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10 Good


  1. Just noticed I put guild instead of guide in the subject. my bad, I apologize.
  2. as long as they leave the gungans out...we maybe ok
  3. MMO's in general have different launch patterns, this one is for the long term. Hang tight, should get better...also can't ***** too much we are playing before official launch date...which is baller as far as I am concerned!
  4. We are all being hit by the high queue times right now, but if you have played any other highly anticipated MMO, you should know 1 of 2 things happens over the launch period. Lets look at Rift, they had lots of servers right away, no queue times, just get on and play. Look at them 2 months down the road, they were having to merge servers due to lack of a player base. We may suffer a long wait time now, but I would see it as better wait for a few minutes or an hour today, then in 2 weeks end up with mostly empty servers and nobody to play with.
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