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Everything posted by cripi

  1. This post was incredibly insightful and skillfully worded/organized. I sign this for justice! Edit: This needs to be a sticky, and serve as an example of what constructive criticism looks like. Trolls I'm looking at you.
  2. I'm on The Twin Spears PVP server and am enjoying it greatly. Repub side is still a little outnumbered but I don't mind as this means I'm not stuck playing Butthall all day with the imps. As it stands I don't spend more than 2 minutes in solo que and no more than 5 with a full 4 man group. I'm in a small but efficient pvp guild with several of my friends and we're very pvp oriented. We're all pre-50 on our mains and are waiting for the group to get within lvl range so we can hit 50 and pvp together. We all have repub alts that we will continue to use to pvp with any lower lvl players in the guild. If interested my in-game name is Semperviren and the guild name is Ewoking on Sunshine. Edit: At peak times there are 80-100 repub's in the fleet. And I have only had que times to login once since I began playing late December.
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