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Posts posted by indelible

  1. resolve is just poor design , it is not broken , it is working as intended , yet that does not mean it is a good system lol.


    It's only a bad system because it puts CC control in the hands of the player, rather than down to chance.


    If you don't like having to actually do stuff, I can see why you wouldn't like Resolve.


    The only issue it has is the root/snare problem. That's it. Everything else, as I have demonstrated, is fine.

  2. Sorry, I don't fraps my games so I can prove to some random Sorc on the forums that resolve sucks. Not a matter of refusal. I'm pretty sure someone has posted something Youtube, if visual evidence is what you require. Oh, and as far that last part. Just because x number of people claim resolve is fine, doesn't make it true either.


    Fair enough.


    It's clear to me that you have no intention of bringing anything other than hot air to the table, so I cba trying to battle through your ineptitude to get the answers we need if we're likely to come to any concrete conclusions.


    No wonder Bioware have said these forums - and the opinions expressed on them - mean nothing.

  3. Playing a Jugg has taught me alot about resolve. If and only if you can actually live long enough for the bar to fill, it suddenly becomes a great system, giving you you temporary immunity and impunity with which to slap around your foe. Most classes will not ever live long enough for that bar to fill outside of a 1v1 and 1v1s in PvP are rare.


    That is untrue. It takes 2 instant cast stuns to fill the Resolve bar to 2000 Resolve.


    On my Mara I spend most of my time with a full Resolve bar.

  4. Except it doesn't always work. Just because you haven't seen a CC with a full bar, when countless posts have attested to that very thing, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Insulting people because they're experiencing things you haven't doesn't make you more right.


    NO one that has made those posts has provided any evidence to back them up. Not a single one. You haven't, no one else in this thread has and no one on this forum has. I've asked you to do so and I've given you the chance to do so but you've flatly refused to do it.


    When a person makes a claim, cannot back up that claim and refuses to demonstrate that claim with evidence, it is best to question the person and the claim, especially when they are given the chance to do so with open arms.


    I've demonstrated my point using the games actual mechanics and specifying actual situations where it happens. You are arguing that it doesn't work the way the mechanics say it should work, and you should demonstrate that.


    If you can't or won't, no one is going to believe you.


    And just because X number of people make X claim does not mean X is true either. There are countless social studies and experiments demonstrating this very truth.

  5. I was crossing the void bridge and knew this safe was going to try and knock me off. Before I could drop into cover and throw my anti-cc ability down, someone force leaped and knocked me back but I didn't fall off. Now I'm rooted and can't drop into cover to hit Hunker. Then the Sorc hit his knock back and into the pit I go. There was literally nothing I could do.


    So you got caught in a bad situation against 2 players? That happens to everyone, even the best of us.


    At this point I get the distinct impression people have an issue with not being able to 1 v X, where X is any number of players from 1 to 8, rather than having any inherent problem with Resolve.


    90% of you don't understand. How can you have a problem with something you don't understand?

  6. Time spent out of combat doesn't matter. How much time, per Warzone, do you believe you spend in combat? Now how much of that time are you CC'd? Far greater than 12 seconds every minute.


    Skew it however you want, but the Resolve system is bad.


    You people should stop using straw man arguments, you should stop throwing ad hominum at me like it validates your argument.


    I gave you a break down of how Resolve works, demonstrating how all of these fantastical situations you all describe just can't happen because they mechanics don't allow it.


    And I respect your position enough to allow you to provide actual evidence of it working any other way, actual evidence of these fantastical situations you all describe happening.


    But you don't do that. Why? Why aren't you doing that? It's a reasonable thing to do in your position.... and if it is true I won't be able to argue against it and you'll have someone else to "fight the good fight" against evil Bioware.

  7. That's true, but that's only if 2+ people are out to screw you by using all their stuns on specifically you.


    I was being sarcastic. It's not horrid. It's perfectly fine. 16 seconds of CC every 60 seconds played is roughly what you should be expecting from any system. Even Blizzard have gone back to similar figures with their DRs in Cata.


    Tis why this entire topic is amusing; people don't understand Resolve, they lie about their experiences with Resolve, they don't bother learning about Resolve and they expect Bioware to change Resolve. They may well add snares to Resolve (which I wouldn't have a problem with) but they're not going to change the system because, if you know what's actually going on in the game, it quite clearly works precisely how it is intended to and, more importantly, precisely how it should do.

  8. Plus resolve drains after a few seconds, making kiting very easy and allowing chain stuns without filling your resolve.


    Resolve DOESN'T drain "after a few seconds".


    It START to drain after 6 seconds at 25 Resolve per second IF you aren't hit with another CC.


    If you are over 1000 Resolve it drains at 100 Resolve per second, granting you anywhere from 16-20 seconds CC immunity.


    That is NOT a "few seconds".

  9. And as for your last point, I can only assume you had a stroke while typing. Because back to back stuns for 4 seconds per happen constantly in PvP. And that's 8 seconds for those of you who have yet to master the art of math.


    8-seconds every 20 seconds. And you have a CC breaker. So you can remove one of those stuns. So... roughly 16 seconds of stun every minute, 12 if you break one.


    That's horrid! D;

  10. As the poster above me said, it would be more innovative in a game system with less CC. I'm sure most players can handle CC from 1-2 sources, but that is rarely the case. Especially as melee, being in the thick of it, eating every snare, mezz, root, KB, pull,push and blind. That visual aid you speak is often hard to keep track of, just as are your various procs on a tiny toolbar. I'm sure on paper resolve sounds great, but in practice, it's maddening thinking you have CC immunity only to be CC'd time and again.


    No, it wouldn't. It's a system built specifically to deal with a game with lots of CC. It applies to ALL CC.


    If the system is broken, it'll get fixed... but all of these comments about how Resolve is broken, how it goes down "in a few seconds", how people get "chain CCd, are counter-productive. Bioware haven't said there's a problem, they've made no mention of it in any form... which should suggest to you that their metrics say it's working fine. And if you go and look at my post you can see quite clearly that the system is designed - and does - stop you from being chain CCd. Ergo... it DOESN'T happen and you're all either buying into some mad collective lie, or you're just not paying any attention at all.


    That whole, "being CCd time and time again" thing has NEVER happened to me, has NEVER happened to anyone I've played with, and only seems to be happening to a select few gobby, average individuals on these forums.


    The visual aid is on the same UI element as the health bar, buff bar and all of the other important visual aids you need to see how you're doing versus the enemy. You can see it quite clearly; it's the only white bar there, it's pretty definitely clear against all of the blue and brown and red that's going on in ToR. It requires a flick of the eyes to go, "do I need to do X now, or can I wait on this CC?" and the white bar tells you everything you need to know. If you are claiming Resolve isn't obvious enough, you are claiming the entirety of the player UI element isn't obvious enough. That's not a problem with Resolve. That's a problem either with your eyes, or with the UI. I wear glasses however and have no issue with it.

  11. It you don't think it's broken.. I can't help you any more.


    You didn't actually provide any reasonable evidence to back up your points. You just made a list.


    So if you're idea of helping those of us that think Resolve is a perfectly fine, if not superior, system is making a list... no, I'm afraid you can't help us. You never could.

  12. Resolve works in the following way:


    Each type of CC (minus snares and slows) generates a fixed amount of Resolve per second, and that amount is applied in one lump sum when you are hit with an ability. The amounts are as follows:


    Stuns - 200 Resolve per second

    Mezzs - 100 Resolve per second

    KBs - 400 Resolve


    If your Resolve is at 0 and you are hit with a 4 second stun your Resolve bar will fill to 800 Resolve. Similarly if you are hit with a Mezz your Resolve bar will fill to 800 Resolve. If you are hit with a KB your Resolve bar will fill to 400 Resolve.


    After 6 seconds without being hit with a CC your Resolve bar will start to go down at a rate of 25 Resolve per second.


    If you are then hit with another CC prior to your Resolve bar going to 0, it will add the same amount of Resolve as stated above UNLESS the second amount of Resolve added takes you to or over 1000 Resolve, in which case it will add another 50% Resolve on top of the base Resolve added.


    Example: If you are hit with a 4-second stun (adding 800 Resolve) and then you are hit with another 4-second stun (adding another 800 Resolve) another 50% Resolve is added on the second stun taking your total Resolve to 2000 Resolve.


    Once your Resolve is at or over 1000 Resolve it will begin to go down at a rate of 100 Resolve per second. During this period you are immune to ALL CC effects (excluding snares) for a maximum of 20 seconds immunity. Once your Resolve hits 0, you can once again be CCd.


    One thing to note is this: if a stun takes you over 1000 Resolve the immunity will not kick in in-stun. That is to say it will not break the second stun and you'll have to wait for it to end.


    Resolve provides players with a visual aid so that you can build your play style around incoming and outgoing CC. It is, to my mind, the first system of its kind and it is without a doubt the most innovative attempt at balance Bioware has embarked on. I for one love Resolve; I think it is a far, far superior system to standard DR systems which invariably don't scale well and result in CC either being removed from the game entirely (ala WoW post-TBC, pre-Cata) or CC is just too damn powerful (ala WoW pre-TBC, post-Cata).


    I do believe that snares and slows as not effected by Resolve are fine as most of the melee classes have snares and slows, and adding them to Resolve would more imbalance the game in favour of ranged players.

  13. Conversely an equally numerous and vocal portion of us "hardcore" PvPers has categorically denied the need for a gear grind in PvP, and pointed at Guild Wars 2 as a testimony to this fact.


    Gear progression is nice, don't get me wrong. However the lower the gap between entry level players and the top tier of PvPers, the better for the health of the PvP in general. World of Warcraft categorically failed to stimulate competitive PvP because the gap between the upper and lower classes was artificially created with gear. They then attempted to resolve this with Arena Tournament server, but again limited the amount of players involved by asking them for cash to participate.


    What Bioware are doing in 1.2 is a great idea as it narrows the gap between the upper and lower classes, stimulating competitiveness and (hopefully) setting up the game to grow to a truly competitive PvP affair, something that has been sorely missing from MMOs of late.

  14. There are all of these posters claiming that random stuff that Resolve should prevent is still happening.


    So today I spoke to a number of people I know in game. Not one of them said they'd seen Reolve working in any other way than it seems to be intended. We did multiple tests on multiple sets of stuns, in warzones, in duels, in open world PvP, and never encountered any of the situations that people are claiming happen to them all the time. We've tried replicating these "bugs" quite a lot and never succeeded.


    If people want to make videos and take screenshots of these things happening that would be great! It would provide empirical evidence to the mix that can't be denied. Otherwise..


    I'm going to go ahead and accuse you all outright of lying.

  15. ^




    I'm well aware of the sticky, however there's still a sea of conjecture and "commentary" that's not being dealt with. A single yellow post saying, "yes - Resolve is working as intended and we have no reason to believe that it isn't," would be all that is needed to quieten down the attitudes that accompany the system.


    I know how Resolve works; I've spent a great deal of my time trying to explain it to people. More often than not I find people saying, "oh but I experienced three stuns in a row one time and didn't get full Resolve," or, "I was at full Resolve and still got stunned."


    I've never encountered these problems myself, but Bioware would know with any certainty whether they are actually happening or not. If they are obviously the need to be fixed, but right now it's just a point of conjecture that Gabe and co are doing next to nothing to clear up.


    On the WoW forums you'd get a CM or even a dev dealing with the issue either by posting on the forum or through a blog post. Here were not getting that and - frankly - I'd like it to happen. The vitriol and bile on these forums would be done away with if Bioware were less, "let's run everything we say through our marketing team," and more, "let's make sure people know what is true and what is not true; if they find stuff to argue about after that then it's not on our heads."

  16. The forums are awash with people ************ and moaning about it, and whilst it's noble that you guys are off courting guild leaders... there are still a few issues on these boards that players would like some sort of comment on.


    One of those issues is Resolve:


    1) Is it, based on your internal stats, working as intended? (And by that I mean is it working the way it's supposed to work, or are there problems with it that need resolving? And if there are, what are those problems?)

    2) Are there any plans to add snares to Resolve immunity?


    Just some idle comments would be a nice change to the deafening silence you insist on enforcing over certain issues ;o


    Keep this thread bumped if you'd also like some clarity over the issue.

  17. If you're in a premade and you're failing 90% of the time to win it's not because Bioware gave Sith an inherent advantage and more to do with your skills lacking.


    In short you clearly aren't as good as you think you are.

  18. Man, I was sure the trailer park bit was safe, but you might have a point.


    And I sincerely hope your day is brightened by mass slaughter, as I did not mean to distress you with my falsehoodery.


    It's fine. I'm sure I've got some pork rinds around here somewhere......

  19. Just so I understand you... premades are a collection of not very skilled players who rely on eachother to overcome their weakness?


    I don't know where to start.


    I'm now going to metaphorically put the poster you're responding to (not you) in a sack and hit him (not you) with sticks.


    Premades can be that, yes. They can also be a collection of highly skilled players that augment their own skill by grouping with others of similar or higher skill levels.

  20. Haha I will try all of the above and throw in some mentions of living in a trailer park and weighing more than my home does. Sadly, the pork rinds bit was the only falsehood, and I didn't even mention all of the incidents I've had or the full scope of them for fear no one will believe me and I'll get modded!


    I have a distinct feeling that the oft over-zealous moderators will take issue with the last few posts in our conversation regardless of what you may or may not say.


    And that whole trailer park thing is a double edged sword. You're probably attracting a whole new level of creeper going down that road, to be fair... :rak_grin:


    I'm utterly dismayed about the lack of truth behind the pork rinds bit though. It's really put a downer on the rest of my day. Not even pug stomping is likely to cheer me up D;

  21. Do you have an answer to my There's Something About Mary online vibe? Because I swear to you, all the people I described and what they've said to me is true except the bit about pork rinds for breakfast.


    Nobody has to tell me that being a creep magnet is not something to be proud of or a good survival trait, either. :(


    You could always try being a little more "creepy cat lady" with them. Croak at them over vent, cackle when you laugh. You know... witchy stuff.


    And tell them your name is Herman or something similarly dissuasive.


    Or play loads better than they do in warzones. It'll compromise their masculinity.


    And tbh the pork rinds bit was the only part I believed ;(

  22. Actually, while it would require extra up front energy to find a premade, it would be more energy efficient in the long run due to a much higher win rate and anyone who has played a lot of pvp is bound to know it. But for various reasons, some of which I've listed, running a premade simply isn't enjoyable for some people.


    And isn't an MMO supposed to be enjoyable? Because I'm paying for it, so it better be! Aside from extortionate dental costs, I can't think of too many experiences I pay for that I detest more than I detest getting stomped by premades as a solo queue player.


    Okay, I thought of another one. Standing in line to pay car taxes and fees. So annoying!


    Meh. I live in the UK; free dental work. And I don't drive. I'd claim it's because I have no need of a car, but it really isn't. I'm far too lazy to bother learning. And too poor to afford one even if I did.


    And I can understand that; it is a pain running premades a lot of time time. The trick is to find a guild, not a group of people specifically, that runs premades as an off-"thing". I'm in a guild with 40 other people and there's always 1-2 premades going, more at prime time. I log in, ask for a spot, wait for 5-10 minutes and then get my dailies done. If I fancy PvP after that I tend to do it alone; I don't mind losing, or dying lots, and I don't mind being stomped by premades because I know how much effort is going into the game on their end. That's not to say I enjoy it... more I'm indifferent towards it.


    Edit: I also have an answer for everything :cool:

  23. Well thanks for the compliment, but I should have mentioned long win streaks will cause me to quit playing for awhile almost as fast as long losing streaks. Almost. Not that I've had more than two or three of those streaks even though I pvp every day on several servers and across both factions.


    But no way will I lie and say winning isn't more enjoyable than losing as a general rule because no one would believe me anyway!


    I should add I have been known to feel sorry for a team we're beating really bad and feed them a kill or two or let them have a score, as long as it can't cost us the game.


    I do too. There's only so much winning I can do in a day before I get bored, I admit, but instead of leaving the game angered with premades I leave the game feeling like my time and money were (fairly) well spent.


    I'm sure you could find a group of people you mesh with that don't objectify you based on your voice, but then I guess that would be selling out ;P I understand your issue with vent and the entire "getting to know you" phase of joining a guild; it makes me quite anxious just being on vent with people I know. It is enjoyable once you find "that group" though, and I would at the very least encourage you to pursue the notion more aggressively prior to your game time running out. You may be pleasantly surprised.


    There's not really much else to say beyond that; you seem to have made up your mind, and I'm not going to try to change it (any more than I already have, at least). Probably the most pleasant and balanced conversation I've had on these boards though, so thanks for that.

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