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Posts posted by XajaSilversheen

  1. My Green Jedi characters want (nay, *beg* for) a Corellian stronghold. Coronet City might be a perpetual warzone, but Corellia's a big planet -- surely there's other regions that would be suitable for a stronghold!

    Failing that, I'd be delighted with Dantooine, or Onderon (I love the villa-type idea that @ironkevin suggested!). Or maybe civilian-type housing on Odessen outside of the base, if we're going to keep using that planet for our HQ?

    I think I'm in the minority, but I don't personally care about a stronghold set on Zakuul. The aesthetic for Zakuul is cool, but it's no longer a galactic powerhouse in current story, or even really relevant to the story.

  2. I really wanted to be excited for this. But after a few minutes and a couple of Onderon Dailies on the PTS later, I'm not feeling so stoked for this right now. My first impression was (after getting my shiny new Guardian geared up) that myself and my companion are both very, very squishy, and got our asses handed to us by lowbie Imp mobs that any of my characters on the live servers can blitz through with no problem. I'm testing Focus right now, and so far, not terribly enthused.


    Does this feel like a Jedi Guardian? Please explain why or why not.


    My first impressions are that this is an imposter Guardian who's trying their best, and does have some of the abilities I'm used to. But there are a lot of holes in my quickbar and it's throwing my groove off. Not being able to access the abilities panel, or any of the default Jedi Knight abilities, is really inconvenient. That being said, I'm sure that's just a PTS glitch and will be sorted out before this goes live. I saw a post from someone earlier in this thread about having to talk to the trainer droid twice to get all of (or at least most of) the abilities, but it is frustrating to have to do so. And I would never have known to do that, based off the information in the game itself.


    Is there anything that feels missing or out of place in the combat rotation?


    Where do I begin. Interrupts, escapes, emergency heals/Enure button, lightsaber throws...


    What are your initial thoughts with the effectiveness of the Jedi Guardian against enemies?


    Considering I got wiped twice by low-power mobs that normally shouldn't have done any significant damage, and with a healer companion? (Side note, I'm apparently aggro'ing mobs from much further away than normal. Either the Empire's actually sending good troops to Onderon or I'm being tragically shafted by this new setup.)


    How are you enjoying or not enjoying this class?


    I main a Knight (Sentinel, but close enough), and I'd probably be enjoying this more if I had all the abilities that I'm used to using. (I mean, the fact that I have exactly none of my Legacy abilities either is driving me a little mental.)


    If you have feedback on the different disciplines and ability paths, please note your feedback accordingly so we can track it.


    I've only attempted Focus B, so I can't compare to any of the other disciplines or set-ups. But thus far... going back to what I said about this feeling like an imposter Guardian. It's trying its best, and there's similarities to what I'm used to. But the holes in my rotation are really hampering me and making this not half as enjoyable of an experience as I'm used to playing.


    (also, I'm not a fan of how conquest points seem to have been nerfed even worse than my quickbars. Love, someone who uses a lot of those now-low-yield objectives to get her alts to CQ and benefit her small guild. Please don't nerf those on live!)

    (also also, I'm not sure if this is intentional, but I'm literally 1 XP point away from Level 76 and it won't let me level up, or grant me a Renown rank. I'm not sure if this is planned for this stage of the PTS?)

  3. Echoes of Oblivion

    Players who didn’t romance Theron Shan receive the Echoes of Oblivion Mission mail intended for players who are in a romance with him.


    Can confirm that this player who DID romance Theron got zero mail from him. Double the mail from


    , but nothing from the favourite idiot spy hubby.


    Good thing I got tomorrow off from work for the inevitable quick-fix patch! ;)

  4. So I've been playing with the new disguise terminals and getting the biggest laughs out of turning my teeney-tiny BT1 midget Jedi into a Hutt (and traumatizing Theron... poor guy). I have only two suggestions to make for this, because this is AWESOME...


    1- While I love the auto-included emotes for the Twi'leks and Hutt, having the ability to do our own emotes while in the disguises would be fantastic. I need to hug people while I'm in Hutt form!


    2- I would pay all the real adult monies for the next disguise terminal to be a Jawa. For reasons that may or may not involve matching the new flair (which I'm also getting a kick out of). Pretty pretty please, Oh Most Lovely Devs? :D


    (Love, from someone whose guild actually calls her "Xajawa")

  5. After running around the Rishi stronghold, I LOVE THIS. I've wanted a SH here ever since Shadow of Revan, and this perfectly captures that essence of Raider's Cove. The hook layouts are really really good (MUCH better than Umbara and Manaan!), and OMG STEAMPUNK AIRSHIP. And a huge thanks for putting the quick-travel speeders on the airship skydeck as well! I love this... even if I did find out that the docks are not, in fact, safe to jump off of. Whoops. I think that's the first time I've died from a ten-foot drop...


    Also, I've joined the "We Love Speedy" fanclub.


    Couple of things, though. When I was running around, I was seeing a lot of little dust devils spawning and de-spawning randomly around the hideout and the beach area. Is that an intentional part of the SH?


    The constant sound of flies buzzing around me, while it might fit the environment, is going to drive me mad. :p


    While I know that the PVP was a huge part of this SH, I'm not really looking forward to getting booted off my mount/losing my companion every time I enter a PVP zone. Is there a way to get around this, maybe? Like the SH owner having an option to turn PVP on/off in their SH (kinda like the public access, maybe?), or mounts/companions only getting booted if the zone is active for a match?


    This SH looks AMAZING, and I can't wait for it to go live! You did a FANTASTIC job with this, Oh Lovely Dev Team! You deserve all the cookies. :D

  6. The guild <Republic Axiom> and its counterpart, <Imperial Axiom> are both for sale! Both have strongholds and guild flagships. Republic Axiom's SH is fully unlocked and decorated, Imperial Axiom's is partway there. Both ships are partially decorated, but without unlocks.


    Asking 500 million credits for one, or 800 million for both. Serious negotiations can be considered.


    PM me here, or whisper Xàjà or Zay'ne (Republic) or Sorand or Cuyàn (Imperial) in-game!

  7. The Order of Zildrog makes sense. That uniform the guy was wearing at the end looked very familiar.


    Ooooh. I didn't even think about that possibility. I first went with Scions based off the robes, but now that you mention it... They've got the resources AND the motivations to kill the Commander/bring about what they consider to be the apocalypse.


    I accept this as canon until I'm proven otherwise. :D

  8. I like Lana well enough (I'm a cosplayer and am partway through building her KOTFE gear. By the way, her hair is a ***** to try and replicate on someone who's got naturally dark brown hair. Ergh, trying to wig match from different graphics options...), but she's never been my favourite. I was looking for Theron from the minute my main woke up from carbonite until she saw him on Odessen, and I'm mad as hell that he A- never got as much of a prominent role as an NPC companion except for the infiltration of Vaylin's palace and B- the one time he does THIS HAPPENS.


    I'm so mad that I have to influence-level-up Lana and Arcann now.






    But all isn't lost! First up...


    He's still on Odessen in the command centre! In the sexy as hell outfit I gave him! Weirdly enough, T7-01 isn't there though. 0.o



    Second, for those of you who put him as a deco in your strongholds... he's still there.


    And NAKED. :D


  9. MC: So you lied to me.

    Theron: That depends on how you define lying.

    MC: Well, I define it as not telling the truth.

    MC: How do you define it?


    Theron: Reclining your body in a horizontal position?


    MC: Get the hell out of here.

    Theron: Absolutely.


    Just a little amusement to balm the heartbreak.


    BAHAHAHAHA! I can totally see this going down with Theron and my Sorc alt. XD


    I agree, this entire thing smells of double/triple agent spy business. And once my poor Knight recovers from her whole "OMG WHY I LOVED YOU ;-; " and has time to actually sit down and process things, she'll probably recognize that everything he's doing, he's trying to protect her and the Alliance (shooting out the window, switching to a stun blaster, leaving most of the crystals, "I'd do ANYTHING to protect you", etc). While the whole mind-control thing would be a hell of a fun story to play through, I don't read any of that in this chapter. Theron knows what he's doing.


    And he's going to get at least one slap in the face (think Vanessa and Wade at the end of Deadpool) when my Knight meets him again, along the lines of "WHAT THE **** WERE YOU THINKING THIS WAS NOT A GOOD IDEA YOU SIS NINCOMPOOP". XD (And no matter that my Operative, her dad, is going to figure it out in like thirty seconds and my gunslinger's totally in on it in fanfic-verse-lore, they're both still going to punch him out. >.>)


    My fanfiction muse is singing into my ear after getting CURB STOMPED IN THE FEELS BY BIOWARE THIS MORNING, so that's something at least.


    And after I finally made him sexy as hell in a new non-shoulder-pad-adorned jacket, too. LIFE IS NOT FAIR.


  11. OMG YES. My headcanon is that my Knight has long, straight, usually unbound hair, but there's no style that properly gets that across, so she usually winds up with the ponytail and long bangs look. I've tried the one long-hair style on her, but that style mucks about with red hair and makes it dark pink which is NOT her. Also, the waves/curls in that look are not her style. I just want something that more closely resembles Tauriel, dammit!


    And then there's trying to find a style for my Imperius which I can never do. The closest thing that I don't hate is the emo-hair look for him, but that's the emo hair look, when really he should look closer to Kanan Jarrus (Rebels season 1 look). If they could give us Slave/Hutt-Killer Leia's hairstyle, they can give us Kanan's look, dammit. Or even Anakin Skywalker's look. I could make do with Anakin's style.





    (also I want a clothing outfit inspired by Jyn Erso or TLJ-Rey! My inner cosplayer demands this! *flail*)

  12. Yeah, I started with a KOTFE Theron/F-Knight pairing, then brought in my Agent (her dad) and Smuggler and Imperius (her brothers), and kinda stalled out with the original story after Visions in the Dark. Right now I'm working on a bunch of one-shots or two-shots set during KOTFE/KOTET and a precursor story set during SOR. It's interesting taking my mostly-LS Knight with a firecracker temper and putting her through the story outside of the proper in-game dialogue choices, especially in conjunction with my Agent (Republic double-agent who will shoot you if you get in his way... or you make his baby girl cry.

    If the leak is correct, my Agent's probably going to skin Theron alive in fanfic for making my poor Knight panic, even if it is for legitimate triple-agent infiltration reasons.

    ), my Force-sensitive Smuggler (who wound up being one of Theron's personal agents during Chapter Two of KOTFE and still treats Theron like a mentor spy-wise when he's not cracking wise), and Imperius (who, despite everything, treats Theron like an older brother). If anyone gets bored and wants to read them... https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1802031/Keldae


    But yes.

    If the leak is correct and Theron does fall victim to bad writing and goes all Bond-villain, my poor Knight's probably going to swear off of men/ladies/romance in general entirely and never fall into another relationship like that again. (She did romance Doc because he was the only option at the time, but let's be real, he wasn't going to sit around and wait for five years.) Even if it is a secret triple-agent thing and he comes back and professes his undying love for her, her trust's going to be so shattered that it'll take forever to build back up, if it ever does. It'll be even worse if Lana's been in on it the whole time.



    I will say, even though my inner fangirl is still screaming denial, my fanfic muse is cackling manically...

  13. Can we just, y'know, retcon KOTFE/KOTET/Iokath/ensuing osik-show and just go back to Shadow of Revan forever? Because those Theron interactions. <3


    (But with new-Lana's hair and wardrobe. >.>)


    (Although I did love the way the Theron-Lana dynamics played out more over KOTET in particular, with Dromund Kaas and Iokath. That bickering does good things for my soul. ^^)

  14. Yeah, it was a dick move of Satele to do that. As for not acknowledging him on Yavin as her son, I always kinda interpreted it as trying to protect both him and herself from an unknown Sith threat- what would Marr have done if he'd had confirmation from the Grand Master herself that yo, she'd had a kid and that kid was standing in the room right now and was one of the Republic's spies? I can see Satele mentally treating that as something that would cause undue risk to both herself and Theron. Not the BEST way she could have gone about it (and we all know Marr eventually finds out anyway), but maybe I've just been doing Jedi RP for so long that I'm kinda permanently in the mindset of trying to understand Satele's actions. >.>


    As I say with my main lady-Knight (and my lady Consular and male Smuggler) who've all three had the pants wooed off them by Theron. :p


    (I don't quite get the appeal between Theron and any Sith, but that might be because my LS eventually-defects-to-the-Republic Imperius is an ace/demisexual dude who, in RP/fanfic lore, is married to a Mando lady, and my Warrior is a psychotic DS-aligned hardcore douchecanoe who'd happily skin any Republic ally alive if he got the chance to do so and probably still secretly supports Vitiate/Valkorion/Voldemort/whatsisnamenow for Supreme Emperor and Overlord Of All, so...)


    While I do believe that if they go through with this and it's not a red herring, they will bring him back with a redemption arc (they gave us Arcann, didn't they?)...


    Every other character you have the option of killing never shows up again in the story, even if you spare them. Which means that, no matter who you saved, you don't have Koth/Senya/Arcann/Torian/Vette/Kaliyo/Jorgan/etc in the cutscenes or main story anymore, and no, letters don't count. My fear is that even if Theron gets a redemption arc/"Hey so remember how I'm a spy and Lana brought me on to DO MY JOB?... well I did bad things to protect you because I love you and my writers are nincompoops who really could learn good lessons about stories from the fanfiction writers...", we're never going to get him in main cutscenes/stories/whatevers. Unless they repeat the Quinncident and effectively ensure that EVERYONE'S going to be stuck with him, even the ones who just don't like him, Theron's effectively going to be out of the main story forever now. While I don't hate Lana, she's not my preference.




  16. I'm primarily a roleplayer, and my core legacy characters (all the main eight, plus repeats for agent/smuggler/inquisitor/consular) are toons I've rolled for story purposes. They do all tie into one another in a seriously convoluted web that I'm not even going to TRY and explain here, because they're all related (or in the case of my consular/smuggler repeats, cross-faction equivalents...) and this family group is even more dysfunctional than the Shans or Skywalkers. XD My other alts were random rolls that I came up with for the species unlocks, primarily done during the huge DvL event last summer, and most of those I deleted when they hit the 50 mark so I could re-roll another toon. Although I did wind up keeping my Twi'lek as she's SUCH a fun character to RP without being tied in to the rest of my legacy. I'm sure I'll eventually find a story-based tie-in for her, and I'll probably eventually fall in love with another alien-species character enough to keep them around for long-term story purposes.


    But yeah. tl;dr- most of my alts are roleplay and some were just species unlocks. I've only finished KOTET and Iokath on one character out of the 18 slots I have open. >.>

  17. Hey everyone,


    Last week, I gave you a few of the highlights for the next game update coming in June (5.2.2); here’s another one – You’ll now be able to customize Theron’s outfit!






    I feel like this is relevant. >.> Not A Morning Person (I got bored. Bite me.)


    Also, thanks for the updates, Keith, and being straight up-front and honest with us! We appreciate the breath of fresh air that you are in the dev team. :)

  18. I've been waiting for that moment ever since meeting her on Taris waaaaay back in Act 1. I may or may not have gleefully cackled while screeching to a guildmate about the chapter plot and "THAT MOTHERF***ING SCHUTTA" over whispers.


    Best. Chapter. Ever. This was almost better than finally getting back together with Theron. :D


    (Almost. >.>)

  19. I believe the word you're looking for is "Mantourage". Y'know, all-male entourage? ;)


    but I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who picked up on "zomg Arcann has a crush on my JK!" after that message he sent. My inner fanfiction writer is scheming for some sort of hilarious fluffy courting war between Arcann and Theron now for my JK's affections (Doc is, obviously, a thing of the far distant past. Jerk didn't even show up to the coronation!).

  20. I'm actually getting "login service unavailable"


    I was getting that after a few of the oh-so-helpful "fixes" found in here. Managed to get around that with a system restore, which is a time-consuming pain in the shebs, but as I don't have my brother's IT tech degree that was the only solution I could think of that wouldn't blow up my computer or something.





    in other news, apparently we're successfully done with patching! *dives*

  21. At this stage, I've lost count of how many times I`ve tried to run FixLauncher, delete my patch folder, or literally ANY OTHER fix suggested in this damned thread (including the favoured "turning it off and on again" and even a System Restore or two). I'm gonna go play Age of Empires or something (y'know, a game that ISN'T going to screw me over) and try to figure out *** it is that I'm paying $15 a month for.


    *flips a table, drop-kicks an ewok, and stomps off to go wreck things Vaylin-style*

  22. Update: relogging did not help. Ctrl + U, on the other hand, did restore my UI after a few seconds and got me able to function and start the chapter.


    The chapter seems to start without the UI glitch if you travel to Odessen and enter the war room manually instead of teleporting with the "press play to launch" teleport.

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