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Posts posted by GothicSaint

  1. 1. This is irrelevant. Anyone who expected a 100% retention from the game in the first months was just wildly off the mark. People should have expected a massive influx of gamers to start with, then a dropping number as those who realized the game wasn't for them left, followed by a leveling out of the player support and then a steady climb over later years.


    2. Yes


    3. Yes.


    4. Encouraged and Excited, yes.


    5. 392 different ways to play through the game.


    6. Yep.


    Found my game! Ya'll have fun wherever you wind up. Good luck to you!


    100% retention no. Never suggested that nor have I ever seen it.


    Point is the population is decreasing and it is compounding itself by affecting others who enjoy the game and can't because others have left and no new additions are replacing them .


    Ea/Bio is aware of this and stubbornly , inadequately or are unable to,or for whatever reason are not offering transfers in a timely fashion.


    You seem to know a thing or two about MMO's. How long do you think people will keep being put off by a company/ game until they feel they won't get what they are paying for and decide to go elsewhere.


    That seems to be occurring at a faster pace now. Which was my original point


    I'm glad your are one of the ones that is happy with your gaming experience here but what about all the others that (at no fault of their own) are not having the MMO experience they want because of the lack of service that they pay for

  2. Launch: Be patient! Give Bioware time. The game is new!

    1 Month in: Game is just a month old, let them get things fixed! Geez!

    3 Months in: 1.2 is going to solve most of your problems guys, just simmer down.

    4 Months in: Let them fix what gotten broken, okay? Seriously you guys just want it now.

    5 Months in: 1.3 is going to have everything you're asking for. Good lord you guys complain.



    6 Months in: .....?

    8 Months in:....?



    Bioware has no problem taking my money why shouldn't we hold them to a higher standard?




    Anyone who has been around with this company/game for more than a couple of months already knows how this team works.


    If you have been here since release and still want to "give BIo a break fellas, geez!" then you are a true fan and can't be swayed.


    It's really simple to surmise by yourself, and for yourself ,the state of a game


    1. Has the population grown or waned since launch?


    2. is it fun repeating it more than once?


    3. do you see a positive learning curve or quick response from passed mistakes the Dev team have made?


    4.Do you feel encouraged,excited or disappointed by new content or additions to the game?


    5.Are you getting enough content influx at end game to keep you interested?


    6.Are you excited enough by the game over time that it still keeps you as active as day one up to day 180?


    If you say yes to all these answers congratulations you found your game .


    The more NO answers you give the shorter your stay.


    Don't buy the hype or excuses.


    It's your money they have to earn it

  3. How come whenever an MMO is released the level cap is a measly 60 or less? I think if an MMo was released with a level cap of something like 200 or 150 that not many people could complain about reaching the level cap and being bored.


    This would be interesting.


    If a company would start Deving that game right now .It might be ready in 15 years to get to final product.


    that's a lot of levels to cover content for but we can dream.




    You could Dev a no level cap game !!


    NAHH that would never work

  4. This just made my day on my gunnery commando I saw this marauder tear through three commandos including me, noone of us had a chance, in matter of seconds he killed us one by one. he went for me last with 10% health left no defensive cooldowns and still pretty much ran through me, blam blam dead. Great fun to do PvP these days as a commando. :)


    Good gear Vs bad Gear?, Exaggerating? jumping on the OMG!!! Mara is just to UBER NOW !! band wagon?


    You get to stand at max distance and spam skills. If you and 2 other Team mates are getting killed by one player it means you don't understand the basics of PvPing .


    So be honest you just really don't like the formally free kill class becoming a threat now in PvP.. Right ?

  5. Rift was great game, but i stopped playing because imbalance in pvp, like here ... i hope gw2 suits my playing style more ... i dont wanna level class anymore, its waste of time... i wanna play full char with full skill immediately ...


    A little spoiler for you .


    When it comes to PvP all MMO's spin the wheel of "who gets to kill everyone this month".. balance does not exist.


    When your class gets it's shot suddenly the game does not suck so much and you can't understand why everyone is *****in about your class on the forums.

  6. this is a video i made on another game that was fairly popular from an unknown and unheard of developer (at the time) skip to 30 seconds in there is at least 30 players on screen all fighting and spell effects and particles everywhere heres the thing though...i was running the game at ultra settings and using fraps to record and the engine dosent miss a beat. i have yet to see comparable performance in Swtor matter of fact they population capped ilum when it got too crazy..will this game ever see any type of massive open world pvp? and it also begs the question was the HeroEngine a good choice for such an expensive project? it can even be argued that this older game even looks better than swtor and still performs better in a mass pvp situation.


    Umm this game is still popular and its called Rift. Better game by the way


    All comes down to the engine they built the game on really.


    Eq 2 had decent graphics back in the day and could handle hundreds of players at a time in very heavy animation environment. flawlessly I might add


    Bio/ Ea just built a weak engine, over time it MAY be tweaked to preform better

  7. All patches do that, sometimes to a lesser extent and other times to a further extent, MMO patches especially have always been like this.


    HA!?? What!!??.


    What games can you name that have the same patch fix fix fix fix every update merry go round as Swtor ?


    I realize, for what ever reason you are a fan of this game but you need to stop applying for the damage control P.R. CEO position.


    I'm sure they have a stack of applications that they sift through when one of them starts pulling out his hair and mumbling" I should have stayed with Mythic and it's hugely successful Warhammer franchise".


    One last though. Lose the purple or are you Royalty ?

  8. Hmmm, and yet all other MMOs are 100% the same quests in all common zones for all characters with 0% unique class storylines. (i.e. non instanced like the wow dk starter zone or the rift "hooray you made it to 50 in a wow clone" back patting festival) Games like lotro and dcuo divvied them up for quasi-uniqueness (based on race/town or mentor, respectively) but they are still shared and not unique by any means. I guess swg had some dedicated quests (maybe? i don't remember b/c the ground game was so horrible compared to space that i spent more time in a cockpit) but again, the overwhelming majority of terminal missions or w/e they were called were the exact same.


    In fact, all video games I have ever played (ever ever) have everyone doing the same thing over and over again. Its an effect of things being pre-programmed before you play it, code can't write itself on the fly. Even the games that have a simulation of change only allow changes that have been predetermined beforehand. Play any video game long enough, and it will inevitably repeat itself.




    Questions for the bored to reflect on:

    1) Are you switching alignments? (do you actively make choices in the story or force a uniform LS/DS path)

    2) Are varying your roles? (do you play nothing but one archetype; all dps, all tank, or all heal)

    3) Are you mono-factional? (do you play nothing but all sith or all jedi)



    The reason so many side quests necessarily overlap is because: the game is meant to be played with other people.

    In addition to extra exp, you get social points for all of those basic interactions in side quests as well. Maybe someone else will win the dialogue roll so that the monotone response of your character doing things in a mono-alignment manner isn't all you are constantly hearing. They put side quests in so that besides the singular class quests that you have sole control over where others can go into "spectator mode" there is an interim allowing you to accomplish something together.


    On its face it might seem bald and repetitive, but the idea is actually very good. I don't think they were counting on so many people being entirely intent on soloing anything and everything all the time as a de facto method of play.


    Just in case you think I'm against soloing or trying to impugn that playstyle, my first 50 got there with ZERO social points. Even now if I can't find a group for daily heroics I will stubbornly solo through them, that too can be fun since it raises the bar on my performance. So believe me when I say that I'm not anti-solo but I do think that we as a community need to actually commune together in the game, at least from my experiences on my server. All I can do is change my behavior, and I have. Dramatically.


    Do you have to group to max level? Not by a longshot. But the game (IMO) is incredible when you do, and I regret having taken so long to come out of my entrenched anti-pug WoW shell.


    In full disclosure: I do play endgame on all 4 of my 50s, and all of the roles are different (i.e. a tank, a heal, and 2 dps) I am still leveling "alts" but look at all characters as "mains".


    I don't subscribe to threads and I have no notifications turned on so don't expect a response if you want to argue, this is nothing more than opinion driven rhetorical food for thought. No offense is intended to anyone in anyway. You can flame for the fences, I'm going to go play now. You can find me on Shien, having a blast.


    You never played EQ1 EQ2 or vanguard .


    In a way I feel almost sorry for the younger gamer crowd that was born into the WoW type set of gaming



  9. After playing SWG from launch until NGE pretty much daily, and then from NGE until shut-down somewhat sporadically i always looked to this game as my next constant home. I saw that the developers were taking their time, that this game was in the pipe for several years longer than average and that we had guarantees of great space content and "amazing pvp" to quote the dev team. Now iv shown up, grinded my sentinel to 50 and to decent gear, done the PVE and PVP instances until they are no longer interesting and entirely ran out of reasons to log in by mid January. (not to mention the space reminds me of star-fox for nintendo 64 far to much for an MMO)As a pvper i knew this game wouldnt be the best in that regard, but i expected more than this, maybe me and the rest of the unhappy base just had far to high of expectations. Idk. As i head to cancel my subscription i am truly disappointed at what could have been.


    This is just a shell of a game really. Bio/Ea spent all its effort on the static story line and content at 50 took a back seat.

    Level 50 is were the game is supposed to be at it's best , after all it is the destination we all push for instead you feel cheated when you get to the end.


    Ea/Bio broke the cardinal rule there and are now paying the price for their lack of vision..Wait.. were have I heard that before?

  10. Is it just me, or is The Fatman server the only server saving this game from dying?


    In the server, it's actually not that hard to group for any mission and players even ask to do any kinds of Operations on the Fleet. Socialization is pretty easy and can be quite fun—especially if you have a nice, tight-knit guild to socialize with. You find the Fleet, Capital and Starting Planets as the most populated within the server, with the other planets having a decent-to-high population.


    Being in a highly populated server doesn't mean it comes without its cons, because the general chat is usually full of trolls and spam of guild recruitment posts (ones that are posted every 20 secs or so), and there will be players who really just make the experience of the game not-so-enjoyable.


    Despite all the bugs, the lack of content you reach during endgame and its other cons (mentioned above), is The Fatman keeping most of the game alive? It's population, activity and communities within the server might be what's keeping players to stay (and making more players re-roll each day).


    Apparently SWTOR has had a decline of nearly 25% of players, but that—and the end of the Rakghoul Plague Event—just seemed to affect The Fatman server population just minimally.


    I've created this thread for a mature discussion intended for a Podcast that I'll be appearing on Monday the 14th.


    So could The Fatman's factors in not just population, but the experience of the game and activity of the communities, be saving SWTOR? /Discuss!


    LOL it saved me for a little while anyway.


    I have 4 high level toons on Shii Cho that don't get played at all because it's to slow on that server now. funny it was one of the original beta servers and now its only mildly active during peak hours.


    When I said a little while I'll be bailing soon for D3 and I'm not even all that interested in that game but it looks like more fun than this

  11. 1.3 mill active subscribers doesn't even seem like a drop to me. You have to figure alot of people cancelled as soon as their free 30 days started. Some of those will resub for sure when their free time runs out.


    I see the crate of rose colored glasses have been distributed evenly through out the forums.


    Mine were broken when I got them but the Tech department swears they will be fixed in the next patch


    1.3 " Active" Subs does not really explain why most servers are underpopulated and empty feeling.


    That active word is a tricky sucker aint it?

  12. Vanguard was such a great game, and a the best example to date of a great game that fell so far it could never recover even after it was fixed. i played it at release then went back a year or so later, raids were great, the game play was great, the world has still never been matched in any mmo since , yet it could never recover the subscribers it needed to create new content to keep people interested.


    Totally agree. I loved that game.


    That was my first beta , everyone was begging for them not to release but you probably know the debacle.


    I was just making a comparison to it's issues to Swtor.


    I remember distinctly when I jumped on my first Juggy way back early in release of this game and half my gear was gone.


    I laughed because it brought back fond memories of when my Orc Warrior had the very same problem in Vanguard.


    Sigh, those were good times though.

  13. I think people don't know what they want. This whole thread is an example of people's idiocy.


    This game is superior to any mmorpg out there,provided you are remotely interested in star wars lore.


    Oh boy.


    I hope your kidding.


    You may be new to the whole MMO scene but this game I would rank close to 1.Vanguard as far as technical Issues, not as severe obviously but I have not had things disappear from my characters since Vanguard.


    Now SWtor gets that honor and second prize for money going into Espace , over charged at a vendor and equipment evaporating.


    2.AOC as far as lack of content.


    3.Aion as far as lack of diversity.


    4.Warhammer as far as on the rail.


    If you played EQ1 or 2, UO or even Vanguard (if it wasnt a technical train wreck,that is) during there heyday you would laugh at what this game offers.


    Sorry guy this just isnt even close to being on par with most other MMO's.


    Hell, Rift is a good example of how a game should launch and be run. That game just needs time to mature

  14. Red for more dramatic reading...:mon_trap:


    Well it's like this. Remember the garbage updates before the game came out were everyone raged beyond on the forums ? What did bioware do, they went silent for a long time while trying to actually make the next update good.

    They also actually belive that by beeing quiet they are punishing us in some way.Well as always that will not work well with the MMO crowd.More subs as always gone because of lack of communacation.


    One of the mayor reasons that that pile of garbage STO actually keep on so many subs after launch was because Cryptic had a very good commmunication with the player base on the forums and ingame.Some devs would be ingame as a borg cube etc talking to the players.

    Even thou cryptic lied beyond on what was to come "soon" they did a good job talking to players, leting them know what they were working on, giving the players hope.Something bioware does not do well at all.


    The policy bioware have on the we are not ready to talk about it until it's done have always been a fail.Dont have to talk about dates, atleast talk about what you are working on so the playerbase atleast have some hope the game will improve !


    Ding Ding Ding . we have a WINNNA!!


    The red hurts my eyes

  15. LOL of course they are proud of the soundfile. The storyline with the voice overs are one of the unique, interesting features of this game that offers immersion.


    So sick and tired of people bashing this game. Does it have problems?


    Yes. So do ALL other MMOs. Never seen one yet where people where not griping on the forums over one thing or another.


    But I still enjoy getting out there with an alt and seeing the planets from a new perspective with each class storyline.


    If you are a hard core pvper, yeah, this may not be the game for you. But then hard core pvpers seem to blow through the games designed for them in a few months anyways.


    You must have 7 characters to level 50 then and listened to EVERY bit of that amazing voice acting over and over and over again.


    Your ADD finally payed off

  16. 55 servers standard or heavy, 30 light. Still more than half of the servers is not low.


    All my old toons are on a standard PoP server. It's dead as a doornail .


    I rerolled on a heavy Population server ( the ONE and ONLY eastern server)to actually do all the aspects of this game


    Don't let that small word fool you

  17. Two major flaws that I think are driving people away from this game and that is


    1. it has very low replay value.


    Let's face it, even when you reroll a new character you have to do all the same quests on all the worlds (other than your class quests).


    How many times can you repeat the process all the way to 50?


    How many times will you listen to the dialog for each quest giver before Nuking your spacebar to get through it?


    The obvious replay time on this game for most it seems is about 2 or 3 months .Hence the low populations on SO many servers.


    Number 2 is, the game is SHALLOW,.


    What do I mean ,no real diversity in course choice,no diversity in quest choices,almost no fluff,carbon clones of every class,meaningless crafting,does anyone actually bother with the space gaming anymore?. and of course this is really just saying the content is very weak.


    No sense of freedom, this game is so hard railed that you feel and see the Maze that you have to go through on every world ( it's so predictable that it ruins any excitement or mystery)


    Also, this game is to solo centric. All the way to 50 you don't need another players help until heroics/Ops and that is maybe 15 to 30 minuets time for most of them (until later on) so a big disconnection from any community occurs.


    Were Bio/EA made a fatal flaw is that they went with the fully voiced story line as the BIG MMO ground breaking element that would shake up the gaming world and it did for about a month after release and now is just a finger exercise with the spacebar.


    Other factors don't help either. slow content adding, poor communication with player base,Poor decisions on direction of this game that turn off the small loyal following of players.


    Lets not forget....


    Bugs, lots and lots of bugs, going all the way back to beta , unresolved or very long in the fixing and seemingly new bugs at every patch.


    This all undermines customer confidence that this team is NOT capable of bringing us a good game or experience.

  18. UNFORTUNATELY ..All the out rage spent here will go mostly ignored.


    For those of you that havn't figured out EA/Bio's game plan I will tell ya.


    The LONG haul..


    Ea/Bio will just remain at this pace and direction.it will keep it going until it is no longer feasible to run servers.


    All the while hoping they will hit something that keeps new subs coming in and old ones staying but I know they wont reverse things they have changed.


    They never have before and i really believe they just ignore the out cries from bad decisions that they make.




    Why do I say this because there has never been any indication that they even recognize mistakes or try to rectify them quickly in all the time I've played this game.


    I have been here since beta and things that were obviously wrong are still in the game 4+ months later ( I wasnt here the whole 4 months unsubbed for over 6 weeks, returned to see the changes. Not much changed)


    Those of you saying to reverse 1.2 .Forget it, WON'T happen.


    Bio's speed , attention to detail and listening to it's consumers has been like this since beta but it is set at a pace and indifference that never goes well with an MMO but Ea/Bio wont change the way they handle this game or it's customers.


    The fixes are slow to come , new content is even slower and the amount of mistakes are near amateur.


    Apparently the loss column hasn't exceeded the gains ...YET.

  19. cuz there's no reason to play anything else. the team with the most knights/warriors/assas/shadows always wins. gg bioware.


    Its finally our turn . Sit back and enjoy the ride. I had to since launch


    BTW, next month another class will get it's turn.


    This isnt your first MMO ... is it !!

  20. The worst game I've ever played .


    Comon say it,


    it has to be SWtor.


    4 months in and every patch gets worse, problems never get solved and the game does NOT improve.


    I did beta , early release, quit 2 and a half months in from sheer frustration , came back after 6 weeks to find nothing has improved , that most servers are thinned out until near ghost town and 1.2 has made PvP unbearable.


    Only one aspect of this game makes me want to say I played it and that is it is by far the most mishandeled game I've ever participated in.


    The only stellar portion of this organization is the forum mods that will surely delete or remove this thread in record time and give me an infraction for my comments.


    Disney does not have better or more diligent censors than Bioware

  21. Regarding quitters, and afk'ers;


    Leaving a WZ early nets you a debuff that doesn't allow you to enter that particular WZ again for 1 hour.


    Quitting another one adds the new WZ to the list, and resets the debuff timer.


    And so on, until quitters just can't queue up for any WZ's, until their debuff falls off. I don't care what they do in that hour, but at least they won't be able to completely disregard 7 other peoples' time.


    Regarding unbalanced team sizes;


    The WZ stops, and everyone is put behind their barriers, until it fills, or shuts down. People quitting at this juncture would get the Quitter debuff. In the case of a shutdown, a winning side is determined (as it is now), and reduced rewards go out to both sides.


    Regarding Huttball;


    The two pits need to be large traps that activate if too much accumulated time is spent there without having the ball in your personal possession. Indiana Jones-style darts would be appropriate, I think.


    Karagga's trigger finger isn't itchy enough.


    Regarding Alderaan;


    The central area needs to have barriers, so people can't jump in and out via the walls, nor stand on them period. The game becomes more strategic when it takes longer to reinforce a side from the middle, or to reinforce the middle from a side. This would also largely negate the stupid advantage that our Inquisitor/Consular brethren have here.


    Regarding Void Star;


    No one should be able to jump the gap. Extending at least one of the bridges should be mandatory. Also, if you are actively setting/removing a bomb, or using a terminal, AE attacks shouldn't interrupt what you are doing. This should be about teamwork, and good execution, not whichever team has the most <insert AE ranged class here>.


    Regarding Novarre Coast;


    Nothing to say here, yet.


    Regarding the glass barriers;


    The timing on these is exploitable. The timer should be set at 20s, and drop by 5 for each person that respawns behind it. In short, you should never be stuck behind it for more than 20s, and if half of a team is standing there, it should drop *really soon* after that.


    Regarding Premades;


    This is sticky, and I don't have a handy solution, but once Rated WZ's are working properly, I would really like to see the skilled teams/players/solo just playing each other, and the casuals/solo/bads all playing against each other, which little to no crossover. How this can be achieved, I have no idea, but it would be good for PvP overall if it happened.


    Those are just some things that I think would improve the PvP experience, overall. Some of the things that I mentioned are available for both sides to take advantage of (hence, fair), but I would rather they not be available to anyone. Strategy, teamwork, and good objective execution are what should win WZ's, not whichever team happens to have X of Y class that time.


    Rateds, and premades vs. premades are their own beast, and not much of what I said applies to those, nor should it. These WZ's, in theory, involve a different caliber of players and teams that presumably use voice comms. These improvements that I mention would be more applicable to non-rated WZ's.


    Thanks for your time, and thanks for making a game where I actually enjoy the PvP.




    Already there is a population problem on many servers with very long queue times for WZ's.


    If you want people to quit Swtor altogether just say so.

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