armor-boosting form/stance/skill etc., it doesn't matter what gear they wear. Hence, investing into defensive stats with defensive gear is considered to be largely ineffective, whereas using a defensive form/stance/skill + offensive gear is largely recommended.



    The solution? Very simple.


    Increase the impact of (1) Defense Rating and (2) Shield Rating, and decrease the benefits of (3) Armour, so the positive increase in survivability coming from (1)+(2)+(3), greatly exceeds that of the build using (3) + offensive gear... and this discrepancy must be large enough to be clearly noticeable.


    Simply put, those who only choose (3) as a means of defense and give up (1) and (2) by going offensive gear, must suffer that much loss of survivability, whereas those who choose (1) + (2) + (3) and basically give up damage and commit oneself to the tanking role, must be rewarded that much survivability for it.



    Do this, and both Guardian/Juggs and Shad/Sins are brought in line. Make a clear distinction between low-damage/high survivability, medium-damage/medium survivability, and high-damage/low survivability.


    Armour means jack **** in this game, there are way too many attacks completely bypassing it. The reason tanks are running in their defensive stances is the flat damage mitigation it provides directly or via talents.


    For self preservation: Flat damage mitigation >>>> everything else available to tanks combined.


    Commanding Awe ( Guardian, Vigilance DPS tree ) for example provides almost the same benefit as wearing heavy over medium armour and a huge bonus on top when Focused Defense is active.

  9. The specs somewhat vary in usefulness, overall the Guardian is one of the stronger ACs right now though and full Vigilance and Vig/Def hybrids are some of the strongest builds across all classes.


    Just gotta realize PvP in this game is no FFA deathmatch.

  10. Well yea tanks should never never ever be on the top of damage even if they have high survival.


    No tank spec in this game has high burst damage. The sustained damage of full or hybrid tank specs in dps gear is decent, but sustained damage doesn't kill in team based PvP.


    Vanguards/PTs, Guards/Juggs and Shadows/Sins specced primarily in their respective middle or right tree and using the according stance aren't tanks.

  11. I think they are aware of the issue and are likely taking steps. Just because it wasn't mentioned doesn't mean it won't be therer.


    Judging by the track record so far there's a very good chance they aren't even remotely aware. Testing past the the basic technical implementation has been...insufficient to put it mildly.

  12. Heavy Vigilance with some Def has been the best PvP tank spec before 1.2 and still is. Now you have more options rather than one clear cut best build though, with the most significant decision argueably being Blade Barrier or no Blade Barrier ( personally I don't use it ). Either way you'll be looking at some variant of 1x/2x/0-2. It's important to realize it's not only about defensive talents and cooldowns by the way, but also about Focus management and all the free stuff ( Force Sweep, Freezing Force free, DoT's attached to two major attacks with no additional Focus cost ) and the talent granting Focus when CCd help tremendously, as you'll be running in Soresu obviously.


    PS: Commanding Awe ist just aw..., nah, I'm not falling for that trap :p

  13. they should just release an emergency pre-patch with xserver queues even before 1.3


    then they fine tune it with xfers and xserver rated wzs.


    but they are not going to do that.


    i mean as a player i would prefer to crash test a bugged xserver queue than sit on my empty server right know, just putting it out there.


    Low pop causes a ton more problems than just long warzone queues. Crosserver pvp queues wouldn't even be a bandaid.

  14. Rateds will have no noticable impact on the future of this game. Pretty much all of the "true" PvPers either already left or will do so when Guild Wars 2 is released at the latest, no matter what BioWare does ( and for good reason, mind you ).
  15. Complaining about Guardians/Juggs, currently one of the weakest classes along with Commando/Mercs, shows how bad the OP is.


    Guardians/Juggs are currently fail in both tanking and DPS departments. Talking PVP here. The only thing they're good for is one-trick pony playing ballcarrier in Huttball.


    Want a tank? Get a tankasin, powertech, they have way more survivability/utility and don't hit like wet noodles while doing so.


    You have no idea *** you're talking about and are wrong on pretty much all accounts.


    Dispatch/Vicuous Throw is fine though.

  16. Game has some severe client/server sync issues affecting quite a few more things than just Force Sweep. For the time being ( read: until GW2 launch ) we have to live with that.


    guardian only viable dps build includes forcesweep


    Force Sweep is baseline, so every Guardian spec includes it. As of right now, Vigilance > Focus though in most situations and group setups.

  17. The DPS spec in Soresu form is ineffective...


    If all you're looking for are big numbers on the scoreboard maybe. Vig/Def hybrid Guardian in Soresu has been the best pvp tank in this game since before 1.2 and now it's even stronger.

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