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Everything posted by KingEffak

  1. 1. The so called Bomb spec(31 focus) is slighty overtuned at it's current state. No doubt about it. With crits going off reliable for 5-7,3k depending on classes with a mix of BM/T3 it simply spikes to hard to be healed. This spec is very viable for stance dancing. You should start in Shi- form and put preasure on your enemies (wz premade talk here) and if your team get forced in to a defensive possition overruling your preasure, time to dance over to Soresu, Gleap to your preasured targets and recover and then apply your preasure once again offensively once recoverd. - That is putting it bluntly but I won't go in to further details here. 2. Always use a focus, as dps and hybrid. As all out tank sure use your shield, your useless anyways. The shield only helps out on white hits. If the other team is all out melee you can swap after your first death. However it probably won't save you. 3. For hybrid/Dps specs always all out dps gear. A mix of BM/t3 prefferd sitting at around 10% exp, pre 1.2 ( I sit at 8,7% and sometimes 0) when I want to max out on crits with a good healing team behind me.) However keep it at around 10% for now is a good rule of thumb. 4. My spec is currently 2/7/32 - In our premade cleave team. However I do prefer vigi for fights that evolves around more CC. Harder to execute but beatifull to watch well planned cc and single target preasure. However with the current objective based zerg instant respawn WZ, cleaveteams have an obvious advantage of removing instant spawns faster. I hope it helps. To the other poster. Yes i noticed this guide was old but also on frontpage. My response was to people still reading this at the current state of the game. However I am sure it will still be a help for new people to MMOs/PvP and the like. You have to start somewhere and this guide gives you an insight of where you can start upgrading your gameplay. If any other people that read this are from TOFN server I suggest you show up to Fightclub every monday at 8 pm CET on tatooine to watch the best PvP guilds go at it 4vs4 6vs6 and 8vs8. It will give you a whole new perspective of how and who play their classes to a higher level than the useal and trivial warzoning.
  2. While your "guide" states the obvious for people who can actually read the skills they are offered in the game it lacks a huge amount of information. I find it disturbing that there is this many people who apparently have a "new found respect" for guardians and their capabilities. You going full tank which by any high-end PvP'er will be marked as less than viable in it's current state and providing a screenshot with less than mediocre dps/defense/medals only shows that you also miss out on a lot of what a Guardian can do. I will provide a screenshot when I get home to enforce my point here. Even as a Ballcarrier in HB a full tank is not optimizing the abilities. 14/27/0 is debateble the best hybrid spec that still allows you to protect/cc and put preasure out. A full tank can not put ANY preasure out and is ignored due to being no threat to anyone. A fulldps guard or a hybrid ALSO have the abilty to stancedance to soresu/guardian leap back to a target who needs help AND have single/aoe taunts. Going full tank is gimping yourself in the current state of the game. This is a rant coming from a Guardian valor rank 90 playing solo/premades every day since launch. I am working on a guide for guardians and threads like these enforce my will be finish it faster. But then again if I do it might be perceived like I did this one. Only viable for people who find success in being mediocre. Edit: Due to some mods finding my posts insulting.... I do find your guide to be a help for new players and it always nice to have people provide info on what they do, spec and their success rate. However I disagree with your guide and perception of the game.
  3. I only focus on ur second build you edited to what you "use" now. First off. You are not right in the head. Secondly let me try and help you. I feel sorry for you since you are really trying. Your build have: 2/3 swelling winds. Something is wrong with you to be honest here. 1 point for 10% more dmg on a main ability and a lowerd CD. It is a must you take it to 3/3. Defiance is a must: Every single class in this game has an ability that will grant you free force. If you want to dps and it looks like you do. You want to be around max force at all times. Narrowed Focus. Pick it up. In any PvE and PvP encounter in this game the conditions are met and you will generate more force. You picked up accuracy 3/3 REALLY? have you seen the mods for Guardians PvP and PvE gear? It stacks accu like nothing else. Another valid point is 100% accu in PvP is hardly ever needed. I doubt you have re modded all your gear as I am pretty sure you do not have full rakata/BM gear to start re modding for real. So remove the talent. Last but not least. You pick up shien form and ten you go in to defense and pick up Guard stance 3/3. Remove those points and stack them in either freezing force or Insight in the focus tree. I know you want to stance dance, but you are not at a point where you seem good enough to know what you are actually doing. The reason you swap from shien/shii-co is to guard a friendly target for a short period of time. And your 6% defense will not make a huge impact for you on those few occasions. 90% of the time in the spec you linked you will be dpsing. You talk like you want to be a hybrid. But if you want a hybrid spec you go 14/27/0. Listen to what I told you and be happy someone took the time to make you a better player. Since you said advice comes from non 50s and people without raid experience let me tell you this. Nightmare is on farm Valor rank 86 rank 60+ pre illum patch. Won 4vs4 player held tournament on TOFN server. I am very bored at work right now and I wish I had never seen your thread because you do everything wrong and I just tried to help a player who most like will never really get it. Ps. You do not do PvE and PvP with the same spec if you want to min/max.
  4. Hi Paul. You said you do a lot of PvP and the spec you linked is a hybrid Guardian spec. What that means is, you do very low dmg compared to what you could do in HMs and raids. I will link you a vigilance spec that I suggest you try out for raids and HM. It is even viable in PvP if you have a pocket healer. Do not start theorycrafting before you try it out. I have used this spec and cleared Nightmare content easy and currently I have maxed my dps in a voidstar at 596k dmg. Here I will assume you have the basic tier 1 or tier 2 gear and around 100% accuracy for PvE. Here is the build. http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/jedi_knight/guardian/#::f10ef23ef4e8fe4fe5de
  5. You are wrong in every way possible. First of I crit for 3-4k Often. Your bladestorm is 100% crit so why do you need crit again? You need surge my friend. You got a style every 10 sec that is 100% crit and you want to stack crit? You need to think before you type out the most ridiculous nonsense that someone might believe in. There is 3 sets you just need to stop being in denial wake the f up and re mod your gear for youre preference. I am sure the game mechanics will some day make sense to you. Untill then do not ever talk on Guardian boards.
  6. remember I am a dps guard in Shien form. I dance if preasure gets to heavy on a friendly target. I save my instant focus genrating abilities for this. In full vigi I gain a lot of focua from other abilities aswell.
  7. Link should be working now. The reason for not going deep in to Defense is because you lack the ability to put out any preasure. The main tanking ability you get with warding call and guarding stance. This advice is focused on you being a part of a premade 4 man team in a wz or a tournement in the Den. Utility is key in small scale. However going deep in to defence and using defensive gear in Illum as a main pusher then it works great. You will be tab targeted by any zerg if you are in front and thus the defense gear/spec will provide you a longer life while you wait for the rest of the idling scrubs to push instead of trading blows in an illum mexican stand off. I also see that it is viable in all 3 warzones but in general going hybrid will yield you a higher utility and you still have all the vital abilities a defence specced guardian brings to the fight exept for hilt strike. The key is in general Guard/taunts/Freezing force and Warding call. None of the passive abilities in defence will grant you a better ability then warding call and therefore should be put to use ie. actually putting out preasure on casters. It is so vital to have Unrimmiting so you are immune to CC after you leap. The amount of CC going off in this game is heavy and the less time you spend CC'ed the better. If you are CC'ed no one is going to dps you anyway, it is only when you are a threat to the enemy that you will be targeted - This is where Vigilance comes in to play. When you then do get targeted as a high threat you have the vital Defensive abilities to keep you in the game. I am currently halfway through my guide and this is a small fraction of why and how you should spec. I hope it sheds light to any confusion or why I claim that full defense is void atm.
  8. Hard to take most of the things being said here serious. First of, Guardian at 50 is insanely strong. I am biased because I have full BM gear for both tank and dps and it is also fully modded. I won't go in to what and why modding different for pvp is very good. I am building my perspective as a valor rank 86 Guardian from TOFN server one of the most active PvP servers in europe. By this im saying I have been in illum a lot and in warzones a lot. My feedback is statements you can try out, believe in or hate on but i won't go in depth as to why I state what I do. A lot of people keep saying "hilt strike". If you want to PvP as a guardian do not pick up this ability. It is useless. If you want to PvP with your guardian there is a lot of viable specs but one of the best and with a lot of utility is r2-db.com/skill-tree/calculator/2/jedi-knight/jedi-guardian#build=ief16000003dece386cc0000000000 14/27/0 This means you will Guard / 2x taunt / Spam AoE slow with no forcecost and still able to put preasure on any target, Preffered ranged classes with channeling abilities like sorcs/healers. Warding call gives you one more defensive CD besides Saberward for staying alive when you do rush in front. And no, No guardian with respect for himself stands back and watch the fight just to be in range of guard. That is why you have guardian Leap, to get back when it is needed. Think gosh darnit before you give out the worst ideas humanly possible people. Personally I play a full dps guardian that uses stance dancing in order for bursts/Guard. Do not worry about that untill you played a lot. To clarify I do avarage 300k dmg and cap around 500k as vigilance. This is in premades most of the time. On our website I will post a full guide for guardians in PvP and maybe link it here. I urge you to try out the things I posted before you theorycraft like a true boardhero.
  9. 1/10 On TOFN the action is packed there is a lot of different ways to counter the useal Imp zerg. There are just to few people that round up people and get them moving as a unit. Bait to cannon rush, Split up and come behind on half afk aoe spamming newbs, Rush together and not as a long tail and many many more. TOFN rep also got camped by imps but the result has changed drastic and imps leave any instance now when rep is run by a few leaders. They can not hide either because as you said it is simple to switch. One day the imps will learn how to deal with being **** on every single day but for now we do enjoy the massive valor farm from the mindless *******.
  10. If you are this handicapped buy every single mod availeble.
  11. Some people play to PvP/Raid only, I for one am one of those. A lot of people are the same. I do not like alts. We played the beta to test what class we wanted to make steady pvp/pve groups. And noone I know would enjoy to just quest around a day for no real reason. As our fun comes from endgame activities. Im also alive, but since im not in game I got time to read and reply to people like you to give you a little bit of insight to other problems this way of launch is causing. However you dancing around with stories of you waiting in SC2 has nothing to do with this case. Sure you can wait. but if you learn to read then you would notice I said that this option leave spots not used and make the server even lighter, instead of accepting another person in. And this option will then proceed to a bigger load on launch if everyone waited. Thus making this 7 days pre access void. Edited for a special /facepalm for you
  12. /facepalm Second to that, this system break guilds/friends up who would like to play together. Or force someone who got in to wait for his/her guild/friends to get access. Thus not using the spot open. This is a big issue for my guild as we enjoy the ride together. But some get in earlier then others and that makes it difficult to lvl/pvp up together. It is also hard to get in and not play even though your guild/friends are not in yet. So ill end this rant with another /facepalm as they seem to be endless flowing reading through this thread and accepting the way they handle their pre launch.
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