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Posts posted by Fezzie

  1. I keep telling myself that my next boyfriend is going to be a gamer! Alas, I keep finding the "needy" ones that do not game! :(


    Getting involved in WoW really helped me pass the time after I kicked my husband out of the house in 2006. I developed a lot of friendships that have carried over to SWTOR.


    Real life always comes first, but I do love my hobby of gaming! Now if i can find a tall, dark, handsome tank for me to heal, I'm set!! :p

  2. I usually have Lt. Iresso out for tanking. If I'm running dailies with guildies, then I try to keep Zenith out. He's pretty cranky, but puts out decent dps.


    I haven't played much with Nadia yet even though she has all my cast off gear. When I was using her earlier, she was pretty squishy and I got tired of keeping her *** alive.

  3. I was under the impression alacrity was similar to haste in WoW. As I have built up this stat, I have noticed my casting time decreasing. :D


    I would double check the relic and making sure it's working properly. Try dueling a friend so you can really test if it is working properly.

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