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Everything posted by Dee-Jay

  1. I wanted to take a moment of my time to provide Bioware with some feedback concerning some Guardian/Juggernaut abilities. While in general I’m fairly content with the class I do believe it suffers a little from ability bloat (like most SWTOR classes) in that you have so many abilities at the end that you battle your controls as much as you battle the enemy. General: Some abilities like Force Stasis and Force Push seem to have excessively long cooldowns of ~ 1 minute. I honestly don’t understand why since none of the abilities is particularly powerful yet Stasis remains the only source for “Singularity” for large parts of the game. Shorter CDs of 30-40 seconds would be a welcome change ad allow us to use said abilities on roughly every second fight. Self-healing: I’d really like Guardians to get a little bit of self-healing at some point. Not much, just a little to reduce downtime between pulls when not using Doc. A healing rush after killing an enemy or something that turns Focus into health would be sweet. Pummel Strike and Hilt Strike: After initially getting these abilities somewhere in the 30s I tried using them before finally moving them off my main bar. Maybe there’s something I don’t quite understand about these abilities but they rarely seem to be usable at all, and even then don’t seem to deal that much more damage than regular attacks. And considering how similar these two abilities are, why not simply merge them into one, with a ~20-30 second CD? Would seem like a simple change that would free up a slot without costing us any utility. Strike and Sundering Strike: For a while I hoped that Sundering Strike was designed to replace Strike completely at some point. But even at high level I still need to use the occasional Strike in low-focus situations. It seems like an odd design choice to keep us using Strike, even though Sundering Strike is better in almost every way. If Bioware lowered the cooldown down to 3.0 seconds, or even removed it completely it would allow Sundering Strike to replace Strike completely, thus freeing up another slot without costing us utility or buffing us significantly. Riposte: Riposte is an odd ability. It requires quick reflexes to notice the procc and even when used it doesn’t seem to deal all that much damage, all while costing a significant amount of Focus. Considering the nature if Riposte, it would seem far more logical for it to generate 1 Focus upon use, as a reward for “using” the procc, rather than costing much and doing little. Force Sweep: Force Sweep is an awesome ability. In fact it’s so awesome that it seems almost too good. It’s an AoE stun (vs. weak enemies), it’s our best and most powerful AoE attack and it’s also one of the highest damage abilities we have. In fact, the Focus’s tree entire purpose seems to evolve around maximizing the damage provided by Force Sweep. I’m not complaining here but it seems an odd design choice to have so much power focused in one ability, leaving many others feeling lackluster. It also means that the class is a little over-dependent on this single abilities hitting. Blade Storm: One of our hardest hitting single-target abilities (outside of tree-strikes) it’s a good and powerful ability. However it doesn’t seem to have much to set it apart from our primary Focus dump, Slash outside of simply being better. It does have a 10 yard range since it’s some kind of frontal blast but outside of that, they seem very similar. Why not have it do some kind of frontal cone damage, affecting multiple targets who are within the 10 yard range. It would suit the ability well as the animation already implies such a cone attack and it would help bumping our underwhelming AoE damage. Force Leap and Zealous Leap: Due to net coding and internet latency these abilities can sometime be picky about their range. Bumping Zealous Leap maximum range and Force Leap’s minimum range by ~5 yards would really be a welcome improvement. I tried for most part, to ignore spec-related issues or points about abilities. I realize some points become moot when considering certain talents in certain trees but I do believe that every ability should be useful to every spec, at least to a limited extent. These points only reflect my personal opinion and you are welcome to disagree. My main intention here wasn’t to haggle for buff either rather than suggest easy ways for abilities to become more “defining” and reducing some of the ability overlap/bloat.
  2. I've been leveling with the Focus Tree because those awesome Force Sweep hits really make it easy to mop up all the small trahs mobs you run across on a regular basis. The downside is that Force Stasis stays your only mean to generate Singularity, which kinda blows because of the long CD. I'm not sure what I'm missing in other trees but in my book powerful AoE attacks help most with leveling.
  3. Having Doc does make a huge difference, especially since we lack any form of Self-Healing (WTB Victory Rush). I'm surprised they didn't make Kira a Sage class, since she'd still be able to follow the Jedi plot but could assist us better with casts and heals.
  4. Also dass der Flashpoint voellig ohne Erklaerung einen in diese neue Spielmachnik wirft ist schon absurd. Man muss sich zwangsweise per trial & error mit wahnissing verbuggten Zeug auseinandersetzten. Nicht gerade spassig. Dabei ist die Idee hinter der Instanz ganz gut, auch wenn viele Sachen nerfen (Instant Rueckstoss!!) oder schlicht unfair sind. Bloed ist auch, dass die finalen Kaempfe extrem langweilig sind, aber Bioware hat was encounter design angeht ohnehin noch was nachzuholen. Beim 2. und 3. run ist die Instanz dafuer extrem einfach...
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