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Posts posted by Vetril

  1. Pacify: This is the best thing ever. It is literally THE reason why I will play my sentinel instead of my guardian. It basically stuns people for 5 seconds and they won't even notice; they'll think their keyboard's broken or hacks are going on. Resolve is not a factor. Not only can't they hit a sentinel but they can't hit anybody. I've seen people smash their cats with their keyboards after having been hit with pacify. It's OP. Why no QQ threads about pacify?


    Lol. Here's what happens when a sentinel pacifies me:


    - Force Push

    - Charge

    - Force Scream

    - Choke if I feel like it, or just Enrage

    - Smash

    - Profit



  2. Using some fresh and some canned ingredients, this chili is a snap to throw together and will keep you craving it for days. Chunky zucchini, fresh green onion, sour cream, and - what the heck - shredded Cheddar cheese, are sure to make this your favorite chili recipe. If you like beans in your chili, garbanzos right out of the can are great in this.


    Man! I'm so gonna try this.

  3. *Searching for the best hunting ground* Aww, purfect, Tatooine is the lowest planet available for both factions.


    *Searching for the best tool* Aww, my Jedi Knight in full WH-Gear... Muahaha!


    *Searching for the best asset* Hm, maybe HK-51 is available by then ...


    *Statement: Activating assassination protocol*


    Really, I like the idea of the thread-starter. Screwing the game for F2Pers and EA at the same time without doing anything wrong. I mean, hey, I'm on a PvP Server, you are even get warned that you may get attacked.


    Senden, you are a F*-ING genius!


    You could hang around and send your droid to assassinate them, while calling them meatbags. Sounds fun.

  4. 3 of any class wont kill a guy in 5 seconds or stun them..except powertechs,marauders,assassins,snipers,juggarnauts,sorcs and mercs..

    Yeah nerf operatives!!!!


    You must not be very intelligent. Have you seen the word nerf in this thread before your post? :confused:

  5. edit: their fault for getting caught alone, not a sign of overpowered ops.


    Well, to a point - there was a gunslinger in the pug and he just left at half match. Said he kept getting targeted - which makes sense since his class skirts the combat.


    On a side note, what's wrong with you people? Mucho passive aggressive.

  6. How long would it take for 3 Marauders or 3 Powertechs to kill you?


    Thing is, 3 marauders ain't gonna stunlock you, and you see them coming. With 3 operatives doing this, there's literally close to no chance to get away.

  7. Resolve fills when the second operative opens (knock down).


    are you sure you are playing swotr?


    Doesn't matter. If you have the CC breaker available, you CC break and die running (cause you aint gonna stand against 3, with half health bar, right?).

    If you don't, you die just after you stand up.

  8. No pal. I'm talking about stuff like this:


    *hanging around near the turret*

    *Operative stabs and knocks you down*

    *Operative stabs and knocks you down*

    *Operative stabs and knocks you down*









    You gotta see it, it's brutal. It's like, I dunno, a pack of wolves.

  9. Well, beats me.


    I thought it was an urban legend, like crocodiles in the sewers.


    It comes out, it's actually true. We just got owned by 3 operatives "stunlocking" us to death. Meaning, they pick a target, knock him down with the opener, gang up on him and kill him in give or take 5 seconds. If the poor bastard somehow fights back, he's also gonna eat a stun. Then they move on to the next target.


    All I can say is, duuude XD .

  10. Cover-Gives 20% ranged defense boost,immune to leaps/pulls and interrupts

    Knockbacks-Ambush,knocks target back a small distance,cover pulse-AOE knockback 10 meters and roots targets for a few seconds

    Roots-Leg shot,immobilizes target for 4 second(Not sure on that,could be less),Aoe KB root

    High damaging AOE abilities with no minimum distance required that persist through death

    20 second cc immunity.

    AOE shield that reduces damage taken by your team.

    AOE CC


    Compare this to other caster classes like the Sage telekinetics and Mercenary Arsenal trees.

    The sage and Merc can get interrupted,they can get leapt to,their AoEs aren't as strong as sniper,they have no roots((I may be wrong)) and they dont hit near as hard as sniper.They have no immunity to cc,the sage has no defensive cooldowns and mercs have no escapes.Both Merc and Sage have single target CCs that require a 2 second cast time.Just seems to me if you compare the casters,sniper is by far the best wiith its uninterruptability and being unleapable..


    You missed Shock Charge, 18 seconds of -30% speed on you, poor sith trying to catch up with me :D

  11. I am never pro-nerfs or flavour of the month classes,( is still spend half my time on a dps commando ) :(


    But i think its pretty clear that VG's and PT's will get a nerf soon.


    The question is, which class do you guys think will be the next OP- FOTM?


    Like snipers, like marauders. :rolleyes:

  12. Sounds like cheats to me.


    I don't get why people get so bent out of shape if you suggest someone's actually using cheats or hacks. It's not like TOR is a cheat free game.


    The best is the guy from the mentioned guild (I assume) waltzing in and acting all passive aggressive.


    What other classes have you played? So explain to me when a class like mine has no mobility very little cc and is also a one trick pony what exactally can you do? Oh thats right we are gonig to go back to you need a guard and a dps to come back and kill the one focus rage specked dbag on you.


    I gotta smash you once to kill you, and you don't know when I'm going to try. How many smashes can you avoid?

  13. Once you realize that the side turrets in Alderaan have only 1 or 2 defenders because your team is pushing on the middle turret, things will make much more sense. Opponents are not morons. If you shift to the side, they'll reorganize.


    And if you can't figure out at least three reasons why in Huttball attacking someone that isn't carrying a ball could be advantageous, you shouldn't have opened this thread at all.

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