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Posts posted by dutch-master

  1. I keep hearing these people saying they're leaving when 1.2 comes out, who really plans on Ditching swtor?


    Im leaving for multiple reasons


    Here are my reasons for leaving SWTOR:

    - Slow PvP Queues

    - No Cross Server PvP Queues

    - No Dungeon Finder

    - Game Engine runs horribly for open world PvP.

    - Summer is here.

    - Un-original characters (specs/appearance).

    - Raids are not challenging


    I put up with all the BS in the name of the Star Wars franchise and even convinced myself that the "its a new game" excuses were valid. Now the fact that 1.2 will remove 75% of the enjoyment of playing my main (Corruption Sorc) in PvP, while also nerfing my Concealment Operative and doing funny things with my Rage Juggernaut, I am just about fed up.


    When I compare SWTOR to Rift, I really have no reason to play SWTOR over Rift...


    Rift has:

    - Fast Cross/Same faction cross server PvP queues with multiple WZs.

    - Soul system gives many playstyles/options and multiple spec slots

    - Dungeon finder

    - Instant Action

    - Better graphics

    - MUCH BETTER customer support.

    - Sane devs.

    - Customize-able UI since launch.

    - Open world PVP/Raids that run fairly smoothly.

    - Much more content


    Now, I've given the game a fair shake for 3 months but I will not support companies putting out POS games and charging a premium for them. Didnt with WoW, didnt with CoD & etc...


    TLDR: SWTOR is at best a Co-Op RPG that had MMO elements added as an after-thought to try and grab 15$ a month from suckers.

  2. The 4th attempt everyone spammed chat to kick us and bring in sorcs


    Sorry, thats just poor sportsmanship on your guilds part. Find another one. Sorcerers have an AoE heal that's useful. Its the only big advantage. Other than double dipping force bending (bug).


    Probably it the DPS standing ins fire, as usuall. Blaming heals. "My rotation is hard", "I cant move that quickly" & etc. Its all lies, they are just bad.

  3. Could you give us your source who tell these numbers ? Have u done some theorycrafting with true numbers and made some comparaisons between every class dps ? Or it's just some purcentages came from your mind ?

    I'm really interesting in watching your source about that.


    Didn't you read? He's an ex "pro-gamer"; meaning we have to take his word for everything without giving any evidence. I'm not saying he's wrong, but I literally though "smug bi**h" when I read that. He's made some good points, and also some speculations.


    My operative is hella useful, it can farm tons of biochem mats...

  4. With that out of the way... i've been looking at potential new pvp specs:




    Probably going to be pass-able with dark heal's crits. The thing is, were not better than a bounty hunter in any way like that. We will also lack an AoE heal. The class is broken for PvP heals if these changes go live. I don't see it working out well.


    If your going to sacrifice Revivification, you might as well go AoE DPS hybrid, you will be more productive. It still works, it's just a bit convoluted, and you wond have to punch yourself in the face to get force back.

  5. I like to think of myself as an avid PvP player. I've got a Battle-Master Corruption Sorcerer (Main) and a near Battle-Master Rage Juggernaut. I feel that, without some buff, we will not be competitive for ranked war-zones come 1.2.


    For the players who choose to heal on a sorcerer, what do you think of the two notable changes:

    1) Force bending does not reduce cast time of dark infusion (it reduces force cost by 30%)

    2) Innervate proc (force surge) no longer removes health cost.


    At first, the change to force surge had me very worried. If I'm sapping 15% of my health at regular intervals it wont help with the survive-ability. I don't know where this myth of sorcerers being hard to kill came from, but Sorcerers are the least tough of the healers. Now that we are cutting our wrists just to maintain our force pool its not helping.


    Initially, I wasn't worried about the Dark Infusion (DI) cast time, but the more I though about it the more is seems like the dealbreaker. I am not interested in casting 2.5 second heals, I will get interrupted. Now that I've ran some sims, I don't really see how we can get close to the same heal output Dark Heal (DH). The heals/cost is horrible. Coupled with consumption, it compounds the issue.


    Not even mentioning the fact that I'm geared for crit/surge and now I've got to replace a ton of mods.


    It seems like everybaddy was jealous that sorcerers had a heavy hitting fast-heal, all the while ignoring the FACT than any competent DPS can take us out. Sorry you couldn't click interrupt on your quick-slots fast enough, that doesn't mean you get to have us gutted.


    I think that all they would have had to do was make force bending harder to get (Higher-up) and fix double dipping to bring us in line with everyone else. What theyve done is blatant over-kill...

  6. I think there is a lot of good info in your post, but I question the overall view. My own Marauder is still in development, but I have multiple friends who's main toons are top players on my server who grouped with me the very instant their alt Maras turned 50. They were scoring ~250k damage right out of the chute in Huttie. By the end of the day everyone of them had scored over 300k. The top Mara/Sentinal on our server in full BM gear has scored over 725k and only time they would score under 400k would be in an abbreviated Huttie match.


    Look, I'm not saying "You're doing it wrong", but something IS wrong with the aggregate numbers you are posting.


    Somebody admits Maras are OP, no way....

  7. You say you have SI and smuggler at 50? Have you actually noticed a significant difference in survivability?


    There's a tremendous difference in survive-ability. Shield Probe, Evasion, Defence Relic, Cloaking Screen, armour that's not paper thin. People love dumping on the Operative but I think some elements of it are quite good, more so in PvP. I never called for any OP nerfs, even when they were LOL critting for 8-9K...


    Force Speed is not a dependable solution to get away. 70% of the time they get a stun/root off and you are dead in the water. And force bubble breaks in the time it takes to use an opener. With force charge inherently rooting, were so dead its not even funny. Not to mention that out resource regeneration mechanic costs us health. I'd rather lose a TA any day compared to 15% of my health. Stim Boost is WAY better than what well have for PvP in 1.2 Litterally Bioware F'ed us over without lube.

  8. You can debate which is better, but I tend to cast it to open then on wrath procs. I find that it's a lot safer to hold off on the Force-Lightning come kill me sign until you've got them fully DoTed. Also, I tend to save my Wrath Proc if Crushing Darkness (<4 sec) is close to coming off CD, so its not usually a problem.




    Crushing Darkness



    Force Lightning Rotation


    Disclaimer: I DPS about 15% of the time, usually I'm Corruption spec.

  9. Oh, and on the armour, yeah players should have to put the time and effort in to reach the required tier, not faceroll for half a day and then parade in uber shinys.


    You didnt get the memo? Bioware caters to whiny casuals now.


    Nearly, every other MMO will be more appealing for PvP seeing, as my TOR main is a sorc. Mainly because they dont spit in your face for them screwing up and making us look OP (Force Bending bug). They should have hired competent devs. The ones that can squeeze more than 10 FPS out of a good video card when there is 20 ppl in ilum and not release a game with such glaring bugs. All anybody would have to do is heal for a day to notice that bug, but it takes them 2 months after launch to identify/fix.



    TL;DR: Way to alienate a large percentage of your subscriber base BW (PvP). The star wars name wont save you forever. Advice to you is: Stick to single player games in the future.




  10. Why is there no Dev Response to this?


    Can't you take 1 minute and state


    A: We're working on it.

    B: We don't Care - Deal with it.




    I though it was obvious, BW devs dont care at all. They just make random changes and hope people like them...

  11. im not a troll... i just think its funny how people use 3rd party macro programs and then yell at bioware because it doesnt work right.


    Yeah, just like how they sold Branded SWTOR keyboards with those exact macro features....

  12. I have nearly every AC at level 50 (with the exception of OPs


    Maybe you should have focused on becoming a good player instead of amassing 8 50s...


    A sorc can barely keep up with anything focusing him. The only thing that we survive is baddies that dont know their class (IE you). If we cant get away or get somebody to peel we are finished. Bubbles only keep you from getting 2 shotted. Sorcerers where not OP PvP healers. Probably the weakest, due to the FACT that a slight breeze makes them fold like a lawnchair.


    People need to stop making up BS stories because they want to get sorcerers nerfed. The only thing even remotely OP was double dipping on force bending (GJ Bioware's QA). They should have just fixed that and seen how much of a difference that makes first. Now they just ruined the class as a pvp healer.


    Now that you cant heal more than any DPS can dish out as a sorc, what do you think will happen? I guess WZs will be 8/8 dps. Its the only thing that makes sense...


    All I can do is hope they abort a lot of these changes. If not expect to see a large population drop (not only sorcs).

  13. I can understand people getting upset, but it was a long time coming and totally deserved!


    No, just no.


    I'm doubtful you even have a sorcerer at 50 and even more doubtful you played against anyone that knows their class...


    Honestly, you think force speed and a fairly weak 3k bubble that get popped by nearly anyone's burst will save you.


    Maybe they are stunned after breaking that bubble, but they get out of that pretty easily. Force Speed? It takes one stun to stop force speed, dead in the water. Then what? Electrocute? careful they will have full resolve....


    You can't seriously think you'll be able to fight back. You'll probably dead before anyone can peel them off you. Wait until that tankassin or a concealment op finds you. You are dead and you wont even see it coming. Without a fast cast big heal you are dead before people even realize they should be peeling it off you.


    Now they want you to cut your wrist every time you want some force back.

  14. On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank.


    I dont give a *** about other people having the gear. I busted my *** to get that **** when i could have waited a 2 months, power-leveled and have the same **** inside a week. All that *********** work and now its just easy-mode. Litterally, pvp gear will take an 8th the time to get?



    Oh well, gearing alts will be easy I guess. I dont really see to many people working on Columi sets to hard when BM gear will be cake to get...

  15. You realise that Scoundrel healers have been forced to rely on a 2s heal as the cornerstone of their rotation all along right? For a considerably smaller heal effect.


    Potent heals quicker than the GCD was a bit rediculous, now Sages are on a similar playing field to Sawbones have been all along. Yes, it's going to be a big adjustment but you aren't becoming that much worse than other healers - just worse than you were. Now healers who aren't sages may actually get a decent chance of invites to group content. Previously, if you had two healers of similar skill and gear you'd take the Sage every time.


    Thats like comparing apples and oranges. I will cast long heals if i get medium armor and a vanish/stealth ability. Dont forget I also want instant cast HoTs (Probes) that give me TAs while I hide. Oh and I want my big heal to be instant and cost only TAs. Its funny how you forgot about those...


    This nerf is huge for PvP and the only ppl that say it isnt, clearly don't play a sorcerer. I understand fixing the resurgence double dipping, but *** did they smoke to think the other changes were legit.


    Here's some good reasons Corruption - Sorcs will be horrid come 1.2:

    • We cant kite.
    • We cant really run (force speed is great but getting stunned when you use it = done).
    • We're not mobile.
    • Consumption screams "kill me, i'll even help you".
    • Our defensive cool-downs are BS compared to any other healer.
    • We enter war-zones wearing toilet paper. (Its convenient because they can wipe after they are done s***ing all over us)
    • Now we can now be EASILY interrupted/shutdown. (casting Dark Infusion -> Interrupt, casting innervate -> knockback/stun, casting dark heal -> OOF -> Dead Sorc that made some bad heals)

    I challenge any of you to disprove these points, Bioware devs, anyone. Im really doubtful Ill be brought on any pre-mades as any other healer is a better choice. And no, Im not a baddie, I heal over 500K in a war-zone and am on par with any other good healer on my server.


    I'm also really curious what bioware wants sorcs to do. They said they dont like hybrids but were going to have to spec into something weird just to survive when the only saving grace would have been well placed Revivifications...


    Its feels like Bioware has told us, we want anyone but you to heal in PvP. **** and go respec deeps...




    ----> Imps fight a lot of imps

    ----> Sorc is the Class they encounter the most

    ----> there are more good Sorc-Healers that stand out (just cuz of the numbers)

    ---------> the class must be OP


    This is accurate, some bads got mad because they found out that its hard for them to kill people when there is a good healer around. Clearly that means that predominate healers must be nerfed into the ground so that nubs can get kills too... <sarcasm>

  16. You know the sad part is? Unless they fix the double dip on Lightning Barrage Hybrid is still better than Full Lightning or Full Madness.


    Does that not indict how weak our pure builds are and how they are actually in need of a buff?


    But lets listen to the whiners instead of logic.


    shut up about that. the less ppl know the less chance bioware fixes things...

  17. Here is what I've come up with so far. Both are fairly similar builds with some minor variance for utility heals/AoE boost.


    0/25/16 - Better Single Target & Defense - SimC Profile - 1480 DPS Single Target



    • Some semblance of the days of Wrath -> Chain Lightning joy.
    • Some burst defence on Barrier break.
    • Stronger Bubble
    • Overload Snare
    • 6% Chain Lightning/Lightning Strike Damage Buff. (3% from both conduction and Forked Lightning)
    • Force regeneration is quite high


    • No points in Corruption means healing is tougher
    • Weaker AoE DPS (~4%)
    • 3% less critical chance.



    7/18/16 - Heals/More AoE - SimC Provile - 1499 DPS Single Target



    • Some semblance of the days of Wrath -> Chain Lightning joy.
    • 10% more AoE
    • 2.5 Second Dark Infusion.
    • 3% Crit
    • Force regeneration is quite high


    • Less Single Target DPS (6% Lightning Strike)
    • Less CC (Barrier/Overload)

    Luckily, the rotation is more or less the same for both:




    1. Apply Affliction to a few people, enough to keep lightning barrage up reliably.
    2. Death Field

    Spam: (wait for Lightning Storm Proc)


    1. Force Lightning
    2. Wrath Proc -> Lightning Strike



    1. Chain Lightning (Duh)

    With resurgence not granting a one second reduction on dark infusion, there is not much point in going too deep into corruption IMO. I do feel like losing the push-back resistance will hurt while being focused but the idea is to DPS not heal...


    This is a work in progress & I may have ripped some other people off in some way. Feel free to leave feedback/suggestions.

  18. Cept sorcs/sages have never been OP since launch. People are just to stupid to effectively counter them.




    People only ever notice the "good" sorcerers and they dont notice that there are a lot of mediocre ones.



    A sorcerer can turret all match and make HUGE numbers, the same is true of every ranged class.

  19. Theres a lot of good points here. Mostly to the effect that these nerfs where ill-advised.


    Ill sum up in point form so you can quickly catch up.


    PvP Heals


    • You lose (No force regen+slow cast=death), roll a smuggler so you can at least use cloaking screen


    PvP DPS


    • You will never be as good as a marauder and you are twice as easy to kill. Why bother?




    • Extricate will be useless as everyone can force leap now that they've re-rolled marauder.

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