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Everything posted by Saery

  1. 7/10 .. good to remember, but nothing stunning Saery
  2. I understand what youre saying with this post. Some people dont understand their role. On the other hand, have you ever seen Carnage Marauder giving you 3-5 secs to make some initial threat, than leaping on the target and pulling boss from you in next 5 gCDs? We can QQ to each other. But I can assure you, bad players wont read this. And good players know what to do.
  3. I wanted to kill Baras since my level 20 or so, so it was easy call for me. Cant even say how many times he told me I am arrogant in cut scenes! And about difficulty of fight on 50 - with my marauder in gear just from quests, it was just fine. Not a faceroll, but didnt die. Fight seemed tuned ok to me. Used Quinn.
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