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Everything posted by Victrixz

  1. if there hasnt been enough players the past ooh lets say 15 matches. and you have gained lvls and maybe hit a new BG what makes you think this new one will have enough people. Use whats in your head
  2. hey they are at least referring to it as a bug
  3. Yeah but is there really any pvp when all you have been doing for the past, oooh lets say 4 hours been queuing for BG's that last less than 2 minutes. What are these people waiting for? They luck to change? that while they gain massive amounts of lvls and outlevel majority of the people, all of a sudden from no where the will be a bunch of equal high level people on the opposite faction ready to pvp and the BGs wont quick after 2 minutes
  4. As much as you would like to pvp and you queue and queue but notice that something is not right here, you should have enough sense to know that this is not how it was intended to work and therefor you are taking advantage of an exploit and you should stop queueing... YES BW sees this as an exploit (they have confirmed this) so no matter how people try to twist and turn this, at the end it is an explot
  5. If you can see that the system is broken but you continue to use it then it IS a exploit.. sigh... thats what an exploit means.. to abuse a broken system. granted BW caused this to start with but they could have easily prevented it from getting this far out of hand by shutting servers down for lets say 10 minutes and disable all the BG's till they have this sorted out. Instead they kept deleting every thread created about this issue
  6. I had a 11+ Page thread about this named "Server Rollback" but BW made that thread go *poof*
  7. For people saying this is working as intended. there are several MMOs our there who have a mechanic that rewards you according to time spent in the BG when you join a BG that does not have enough players to maintain the BG. Not like this.. You play for 2 minutes and get reward that was intended for a playtime of 20-25 minutes
  8. Do you know the effect this will have on every PVP server.. New people coming to the server after the bug is fixed. They get to around lvl 20 and continuously run into lvl 40+ people running around with purple armor who will do nothing but grief these people. Not to mention on the economy..When end content items pop on the broker costing an arm and a leg.. All of this.. Before the official launch date!
  9. I know this will be flamed, but with the discovery of the PVP BG exploit i seriously think BW need to make a server rollback, if not this game will be ruined in so many ways before it has even reached it's official launch day. Thoughts or ideas anyknow?
  10. These Arrow to the knee posts need to die out.. seriously...
  11. It truly is sad. I see those 2 paragraphs in every other BW you lied to us you fail thread, and what's even more sad is that about 90% of the people replying in those threads fail to see what those 2 paragraphs ACTUALLY mean. Heck English is not my first language and I understood it the first time I read it
  12. No.. No lies.. Only you and about 80% of the rest of this community who simply fail to understand 2 very simple paragraphs..
  13. Stress test was for the official launch day and for prime time during these upcoming days/weeks maybe!
  14. Finally.. Someone who has some reading comprehension! Average IQ on these boards are somewhere around -25
  15. Learn to understand what something you read actually means. The EGA launch is NOT a stress test, therefor they are NOT adding a massive amount of people as they did during the stress test. That's what this post means. Not what you think which is that in the first paragraph he is saying the launch is not a stress test then in the second that it is.
  16. If the dude doesnt know how to run a program in admin mode I doubt he knows what the UAC is!!
  17. right click on your vent icon on your desktop and choose run as administrator.. Problem solved.. To make this a permanent solution. Right click the vent shortcut then go to properties. Click on the Compatibility tab and in the bottom there check the Run this program as an administrator. Now start vent as you usually would.. problem solved
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