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Posts posted by TheSnipe

  1. Superior Merciless Combat Headgear at 10000 a pop. With Augment slot, 12500. Sells within the 24hr time limit I set for it.


    get the purple mats required from my other alt(s) with UT makes it affordable and less time consuming for that 1 character.


    I suppose I could sell it for more considering I'm the main supplier of cunning headgear on my server, but meh.


    [EDIT] the credit cost of the mats is ~2000 for the missions needed to be run, plus or minus however many missions it takes to get the req amount.


    This headgear is pretty much the only "stylish" piece for Armormech, since it really is only a mic sticking out. The rest are frickin ugly.

  2. Thanks for the link. It seems as if they've basically said "Well we think the Legacy system might help with that a bit, but other than that, that's just the way it is."


    Frankly that's kinda disappointing. Just because it happens on other games doesn't make it right.

    It's not that it just happens on other games, it's just that the Empire has more "appeal" than republic.


    No one ever gets to play the bad guy ;)

  3. You have Hunker Down, Leg Shot, A knock back(Can't remember off the top of my head), A flash Grenade. oh no we don't have any way of defense.


    Along with an armor reducer, 4 channeled/quick shots(Charged Burst with crit bonus ability, Aimed Shot, Quick(?)shot, Trick shot) designed for max burst damage to a single target. We have a DoT and Explosive charge, Thermal Grenade, and by the time you unleash all these abilities, pop quick draw to finish him off. and just pop cool head then and get ready for the next guy.


    No, we can't kill people.


    Yet from what your post is saying is that you're fairly high leveled already. So you know all this so I shouldn't have to explain it.


    Yet why is it that I'm constantly in the 200-250k bracket of damage and 40-55 kills range, just smearing people on the walls with a level 28 under-armored ******, even though we can't do anything but damage?


    Learn Class Roles. Area Denial. 2 GS's together about 10m apart are damn sure tough to fight through without more than 3 peeps.

  4. Fps increase sure, though I only need to lower them slightly on planets like Republic Balmorra or Belsavis. studdering decrese? hell no...my game still gets the choppiness at random times even on the lowest settings.


    Client/server issues causes the most of the choppiness issues in this game.

  5. my 8800GTS still works great my friend, just saying :D


    4GB of Ram and I can play Skyrim on all highs at 60fps. Also, when I only had 2 gigs RAM not to long ago I could run SWTOR on all highs, just the RAM made crowded and late-game planets jittery at times.

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