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Everything posted by Gaktar

  1. MoniTOR doesn't do anything to Windows Firewall or it's settings. Which version of Windows are you using and what command are you running to see the firewall status as "off"? I just tested over here using Windows 7 (64-bit), ran MoniTOR, formed a group and then went into Control Panel | System and Security | Windows Firewall and everything seemed to be running as it should for the firewall.
  2. We've released a new version of SWMoniTOR (1.0 build 841) This update should download automatically the next time you run SWMoniTOR. The following changes were made: Peer-to-Peer Communication Creating a new group or joining an existing group while already connected to a group (even if it's the same group) will no longer cause in MoniTOR to appear disconnected
  3. Just an FYI to everyone, we've identified another issue that if you attempt to rejoin a group that you are already a member of, it will actually end up disconnecting you. If you feel you need to reconnect to the group but it's still showing you as in the group, disconnect first and then reconnect and it should work a lot better. We'll get this fixed soon but we'd certainly want to hear the reasons for trying to do this in the first place since that may identify another issue.
  4. We've released a new version of SWMoniTOR (1.0 build 836) This update should download automatically the next time you run SWMoniTOR. The following changes were made: Peer-to-Peer Communication Improved detection and reconnection of disconnected members in a group/operation. There were several backend changes made to the peer-to-peer connection code with this release. Thank you in advance for giving us feedback on your testing. These changes should make the peer-to-peer process more stable with certain disconnect issues but there may still be some lingering conditions we haven't yet identified. We will be continuing to test and fix any remaining issues reported in this area quite aggressively. If you encounter problems have everyone in your group/operation run the troubleshooting report and either copy the results to a post on the SWMoniTOR.com forums or use the "Send report to server" option and then notify us of the group code you were using and the symptoms/problems you were seeing. Troubleshooting Report If you run a troubleshooting report while connected to a group/operation, you will not be dropped from your current group/operation and information on the connection status for each member will now be reported Added a send report to server checkbox for the troubleshooting dialog Parse Calculations Improved detection of end of combat for the live graph calculations (amounts will not continue to tick down after combat has ended). These changes only apply to the amounts displayed in the live graphs and have not yet been extended to the drill down tables but will in an upcoming update. Heals on enemies (such as from mezzes) will no longer give credit to a player's outgoing heal amounts Fixed a calculation bug that would occur when the member's machine time passed midnight
  5. The large non-healer heal parses is probably related to when a mob is mezzed and is taking continuous heals for the duration that it is mezzed. The fix we have planned is to only include heals on players and not on enemies (which makes sense when you think about it afterwards ).
  6. I assure you there is no trojan. External scans and more info on this topic (such as false positive reports) is available from an article on the SWMoniTOR forums (Computer Safety Guide)
  7. LOL, Frezzy, your logic is impeccable. (nothing like someone from your own guild to give you a hard time )
  8. Here's a dev post in another thread in response to the same question:
  9. We've now got this bug and several disconnecting issues fixed. We'll be doing some testing tonight and release a new build tomorrow.
  10. Currently you just have to use the key. In the future, we'll be adding more options for guilds to use their own, less cryptic keys that can remain the same from raid to raid as well.
  11. I haven't seen anything like that yet in my testing. A few questions to help try to track it down: - Did you save the parse file after your raid (could be useful to try to reproduce the bug)? - Did you notice anything else odd about the encounter like the duration or total damage done? - Could this have been a fight that started right before midnight and glitched at midnight? I'll start a ticket on this one and we'll see if we can reproduce the symptoms over here with an error in the total damage or duration and then try to figure out how the error occured. Thanks for the feedback!
  12. I assure you it's safe. There's more information on our forums about false positive warnings and the MoniTOR Installation Guide.
  13. The changes I mentioned that we're making to the troubleshooting report should help us identify and fix any remaining problems with the connection code. In the meantime, have your guild members run the existing troubleshooting report before they join your next operation (if they do it after they register for the operation it will disconnect them and that will trigger the problem we've already identified) and let us know if there's anything that doesn't show up as "passed". We're committed to quickly making this a solid, stable product for the community so we appreciate the help in getting this or other issues nailed down.
  14. We've identified an issue that could be causing this, look for an update in the next day or two. We will also be improving the troubleshooting functionality to work within an already formed group to help identify what may be going wrong with this or other issues. In general though, MoniTOR should work for 16 man operations without a problem, that's the size operations we run most nights in my guild where it was beta tested.
  15. Yes, it's written in Delphi and we don't currently have any plans to release the source code for quite a few reasons(Why we don't release the source code?). Besides, I used to co-manage an open source project and it was a pain in the arse and I vowed to never do that again
  16. Yes, currently the threat meter only shows the total threat generated for the encounter. There are plans in place to display threat per enemy which would also include displaying the overtake gap percent. The only problem with this is that for enounters with multiple mobs named the same, there are no unique identifiers so they would all be counted as the same enemy (which is normally not a problem since they are usually low health trash).
  17. Thanks, I'll certainly take a look at that before we decide on a course and may end up doing a blending of the two modes. After my research I'll post the findings.
  18. Using threat won't work since there are abilities that reduce hate (Guard) and I'm pretty sure there's healing abilities that generate less or no hate than the actual heal amount. Basically, threat is not going to be very accurate to try to figure out actual heals.
  19. Bubble healing only shows up in the logs as an absorption value on a target's damage line with no source information of who provided the bubble. It should be possible to track when a bubble is cast and who cast it so similar to overheals there's a plan we have in place to track this but it won't be completely accurate if you have overlapping bubbles from different healers. However, as there are more abilities added to the game that provide absorption healing, it will be more difficult to track the sources of that "healing" without some additional information being provided in the combat logs by Bioware.
  20. We've already got a plan in place to track overheals and blowthrough heals along with actual heals. It still won't be exact but it will be a lot more accurate than it is now. The basic approach will be to track incoming damage on each combatant and use that to track how much of a heal was actual heal, how much was a blowthrough (actual heal + extra heal that was needed) and how much is overheal (no actual heal, just overheal). Where it won't be exact is when a players max health changes due to buffs and such during an encounter, but it's the most accurate way we can think of at the moment.
  21. There are some tutorials on our website (in the Forums section) with more to come soon (later today for raid setup and navigating parse data). We'll be adding a ton more configuration options soon but in general it should just run if you have combat logs turned on. Here's a quick and dirty tutorial on creating a group/operation: Make sure you have logs turned on, run MoniTOR and hit your self buff. You should see your current character's name show up in the upper right corner of the main UI window (log path is automatically detected but we'll be adding in a configuration option later just in case the auto-detect doesn't work). Click on the Join button (the left button on the Group/Operation window), select the Create New Group/Operation tab and give the group a name (or just use the default value is fine as well). This will generate a key that you can give to other members in your group/operation (something like MoniABC123). To make it easier to pass out to others, you can double click on the key in the group/operation window to put it on the clipboard. To join an existing group/operation, hit the Join button and type in the key that was given to you. If you already have the key value on the clipboard before you hit the join button, it will be put into the key edit box for to make it easier. That's pretty much it. I'll be expanding on these steps with screenshots and a lot more details similar to our MoniTOR installation guide tutorial. Also, if you encounter any errors please feel free to post here or on our forums, we've done a LOT of testing but I'm sure there will be a few more glitches from a full public release and we want this thing to be as solid as possible. Thanks!
  22. Just released SWMoniTOR publically, details are available in this thread - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=452164 Thanks a bunch!
  23. Announcing SWMoniTOR! - Peer-to-Peer Live Combat Parsing We're happy to announce the public release of a brand new live combat parsing application. We released a few weeks later than we could have but we wanted to make sure things were pretty solid first. We hope you enjoy using our softwre and we look forward to continuing to develop SWMoniTOR for the SWTOR community. The application download, screenshots and other details are available at the SWMoniTOR website - http://www.swmonitor.com including several tutorials (with more on the way soon). SWMoniTOR Features SWMoniTOR is an advanced live combat log parser for Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR). SWMoniTOR specializes in providing detailed, live feedback on your personal, group or operation performance during, immediately following or many days after your encounters. There are many powerful and flexible features for SWMoniTOR including: Peer to Peer Communications SWMoniTOR's peer to peer nature is unique among combat parsers for SWTOR and offers the following benefits: Live - Data from encounters is gathered realtime from the members of your group/operation. No need to force everyone to remember to upload one or more cryptically-named log files after operations when they just want to go to bed. Private - Your combat data is shared only between members of your group/operation, not transmitted through or stored on a central server. Scalable - SWMoniTOR can easily scale to many, many times more concurrent users than other solutions that become lagged during peak hours. SWMoniTOR also doesn't require a beefy server capable of storing large amounts of historical data or using large amounts of expensive bandwidth. Access to Full Details SWMoniTOR provides full access to every line of combat data generated by your group/operation. Using the drill down nature of SWMoniTOR's parse viewer, you can easily filter down to the specific detail lines you are looking for to theorycraft or analyze yourself, your group or your operation into a lean, mean fighting/healing machine. Analysis Tools and Graphs (coming soon) SWMoniTOR will provide many tools and graphs to help distill down the massive amount of details that it gathers from your group/operation. Whether you are looking for specific patterns of activity or simply trying to get the "big picture", SWMoniTOR will help you do it quickly and easily. Efficient Speed and Size SWMoniTOR was developed to have minimal impact on your gaming performance. SWMoniTOR requires very little CPU resources and uses only a few dozen megabytes of memory with a full operation of parse data loaded. The user interface is crisp and clean and responds quickly, even with large amounts of data loaded. The binary storage format for SWMoniTOR is also quite small; much smaller than the size of a zipped combat log text file yet still containing all of the same information and more. Fully Dockable User Interface All of SWMoniTOR's windows are fully dockable into the main application window (space saving) or can be free-floating (perfect for multiple monitors). Compatible Export Format If you want to use a web based tool to analyze/share your parse data, you can export the combined parse data of your group/operation from SWMoniTOR to the standard SWTOR combat log format and then upload it. No need to wait for 15 other gamers to get around to uploading their parse data. Tutorials The following tutorials are available on the SWMoniTOR website: MoniTOR Installation Guide Creating a new group/operation in MoniTOR Joining an existing group/operation in MoniTOR
  24. LOL, from their patch notes 5 months in the word "fixed" shows up 42 times http://guildwars.com/support/gameupdates/updatearchive-2005-09.php Nice try though.
  25. Don't you think if BW was banning accounts for using a particular parsing program that violated the EULA, BW would remove the thread that provided a link to download that program?
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