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Everything posted by ndruo

  1. Never, hopefully. This means you get a reputation for being good, and a reputation for being a jerk. If players never have to see each other again, there is no incentive to play nice. Case(s) in point: DOTA 2 HON League of Legends Any other MOBA game (or game period) with random matchmaking across a wide playerbase Want faster queues? Roll Republic.
  2. As a "casual" PVPer you will always get beaten by "hardcore" players no matter what the level of accessibility for gear is because a) they have more practice than you do b) they have better gear than you do, even if it IS easier to get This isn't going to fix anything, you will always be behind them on experience and equipment because you are constrained by time. If they are willing to invest more time and thought than you in this game, then it's only fair they beat you at it. More time/effort in = better results out. This results in you losing to the hardcore, but that's okay because you have other stuff going on in your life beyond this game, right? I'm probably never going to wear full BM gear until BM gear is totally obsolete, and I'm okay with that. If you aren't okay with it, your only choices are: a) spend more time practicing (or have more meaningful practice a.k.a. think about the details of "why" you lost and what you personally can do to improve instead of mindlessly blaming your team and re-queueing immediately) b) get over the fact that you will lose to someone who spends more time and energy in this game than you do
  3. The boost on tech/force power from triage is the same as the boost in power from attack. Since no class I know of exists that uses both force/tech healing then the 50% damage dealt debuff is the only difference between the two, right?
  4. Let's see a sage answer spike damage like we can. SCC + KB + AMP + MP + AMP + MP + KI ALL of these spells will be affected by both SCC and KR. Your tank is now now at full from 20% while standing in AOE.
  5. This is not our niche. We are the tank healers. Yes, they might get a bubble from the sages - but we're the hands down best at keeping a tank's lifebar up. Target cap on Kolto Bomb seems dumb, but consider the synergy between a commando and a sage if there were no target cap? Too much healing.
  6. Because the guy who renewed his subscription and only got 2 commendations after 30 bags is going to stick around for another 30 bags.
  7. I'm shocked at the large number of people who aren't reading. OP: Put this following paragraph of yours in a TL;DR at the top. It will make things instantly clearer, and the lazy and opinionated will get the point within the bounds of their 10 second attention span. Don't bury the main idea in the middle. Put it up front in gigantic letters where it'll be seen. I agree. The fact that you guys can knock people down is fine, I expect that. I expect your class to have robust CC (though your snaring AOE physic is pretty frustrating). It's the damage. As a healer, when I see someone drop in 3 global cooldowns, I scream OP. I don't scream OP because there's a 5 second stun, I don't scream OP that bleeds are too strong, I scream OP because you took them down in three globals. You've got a good way of fixing that - nerfing the buff to the critical damage will accomplish exactly what everyone is looking for, while preserving the feel of that talent tree. It's an elegant solution, and a very easy "knob" to turn for balancing purposes. Preserve the 5 second stun. That's a level of team utility that's something that I love, and I'm not even the DPS who should be taking advantage of it. Keep your armor pen - you should be able to hit a heavy armor class for SOMETHING instead of feeling like you have a peashooter instead of a real weapon. But don't kill my soldiers in three globals. That's bullsh*t.
  8. Companion gear, duh. But seriously, this must be annoying as all get-out. BIOWARE! Y U NO LET ME CONTROL MY CHARACTER'S PROGRESSION!
  9. "Oh wow free experience!" thinks the AFKer... No. Screw that. Give 'em a free ban instead. "But I don't have the time to get high level in this game!" Yes, you do. It will just take longer. "But I don't want to wait!" Suck it up. You will get there eventually.
  10. But if you're really, really committed to the idea, then there must be only ONE bracket size. ONLY ONE. Balancing PVE and PVP is hard enough - balancing a 2v2 bracket with 3v3 and 4v4 would be impossible. Do NOT under ANY circumstances have multiple bracket sizes - no one bracket will get what they want, which will lead to EVERYONE freaking out and getting pissed off.
  11. Oh cool, so this means I am legitimately crushing the scoreboards as a healer Go combat medics! Woo!
  12. I'm curious if absorbed damage counts as healing, protection, or doesn't show up at all on the charts over the course of a WZ. If it doesn't show up at all, doesn't this imply that their healing (aka "damage erasure") is underreported on the scoreboards? If that's the case, then when a Seer/Sorceror comes in at the middle of the pack on the heal charts, he might actually be the #1 healer? Or if one comes in at the top, then they're probably CRUSHING EVERYONE!?
  13. And jedi armor should look like armor. The focus should be on the plating or what have you, not the robes.
  14. The threat display is "your healer getting ripped to shreds." Good tanks have a combination of fast reactions and good threat management via rotation and target selection and don't really need a threat meter. If you need a threat meter, you are not a very good tank.
  15. Hard or not, these guys are pros. You don't ask professionals to do the easy stuff, you ask them to do the hard stuff, and expect them to deliver. I'm still enjoying the game, and I totally expect improvement because this was the case for WoW's tier 1 as well, and tier 2 was a major, major step up in terms of design. But, I still think that the tier 1 armor for Republic (and after some constructive feedback, Sith) doesn't make me look powerful - only stupid.
  16. Whoa hey dude, lightsaber technology went through some serious advances over the course of 4000 years.
  17. Come on. Tell me I'm wrong. TELL ME I'M WRONG!!!! ...please.
  18. Oh god I had no idea.... ahhahahahahha Well at least your PVP gear looks cool!
  20. What makes you think I want republic to look big and scary? Just because I think the color schemes are boring and the hats are dumb doesn't mean I want them to have lightning-spewing skulls for codpieces and dead rats on their shoulders; or something similarly "evil." What's wrong with making Jedi Guardians look like a (space) knight in shining (space) armor? Or for a consular to look like they're dressed for Senate negotiations as well as front line combat instead of, I dunno... whatever the hell they're dressed like? And really, I did say I liked the space cowboy look. I was just wondering why it needed a ninja hood - my guess was to cover the hair because it wouldn't work right with the hat model.
  21. We should remove all armoring and decorative hoods from Consular and Knight sets, and instead replace them with bath robes and tunics.
  22. So blue, green, and purple are still on the board that you subscribe to? Keep in mind, Sith/darksiders in the star wars movies didn't wear red or orange or whatever - they wore black instead of beige like lightsiders. Everything else looked pretty much the same. The only time red was really prominent on screen was through lightsabers, blaster bolts, Darth Maul's face, and the symbol of the rebel alliance. That, and the empire's personal guard. =/ But there's the thing, red isn't dark, or light, it's a color. We want COLORS. As far as being able to denote factions goes, I feel like the fact that you can kill the other team to be separating enough. It's not as if Republic is necessarily "light siders" anyway.
  23. The color red. Or orange. Or yellow. Or various shades of green, blue, and purple. A Seer hat that doesn't look like I would decapitate my companion if I spun around too quickly. A Trooper helmet that doesn't look like you could **** it if you got drunk enough. For Jedi, a step away from the idea that they have to be wearing a brown hood, maybe an ornate neck-guard (pretty much a collar that protects you against decapitation).
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