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Everything posted by mikesellr

  1. I was just thinking about this the other day. So I 100% agree that we need a legacy bank.
  2. I personally think this is one of the many things that broke wow for me. Though I do feel like the UI customization needs to be a bit more detailed. For example there are a few things that need to be on its own frame like the buff/debuffs.
  3. My God yes. People really need to get a clue. DPS is by far my biggest problem running as Tank (main) or heals.
  4. Thank you and I return the sentiment by saying I have not had a bad healer.
  5. I personally see a lot more juggernauts than vanguard but I have had better luck with vanguards. I actually play a shadow tank and a guild member runs a vanguard and he does very well. Personally I think the Juggernaut seems simpler for tanking than the vanguard but that is just me.
  6. I personally use Noxxic.com for a fountain to start. I believe its a good start for new players and classes. Here is the link for juggy tank information. Hope this helps. http://www.noxxic.com/swtor/pve/sith-warrior/sith-juggernaut/immortal
  7. Yep, I know about the options to select and deselect abilities but for example my main is a consular and I'm currently running with Tharan Cedrax. I went through all the abilities he has and unchecked the DPS ones to make sure he wasn't using them but he still tries to do basic attacks and has managed to get me killed multiple times due to his lack of healing focus. Thanks for the reply though.
  8. I noticed with the companions they leave a lot to be desired so I've come up with a few ideas and suggestions that I would like to see. 1. Companions settings Give the player the options to set the companion to only do DPS, Tank, Heal or a mixture. Personally I've had multiple problems with this when needing my companion to only heal me and I die because he is focused on another mob instead of healing me. 2. Companion Target I want to be able to always see what my companion is targeting. I like to make sure my companion is attacking/targeting who or what I want. 3. Attack Same Target Not much to say about this one but that I feel like its a must.
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