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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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DarkLordSnake last won the day on August 10 2023

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    Anywhere, Everywhere.
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    Photography, Online MMO Gaming.
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  1. Hey all, I'm currently looking to obtain end-game achievements such as nightmare operation achievements, so I'm currently looking to join an ops group that runs on either a daily basis, or weekly basis. Currently only DPS, not much experience with nightmare content, willing to learn. Cheers
  2. There is a NPC droid in the cartel Bazaar called P-OA5 that only sells 2 items, - Crested Orokeet - Model FT-6 Pike What purpose is this droid if he only sells 2 items? It’s been this way for as long as I can remember. This droid is labeled as a Cartel Coin Card Concierge, so why do we Not have any of the retired mini pets? I suggest that this droid is to be given a major upgrade to include ALL of the retired mini pets from the cartel coin cards that are no longer produced.
  3. I completely agree with you there. I'm expecting the new season to arrive by the holidays since it is the fifth mark, so a few months break is what we deserve in order to prepare for the next coming one.
  4. The current season of Passage of Peace is about to end in just under a week. Where is the news announcing the next new season? Or any updates even hinting about it?
  5. In regard to the future of the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event for 2024, here's some ideas I'd like to see being implemented to make the experience more enjoyable and more profitable. 1: Emperor Slot Machine Turn in Exchange: Items such as mounts, weapons, armor sets, or even pets, should be eligible for an exchange for additional Emperor tokens, rather than sitting in your legacy bay collecting dust. There're tons of these exact items being dropped from this machine, and for those who do not care to keep said items, should be able to turn them into a vendor for an exchange of Emperor Tokens. 2: Past Rewards being purchasable using Kingpin Tokens: Kingpin tokens have become super easier to obtain using the Emperor's Slot Machine, thus giving them useless meanings other than to purchase items from the NPC vendors. However, these vendors do not update every year as they Should. Past items such as the Nightlife Shades, or mounts and whatnot, should be placed into a new vendor that updates every year to purchase said items. These items would be expensive and should cost both Smuggler and Kingpin tokens to purchase said items. An easier way to gamble off your tokens! 3: Kingpin Armor XP Boost: Create a new XP Buff armor set that grants you additional luck in obtaining new and existing rewards from any of the slot machines. The armor set could either be won through the emperor slot machine or purchased using both smuggler and Kingpin tokens from an NPC vendor. This armor set, much like the current leveling XP armor set, would grant you a "Lucky" buff, similar to the buff you obtain clicking on the smuggler slot machine, and would increase your chance to win different rewards from both the Kingpin and Emperor machine.
  6. This can go for any retired reward or those rewards that were barely obtained in the past. Mostly I’m referring to mini pets from cartel coin card codes, or companion customizations that are no longer available. For someone who is trying to complete a lot of the collection tab, it’s impossible to when some of those items are no longer obtainable, such as the Juvenile rancor mini pets that were only available in the UK, or Fen Zeil’s customizations from season (x) and so on. This NPC could change it’s rewards per week along with the weekly reset on Tuesday’s.
  7. This achievement has been left unfinished and not fixed since the launch of the daily area of Manaan. Any idea when this’ll be fixed?
  8. Bumping this thread up since it's been past August, I'm still in search to see if anyone is currently selling runs for the Wings of Nihrot on the Imperial faction. I understand not many guilds will run this operation considering how very difficult each boss is, but if anyone is, please let me know in the comments. Much appreciated.
  9. So, I've started multiple threads about the next upcoming stronghold I'd like for them to create. Even spammed it on Twitter, kept posting for days, ext. I believe Oricon would be such a beautiful and sinister stronghold for the Sith community. Matter of fact, in the Oricon story, they even ask you in dialog what you'd like done to the Dread Palace. Keep it as a stronghold of power would be the best idea. Just use the same template as the Dread Palace, have each room unlockable for certain number of credits, and still keep the main Dread Council chamber. I even asked Charles if he thought Oricon would become a stronghold in the future during an old livestream, and he said yes. So, here's to hoping for my ultimate dream stronghold on Oricon!
  10. Greetings! I am hosting a Rakghoul Mobile Contagion infection event coming this weekend on the imperial faction of Satele Shan server! If you're able to attend, please be sure to let me know in the comments on this thread! If you're interested, make sure to leave the following: - Name of the character you'll be jumping with. - How many characters / alts you are bringing. - Name of the body you will be helping with farming on. The rest of the information on this event is down below. Hope to see you guys there! Mobile Contagion Hidden Achievement Event Information: -- Date: August 28th Time: Start 6:30 Pm CST - Ending 9:30 Pm CST -- REQUIREMENTS: 1 x Antiviral Kit MK-1, 2, 3 - or plenty of Rakghoul Vaccines. Tatooine Personal Stronghold. (If you do not have enough credits to obtain one, please reach out to the event organizer.) - LOTS OF PATIENCE, this will be a time consuming event, please be sure you have Plenty of time to allow others to gain their personal counts towards the achievement. - Alts on both the Imperial and Republic faction. Bring as many as you need to. Please let the organizer know how many alts you are bringing. -- Pre-Event information: Saturday August 27th: 1: Pre-Infect ALL of your characters you plan on bringing by attacking any infected NPC in the Rakghoul tunnels. 2: Wait 9.5 minutes to get to stage 2 infection of the plague. 3: Travel to your Tatooine stronghold and log out. Make sure you do not die until the day of the event. It is Your responsibility to do this at your own time. -- During the event, when it is YOUR turn to farm, (Aka, Jumper) summon the operation group to your Tatooine stronghold and gather at the ground floor. Everyone will be taking turns on being a Jumper in their own personal Tatooine stronghold. After you die, respawn and Log out as quickly as you can and continue to your next toon. Bodies/ participants will be self cleancing via the vaccine or anti-viral kit to ensure the jumper will receive the infection counts. -- Remember that this is a time consuming event, so please ensure you have plenty of time and patience until the event ends. This is a community event, so farm, infect, and have fun.
  11. Even though the operation literally just came out last Tuesday, I haven't seen a whole lot of guilds advertising for this operation. However, I am interested in seeing if any NiM guilds are offering the Wings of Nihrot for sale. If your guild is, please hit me up. Thanks.
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