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Everything posted by zdfone

  1. Discuss Please [Edit] For CW, you could show current show 600/600.
  2. zdfone

    Fix Deception

    I can assure you that deception infiltration is not broken. My sin is lvl 48 and this spec is extremely powerful. the damage we do is single target we have fantastic control and when I finish matches with top dps, 0 to 1 deaths and usually 3+ MVP votes I'd say the class is working as intended. I have tons of raw footage of these matches to backup my statements.
  3. this could very well be true, but there are things that can be tweaked in regards to Pvp. we'd be nothing short of delusional to think it was acceptable in its current state.
  4. what I believe ticks off alot of people is the lack of communication in regard to balance and Pvp in general. I've played mmos since UO (moonglow baby ye), also I'm very patient in most regards, but we seem to coming to a headway where your lack of acknowledgement of anything Pvp is making my blood boil. I have just about a 50 in every AC the ones I don't are high 40s, good bad or ugly, we like to know about change on the horizon. sadly, I couldn't care less about your cash shop or f2p. I take great enjoyment knowing certain people pay you 15 bucks a month so that I can work them over. Tldr: give us a bone on Pvp info.
  5. Can we please have Shift+Left click an item to put it's name in the search box, I'm shocked this feature was "left out". You have any idea how annoying it gets when i am undercutting ppl to have to type in Advanced BLAH BLAH BLAH augments ## yadda yadda. Let me shift+left click to put in the search box.
  6. Should have been more specfic In reguards to PVP not PvE If you dont know who is guarding you in PvE you got problems, there are alot of Pug's in pvp and this would help alot.
  7. As a tank and healer, when i get guard put on me i usually have no idea how to quickly determine from who it's from, Thus making healing my guarder* much more challenging. When i guard someone their raid box should Turn Blue the outline on it, or have like electric pulses keep going around it, something to signifiy* quickly that im guarded and by whom. Tanks are reluctant to just throw guards on random healers bc majority of the time it's just a quicker way to their own death bc the healer may not realize that person is the one guarding them. Please add this option to the UI
  8. First off the first 26 PAGES of searching string Mission Disc on my server yeilds nothing except Investigation and Diplo missions, Obviously these missions nor the mats the yield any real value. BW: What are you plans to make these 2 Profs actually have an incentive at all to taking them. Diplo isnt quite as bad as investigation, as money can still be made off the grade 1-6 items (EDIT) By removing the need to use Scav mats to craft Armstech Items ESPEC Augments would most defn raise the value of the Blues and Purples of any of the ivestigation grades 1-6. Perhaps this was something that was "Overlooked", and perhaps it's something that needs looked back into. The Grade 6 Mats (On my server PotF) Ultrachrome - 900per (Investigation) Radioactive Paste - 7k (Diplo) Primeval Artifact Frags - 950 (Arch) <== Also a green item Upari Crystal - 600 (Arch) <== Also Green Red Goo - (Bio) 900 <== Green Zal Alloy - Scav <== Green 1125 Durasteel-Scav<==Green 400 Advanced Neural Augmentors (Slicing) - 19.5 (which as of recent has seen a dramatic price drop) Corusca Gem (TH) 2750 Mandalorian Iron 4.5k (UWT) Denebrillan star 900 (UWT)
  9. Tanks in Pvp hardly get the love compared to say dmg and healing classes I think we can have more votes sent our way if people were able to see how much dmg we took during the match Bc as Ppl pound away at us this does not count towards are protection stat also on my Guardian I am consistenly locking down healers throughout the entire match although there is no way of seeing how many interrupts I had at the end of the match . if we were able to review these stats I think we would see more tanks and more votes going that way. Tldr : tanks need a way to be recognized outside of the protection stat.
  10. I know it may seem self explanatory, but DOES gear make any REAL difference in the sub 50 wz?
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nzIGs0Ct88&feature=youtube_gdata_player Mateo on heals
  12. I dont like to quest, no at all even, In fact i'm a townie, dont even want to explore to be honest. I want to get on to do crewskills and PvP that's it, So why can't i use my rested xp in pvp matches? ...just say'n
  13. Or just have 8 chars all lvl 15+ so you have ur ship and at least two companions, you'll have all the crewskills and anything left open pick up slicing, i make butt-tons of credits being able to do all of my 340 missions, and i'm always sending out for the grade 6 boxes on at least 4 guys. Dunno, for me the system isn't as horrible as people make it sound, but i enjoy doing crewskills, and stockpiling mats and credits, i'll get to 50 soon enough, but for me there is no rush.
  14. IMO, You should get similar artifact fragments greens/blues/purples that you do for TH companion gifts, that you could then turn into a vendor for the specfic Mission Discovery you want. Alot of times, I want low level missions cause im farming low level items, but it just takes the same rate as if i were farming grade 6 items in order to get the mission disc returns, no to mention in no way does that mean i'll get the one im after. Please implement this feature for Slicing. TL;DR - Give us TH fragments for slicing to buy missions from vendor.
  15. You'ld also be saving mats instead of just using them one way (crafting) and then RE. Now your mats work double time for you.
  16. IMO, You should get similar artifact fragments greens/blues/purples that you do for TH companion gifts, that you could then turn into a vendor for the specfic Mission Discovery you want. Alot of times, I want low level missions cause im farming low level items, but it just takes the same rate as if i were farming grade 6 items in order to get the mission disc returns, no to mention in no way does that mean i'll get the one im after. Please implement this feature for Slicing. TL;DR - Give us TH fragments for slicing to buy missions from vendor.
  17. or make it so you can RE only other crafts which in turn would make a market for all craftskills greens and blues also would create alot more schematics on the market. so you could then purchase the specific blue schematic you want the purple from, just an idea
  18. while farming say lower lvl mats its very annoying that I have to pull down drop down box each time goto the grade I want find what I want then click click...... I should be able to hit the "again, repeat, redo" button and if that same exact mission is up it should default and do it. If it was not avaliable then it should pick the next closest I.e farming highest metal for mission then it's not there it should pick the next metal mission in that grade until the original mission pops again, at which time it would default back to it. tldr - give crafting a repeat button with default choices
  19. when actually crafting items it'd be nice to have a some chance of discovering blues and purples maybe not same rate as RE but anything would be nice.
  20. +1 Signed I have also be bringing this up with my friends. It's really rather frustrating, usually my first glace is by LoS name, and if i gotta scan for more than a second or two then i gotta go over to my Party Bars window, god forbid multiple ppl are taking damage within range of the one i want to heal. Excellent idea, let me hide Surname/Legacy
  21. Logged into first game of huttball today, and i can walk through the endzone gates on the left and right like they aint there.
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