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    On the edge of Netherealm
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    Civil engineer
  1. I agree on everything that has been said in the above post, and i would like to add, that lacking a gap closer ( Wouldn't really consider force speed a huge gap closer since you can be stopped/cc'd/etc...) and a 30 m range spell the utility of the deception assassin falls hugely when you have to move a lot... So he lacks on that aspect as well... I wouldn't call it rubbish, but it's quite frustrating to have such a fun class be disregarded. Don't forget, our class doesn't bring anything to the ops group, no armor reduction on the boss, no global buff, no nothing... so we find our self easily replaced and putten aside.
  2. Since this is the suggestion box, and i have a suggestion, i was wondering if some attention could be given to the Deception assassin build, it is by far one of the most fun classes to play, but it's kinda falling behind compared to most dps builds... now with combat logs and a parser, it is literary hell to keep up with classes like snipers and Powertechs So it might be just me noticing that, or it might be that fact, but that build on that class, is really the underdog of all dps builds, but it's the most fun... so i was wondering if a tweak could solve stuff... Thanks in advance. Plopster
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