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Everything posted by Bibdy

  1. What needs to be suggested? The mistake is so absolutely amateur they need to outright fire their entire so-called PvP team this instant, and get a team that actually takes the time to understand the wisdom behind other company's decisions regarding PvP. These guys just reinvented a horrible PvP system from 4-7 years ago in WoW/WAR and are now suffering from the same problems they had. Instead of nipping them in the bud, by looking at and understanding the changes they made, they just recklessly added it at the expense of customer satisfaction. It was a quick fix, which has now spawned a whole host of problems which could have easily been foreseen if the people who put in the system had ever played a single game of Wintergrasp. Apparently these guys either don't do their research, or they're under enormous pressure to throw in quick fixes that they know has a significant chance of ruining everything. Hopeful but reckless at best, amateur at worst.
  2. I've definitely seen augment slots on other weapons (e.g. http://imageshack.us/f/841/screenshot2012010908302.jpg/), but now that I think about it I believe you're right in the case of orange armour. I haven't seen any screenshots circulating around of those having augment slots.
  3. You can augment anything (except mods themselves, that'd be weird). Armour, weapons, relics, you name it.
  4. Yep. The Armouring/Gun Barrel/Hilt determines the armour level/weapon damage range of the item, and the other mods add more base stats. And, for example, putting in a bunch of level 30 purple mods into an orange item should give it reasonably equivalent stats of a level 30 purple 'baked' item.
  5. Yes, the usual 200ish loudmouthed whiny babies on the forums influenced a decision that affects their production pipeline and the other 999,800 (ish) subscribers. Its a shame they don't have a stupidity category in the Olympics, because you could take the gold.
  6. But if I don't swear every sentence, how will all of the adults know I've matured into an adult?
  7. Citing an IT degree on the topic of software development is like waving around a business management resume in front of a scientist.
  8. You probably completed the mission for the very first time, and presumeably you still get the same reward, regardless of your current level. Usually you get a pair of missions for two different space missions, complete them separately (each gives a hefty reward and sometimes a ship component), and once you complete both of those it unlocks a daily mission that requires you to complete BOTH of the space missions you just did. And you can then do that one every day. The only exceptions to this I've seen are the very first (Fondor Escort) and last (Impossible Sector) space missions you unlock, which each have their own daily that only requires you to do that one mission, rather than two.
  9. Yeah, advanced class choice is around level 10 (after the first planet). You get your ship around level 16 (after the second planet).
  10. It's probably referring to ambient sound like birds chirping, river water flowing and various other ambient sound effects. That's just a guess. You'll have to toggle it on and off and listen to be sure. I can't think of anything else ambience would refer to. Turning ambient lighting on/off would be just plain weird.
  11. Private messages on these forums you mean? Yeah, they don't show up for whatever reason.
  12. Are you joking? C'thun was notorious for being a boss they had to hotfix multiple times before it was beatable. Never heard of the smaller eyestalks outside zapping people that were still inside being digested?
  13. Utter nonsense, WoW was completely immaculate right out of the box. In fact, WoW has maintained this level of perfection so much that it has ascended to a higher plane of existence, that is far too bright for my eyes to withstand. I can therefore never play the game again, due to my aging body and debilitating eyesight.
  14. I don't know how you people manage to dress yourselves in the morning, I really don't. The overinflated sense of entitlement is beyond shameful. I'm sure you would love to be sitting here in the middle of January waiting for the umpteen billionth release date delay, because there was some other system that absolutely had to be finished before release, rather than playing the main bulk of the game. Come March, the Legacy system would be done, but they just had to wait to release another couple months for the UI to be tinkered with. Ut oh, one of the guys in QA found a bug where you can occasionally get stuck in a rock in the *** end of Tatooine. Better delay it another week.
  15. 1. There's always daily quests you can do at level 50, which can influence their affection, but for the most part yes, gifts are the fastest way of changing their affection beyond that. I would recommend either using Mission Crew Skills to gather companion gifts, or the Galactic Trade Network for that, rather than purchasing them directly from the vendor, because I don't think the return on investment is anywhere near as good. 2. You can either experiment with them, to find out which ones they like more (expensive and time consuming since you'll waste a lot of them, and can only use an item once every 30s), OR you can just Google it like most people do. Others have already done the work for you, so no need to reinvent the wheel.
  16. FYI, today's patch was postponed, so that bug will linger for a little while. The ETA is within the next few days.
  17. I don't really know of one. That sounds like a job for Google
  18. Credits have little value at endgame, so you'll want to get it eventually. Its only a 5.2% speed boost (200/190 * 100), but you can also take more damage before you get knocked off the thing. Helps if you want to just run by a pack of mobs that will shoot at you.
  19. 1. You need to open Battlemaster gear bags, which you can (currently) only get from doing Daily/Weekly PvP quests at level 50. You can only open these bags at Valor rank 60, and they are unique (can only hold one at a time). These will sometimes give you a token which you can exchange for the piece of gear labelled. In the 1.1 patch coming sometime in the next week or two, they're changing it to a generic token that you can turn in for any item type. 2. Yes. You used to be able to get them from security chests in open PvP areas, but I believe they removed them after a week or two, since most people didn't know about them, only a handful of people camped them and made bank. 3. Presumeably they're talking about getting Champion gear bags from the same Daily/Weekly quests mentioned above. When you complete them you can choose between a Champion Bag (strong PvP gear) or a Battlemaster Bag (even stronger PvP gear). Champion bags can be opened up at any Valor Rank, and Battlemaster only at 60+. Since they're unique, you can't stockpile them. So, you'll want to pick Champion bags until you hit Valor rank 60. These follow a similar token system mentioned above. SOMETIMES you get a token, which you can trade in. Most of the time you get Centurion Commendations, which you use as currency to buy a weaker PvP set. 4. Yes, it's always a matter of random chance. The only way to guarantee you get something, is to keep doing them, accumulate some currency (whether its tokens from PvE or PvP) and purchase the exact piece you want. But, these tend to buy you average strength gear. Getting the absolute best stuff is a combination of doing tough content, and random chance.
  20. Press Escape Click Preferences Click the Keybindings tab at the bottom The keybindings are spread across various groups to keep things neat (Targetting, Movement, Quickslot etc.) so make sure you go through all of them to bind what you need.
  21. Read the info on the mission (Default: L to open the mission log, then find the quest). The descriptions in there are always accurate. In a small handful of missions, the location marker is in the wrong place, or doesn't show up.
  22. Don't roll Empire if you want to PvP, unless you want to play Huttball against other Empire 50% of the time.
  23. If bosses have super strong attacks that seem to kick your ***, they're usually avoidable in some way, either by getting out of the way or interrupting it. Save your Force Kick ability for these attacks, and if that doesn't stop it, get out of the local area.
  24. I bumped into a Sentinel guildie from time to time while I was levelling my Shadow and it amazed me just how squishy the guy was compared to me. Best advice I can give is to gear up your tanking pet and let him initiate combat (CTRL+1) all the time, so that groups focus him, and not you. FYI Knights don't get their healing pet (Doc) until late (level 40ish?). Until then you have to use C2-N2.
  25. The modifier should be something like Alt, Ctrl or Shift. The typical modifier keys. If you can change the key to something other than that, that sounds like a bug.
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